Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Persuasive Speech Outline - 733 Words
Speech 2 Outline – Lacy Thompson Topic: why you should exercise Audience Analysis: since most of my audiences are students with a job, I will focus on how exercise can boost your energy, and mental health to get more accomplished in school. General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to exercise. Thesis: It’s hard being a student and working at the same time, and find energy for both. I will show you why starting an exercise program can boost your energy and your mental health. INTRODUCTION I. Do you find yourself not having as much energy during the week as you used to when you were in high school? (Gain Attention) a. Do you find that you get irritable more often? II. I am a current†¦show more content†¦(Pathos) B. Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? According to a 2006 research paper published by University of Texas at Austin, a workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help.(Logos) Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. III. Exercise boosts Energy A. Winded by grocery shopping or household chores? Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. B. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. a. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go about your daily chores. CONCLUSION I. The bottom line is why not start today? (Cue) II. We should all get more exercise (reiterate topic and purpose) a. Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have more energy (summarize main points) b. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. III. So are you ready to begin an exercise progam? (challenge the audience) IV. You can take up a dance class with your spouse, or take your family hiking on the weekend, or try a new sport likeShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : Persuasive Outline2149 Words  | 9 PagesDyadic Persuasive Comprehensive Outline General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience how to be more successful as a college student. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: How many of you have said that there are too many options? Whether you are talking about choosing a college, class selection once you get to college, or even something as simple as choosing what to eat for dinner tonight. 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College is an integral time period for many people – college is a time for freedom, receiving an education, and learning what it means to survive on little to no food for long periods of time. Or at least that’s what it’s been like for me. Food is arguably one of the most important things to a collegeRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1232 Words  | 5 PagesI. Attention A. Attention Grabber: In this moment in time, the United States has only 5 percent of the world s population, but holds 25 percent of the world s prisoners, this is costing the country approximately $80 billion dollars per year. B. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Undisputed Truth About Personal Narrative Essay Topics High School That the Experts Dont Want You to Know
The Undisputed Truth About Personal Narrative Essay Topics High School That the Experts Don't Want You to Know Personal Narrative Essay Topics High School and Personal Narrative Essay Topics High School - The Perfect Combination To distinguish between the types of essays is only a matter of identifying the author's objective. There are several kinds of essays, and following is a brief explanation of some of them. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. Fortunately, Kibin has some great ideas for writing concluding paragraphs for personal narrative essays that you're able to have a look at if you're stumped. If you haven't written any narration essays before, you ought to read works of different students to comprehend how to develop a structure, the way to use your private narrative ideas, and what topics you'll be able to utilize. Employ a specialist in any field you will need to compose your outstanding essay our writers offer the ideal essay writing service since they have degrees in all disciplines. Locate an instance of a very good topic of narrative essays of different students. There's no need to discover extraordinary stories to compose a narrative essay that's interesting to read. Your life story may also be regarded as a wonderful topic in writing your private essay. With a profound sample, you'll be more mindful of what topic is more inclined to connect with your readers and what is going to miss the target. Therefore, should you need help with an essay no issue! Characteristics of Personal Narrative Essay Topics High School Think about a time once you taught somebody to do something beyond school. You decide to find out whether the door is locked. Imagine you had a time machine which you could take just to the past. On your way to school one morning you find a big truck speeding down the street. If so you've got the ideal starters to talk out feelings. Select carefully the situations you wish to convey with your audience. Deciding upon the correct topic may be a true problem, but we are here in order to get you inspired. Lies You've Been Told About Personal Narrative Essay Topics High School Let our team know the kind of paper you require, the variety of pages required, and when you require it by. Identify the experience that you would like to write about. There are several things worth sharing. To begin with, inform friends and family about such a handy program. Needless to say, the family isn't the only alternative. Writing stories about the key relationships in their lives can be an additional fantastic way for students to create ideas. Describe some tasks which you have accomplished over the last two years with no connection to academic studies. You may write about the relationship with your loved ones, for example. Consider what might happen as an outcome. While you may be tempted to use the very first thing that comes to your mind, the outcomes aren't pleasing in any way. Your selection for the structure always is dependent on the story you're likely to tell. Some students utilize the very first idea which arrives in their head and work on it, but the outcome isn't profitable. Within the body section, you have to give supporting arguments for every single point which you make. Such approach always pays off because it offers you an exceptional insight into the practice of essay writing that is directed at achieving excellent outcomes. If your aim is to capture the eye of your readers, try to find a personal narrative topic that has not ever been discussed before and write it in an understandable way. With the aid of your outline, explain each portion of your narrative. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. It is critical to underline that a title is particularly important and even an important element of any academic work. Regardless of what piece of writing you are assigned at your institution, the comprehensive paper has to be interesting to read. High school essay writing is a typical classroom activity and is also part of several normal examinations. Stories about traveling have an outstanding potential. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Students, utilize the work chart below to lead you in your own personal narrative writing. Even though it may be intimidating to find the aid of your instructor in selecting a topic, he or she's always inclined to help you in excelling in your academics. Based on the time of your students, their experiences could be limited. School years include distinct challenges intended to develop the personality of a kid. Because writing a personal narrative does not demand any research or distinctive preparation, it is a great writing assignment to begin the year with, and it can provide you a sense for how your teacher thinks and grades.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Marketing and Management Animal Adoptions
Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Management Animal Adoptions. Answer: Introduction The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is a charitable body promoting animal welfare in Wales and England. The body has over 1000 employees that help improving the lives of Australian animals. The money is generated from fundraising activities and donations, grants, business partnerships and RSPCA patrons. The body believes that the animals must be treated with humanity, care, consideration, sympathy, compassion and tenderness ( 2016). The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international charitable organization that aims to stop the planets natural environment. Not only animals, but it also focuses on endangered species, oceans, forests and addresses climate change. This report aims at critically analysing the marketing mix for both the charitable bodies. The concepts of cause-related marketing are applied as both the bodies involve non-profit business and for-profit business (Siebert 2013). The promotional and funding strategy is relate d to charity or public cause ( 2016). Based on the marketing mix analyses, the target market for campaigns of both the bodies is identified. A justification for the same is given for the fit in the target market. This report aims at addressing the social causes based on which the businesses join campaigning for mutual benefit. Marketing Mix Analysis The marketing mix is a tool that is made of four interdependent variables. The four components of 4Ps- product, price, place and promotion helps in determining an effective and clear strategy that sets the elements in the right focus (Siebert 2013). Product A product is something that satisfies a desire, want or demand. It may be a physical item, service or virtual offering. According to Kotler, there are three layers of product. Core product is the first level which defines the main or core product offerings to its customers. The second layer is actual product that has additional benefits and highlights USP. The third layer is augmented product which offers further benefits to the customers for loyal purchasing (Siebert 2013). The core product offering of RSPCA are the animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, rats, guinea pigs and various other small animals ( 2016). Other additional benefits or highlights of the actual product are that RSPCA are shelters where the animals can begin their new life ( 2016). The animals are rescued, rehabilitated and re-homed through the provision of such services. Not only adopting animals, but RSPCA also offers medical care and attention to the injured pets or wildlife. The local RSPCA helps in minimising exposure to injured animals as another service offering. Further, as augmented product, RSPCA offers a wide knowledgebase for different categories of animals. This knowledgebase comprises of literature regarding animal husbandry, farm management, circuses and performing animals, export and transport of livestock ( 2016). Not only literature, but another offering is pet insurance. These are annual routine expenses such as teeth cleani ng, tick control, vaccinations, worm control and other diseases towards which the pets are prone. The RSPCA pet insurance helps in assisting with the best veterinary treatment that every pet deserves ( 2016). The core product offering of WWF is to conserve the biological diversity and ensure sustainable use of natural resources. In comparison with RSPCA, WWF offers adoption of wild animals such as snow leopard, polar bear, penguin, tiger, orang-utan, panda, elephant, turtle and other endangered species ( 2016). These are the actual product offerings of WWF. Other augmented product offerings are wildcards in which the people can send an eGift ( 2016). WWF Wildcard gives the people an opportunity to celebrate the love for animals and make the friends and family feel extra special ( 2016). Another augmented product offering by WWF is that there are several adoption packages in which a pack with fact-book, adoption certificate, sticker, Living Planet magazine, bag and an animal toy is offered. The gift can be sent directly to the recipient that can help in generating awareness ( 2016). Price Pricing is another important element of marketing mix as it generates turnover. However, in case of charitable organizations, the pricing strategy is different from for-profit organizations. There are several initial and ongoing costs involved while adopting pet (Siebert 2013). All the shelters, pounds and rescues charge adoption fees. The initial cost depends on rescue cost, species, breed and ages of the animals. In case of RSPCA, no fee is charged for senior dog and cat who are aged more than ten years. Two kinds of packages are offered for single or adoption in pairs ( 2016). Greater the age of pet, lesser is the price of adoption. There are fixed adoption prices for dogs, cats, guinea pigs, ferret, rat, poultry animals such as duck and chicken irrespective of their age or species. It is observed that the poultry animals such as chicken or duck cost the same, $20 whether they are adopted as single or in pair ( 2016). However, it is further observed that the ponies and horses, goat and sheep have a range of price that again depends on their breed, species and age. The pony and horse range between $150- $500 while the livestock are at a price of $45-$60 ( 2016). The adoption fee at RSPCA also includes a bag of premium p et food excluding the senior animals. Other one-time cost involves de-sexing and micro-chipping of animals. Further, the ongoing costs involve vaccinations, vet-check, dental care cost and x-rays ( 2016). Other ongoing costs are sending to obedience school or training, grooming issues and medical care. In case of WWF, majority of the animals are wild and the people can make donations for them based on their rescue needs. The future of the species can be safeguarded by asking for donations. There are several price packages which can be used by the people for making donations starting at $15 on a monthly basis ( 2016). The pricing is made at the multiples of 5 up till $30 and any amount higher than that can be simply entered by the donor ( 2016). Apart from these, there are different donation packages amounting for $25, $55, $75, $100, $250 and higher than $250 ( 2016). All these amounts are valid for different species of animals so that a plush toy can be gifted accordingly ( 2016). Place The third element of the marketing mix, place involves a destination where products or services are sold. This movement may involve intermediaries or distributors. Recently, internet has become a hot destination for increasing sales as correct placement is necessary to reach the targeted audience (Siebert 2013). In case of RSPCA, an adoption process is followed. The services are available for adoption both at the RSPCA centre, telephone, website and email. The process further involves the owners background, details, and photos of backyard that shall provide the adoption centre with a glance of lifestyle. An application form can be filled and a 24-hour period is provided to the owner for thinking through about the decision made. The online shop is available for cat treats pet insurance, dog toys and pet friendly holidays. The products available on the internet also consist of gifts, clothing and other trusted animal products ( 2016). Similarly, in the case of WWF, the office has various staff members who answer the concerns and queries of the people. Not only in the physical office, but the queries can also be answered on the internet. The donations can be made both physically in the office and virtually on the internet. The goodies can be sent home through home delivery options. Therefore, it is easier to make purchases from the charitable organization ( 2016). Promotion Promotion involves activities for communicating with customers regarding product features and benefits that also help in generating awareness, increasing sales and fostering brand loyalty. It helps in stimulating demand and providing information regarding the products and services (Siebert 2013). In case of RSPCA, it is observed that emotional techniques are used by putting friendly picture of animals and how the donation can help change their lives. Regarding the campaign of caged hens, the promotional campaign assures the consumers that their voice counts and people must spare a moment in raising voice against battery cages. Several volunteering stories are also shared on the website that help in gaining a personal touch with the potential volunteers ( 2016). Further, WWF lays emphasis on Christmas and appeals the website visitors to help conserve the dogs. The gifts are also based on Christmas theme as the festival is around the corner. Several appeal for whales and Solomon trees are also made so that the people make donations to conserve wildlife. Another strategy used by WWF is sending greeting cards to relatives and friends the eGift card ( 2016). It is a unique gift that shall help in conserving giant pandas, double the tiger numbers, protect orang-utan, and other marine species. Fundraising event can be organized where the people can join an event or create one of their own. These opportunities are unique that shall help in stimulating donation frequencies and amounts ( 2016). Analysis of Target Audience RSPCA mainly targets children, teenagers, pensioners and families who would like to adopt pets for giving them a better lifestyle. RSPCA mainly offer smaller animals that highly attracts the children as they find them cute, look towards them as a friend and share love and loyalty in the family. The cause-related campaigns used by RSPCA are through persuasive techniques such as sympathy, emotional language and emotional techniques. The images used on their website emotionally persuade the children to request their parents for adopting a small pet ( 2016). There are several campaigns conducted by RSPCA such as End the Battery Cage ending the battery cage as it is harmful for the animals and causes suffering. This campaign focuses on the issue where layer hens are caged and there needs to be action taken against it. Australia is falling behind as other countries have particular animal welfare laws to phase out the battery cage ( 2016). The main target audience of this campaign are the egg consumers and the places that sell eggs. The supermarkets are encouraged to sell cage free eggs based on layer hen welfare. The consumers are now shifting towards a sustainable strategy of purchasing cage-free eggs ( 2016). WWF launches a campaign No Australian Wants to Say Goodbye for highlighting the damage done to the Great Barrier Reef by fossil fuel extraction and mining. The main target for the campaign is the Australian government as it plays a crucial role in protecting the reef. The mining groups and extraction groups are another target audience for this campaign as they are damaging the reef for extracting fossil fuel. These activities are increasing global warming which would increase the risk and diseases across the world ( 2016). Conclusion The above report focuses on the different strategies and marketing mix analyses that have been adopted by two charitable organizations that work for animal welfare. Both RSPCA and WWF apply funding strategy related to charity or public cause. Not only literature, but another offering is pet insurance. WWF Wildcard gives the people an opportunity to celebrate the love for animals and make the friends and family feel extra special. Other ongoing costs are sending to obedience school or training, grooming issues and medical care. The services are available for adoption both at the RSPCA centre, telephone, website and email. Therefore, it is easier to make purchases from the charitable organization. Several volunteering stories are also shared on the website that help in gaining a personal touch with the potential volunteers. The cause-related campaigns used by RSPCA are through persuasive techniques such as sympathy, emotional language and emotional techniques. There are several campaig ns conducted by RSPCA such as End the Battery Cage ending the battery cage as it is harmful for the animals and causes suffering. WWF launches a campaign No Australian Wants to Say Goodbye for highlighting the damage done to the Great Barrier Reef by fossil fuel extraction and mining. References, 2016.Community giving - WWF-Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.Donate to WWF-Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.WWF - Adopt an endangered animal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.WWF Wildcards!. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.WWF Gift Center - Animal Adoptions, Apparel, and More from WWF. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.RSPCA Australia knowledgebase. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.WWF launches TVC campaign to save the Great Barrier Reef - Mumbrella. [online] Mumbrella. Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.Adopt A Pet. [online] RSPCA Australia. Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.End the Battery Cage. [online] RSPCA Australia. Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.Injured Animals. [online] RSPCA Australia. Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.Pet insurance. [online] RSPCA Australia. Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]., 2016.Adoption fees. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Siebert, S., 2013.Cause Related Marketing. A substitute for direct donations?. 1st ed. Munich: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The History of Captain America Essay Example For Students
The History of Captain America Essay With Captain America’s recent revival in movies such as Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Avengers, the character has become very popular. But still, many fans of the modern incarnation of this superhero do not know anything of his origins. Captain America has appeared in over 7,000 comic books. He was the creation of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby and first appeared in Timely Comics, later to become the comic book king: Marvel Comics. Simon and Kirby were very against Nazi Germany, as were almost all Americans, so they needed a hero that would embody the â€Å"American intervention,†when the USA joined World War II in 1940. So Captain America’s premiere issue was released in December of 1940 with him on the cover, punching Hitler right in the face. Captain America’s story starts with a young fine arts student named Steve Rogers growing up during the Great Depression. His father died as an alcoholic while Steve was still young, and his mother died from pneumonia after he graduated high school. We will write a custom essay on The History of Captain America specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Seeing Nazi Germany’s awful actions, Steve wanted to enlist in the army to defend the land that he was born and raised on. He was too scrawny to pass the army’s physical requirements, so Steve was the first test subject to volunteer himself for a freak project called Operation: Rebirth; a project to create physically perfect US soldiers to send into war. Steve was injected with all kinds of chemicals, including the â€Å"Super Soldier Serum,†created by Professor Erskine, making him grow, reach maximum human efficiency, and enhance his strength and reflexes greatly. Soon after Steve became a â€Å"Super Soldier,†(Captain America), Professor Erskine was assassinated by a Nazi spy, leaving Steve as the only Super Soldier and America’s hero. Wearing a costume based on the American flag, and given a very American-looking shield, Captain America’s mission was to serve as a counter-intelligence agent and a symbolic US hero against Nazi Germany’s advances towards the US. Along with World War II, the Golden Age of comics also came to a close, and Captain America fell silent, as there were no more Nazis to take down. So along came the Silver Age in the 50’s, where Communists and the Red Scare were a big deal. Steve Rogers spent this period beating up Communists anywhere and everywhere. But eventually, as the Red Scare came to end, Steve Rogers needed enemies to fight again as there were no more Nazis or Commies to punch. After the Red Scare, in the late 50’s and early 60’s, Steve Rogers starred in Captain America’s Weird Tales, where he fought aliens, monsters, and super villains. He fought all evil regardless if it was currently in conflict with the United States or not. The idea of Captain America as an American hero was revived once again in the 60’s with â€Å"Avengers #4,†where he was discovered in a block of ice, thawed, and given a leadership position in the Avengers. This is the Captain America that everybody has come to know and love today. In the Bronze Age of 70’s and into the 80’s, Captain America’s stories began pushing new boundaries, taking a shot against Nixon, with fighting a â€Å"Nixon-like†government official as the head of the evil Secret Empire. For Five issues, Captain America turned in his shield and suit to fight evil as a â€Å"non-America-affiliated†Nomad. He eventually realized that one could fight for the American Dream without working for a corrupt government. For America’s 250th issue in the early 80’s Captain America considered running for the presidency. Realizing that being president would take away time from fighting for the American Dream, he decided against it. And after almost 2-decades of consistent success with the public, Captain America got another shot at the big screen: Captain America. Ten months after the release of that movie, a sequel came out: Captain America: Death Too Soon. .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 , .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .postImageUrl , .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 , .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:hover , .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:visited , .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:active { border:0!important; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:active , .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06 .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc76195523f2f3a38cce17478b2433d06:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Art History: Italian High RenaissanceWhen the Modern Age of comics, the 90’s, came along, all comics were known for basically being awful. Characters weren’t true-to-life, and their outfits and uniforms became pointless. Captain America couldn’t avoid it, and yet another Captain America movie was released. But as quickly as the 90’s came, they ended, and Captain America had a turn of events. He was murdered in 2007, only to make a come back, to allow Marvel to continue to print â€Å"Captain America†comics. He starred in the Avengers, and yet again, has his own movie. And this is the Captain America that we know today. Bibliography: A History of Captain America. Film School Rejects. N.p., 01 Apr. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2015. Captain America (Steve Rogers) Marvel Universe Wiki: The Definitive Online Source for Marvel Super Hero Bios. Marvel Universe Wiki RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. Captain America. , Steven Grant Rogers (Avengers). N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
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