Thursday, October 31, 2019
Explain why you feel college students do or don not benefits from Essay
Explain why you feel college students do or don not benefits from participation in extracurricular activities - Essay Example There are numerous oppurtunities to suit individual tastes and requirements. It is better to be sincerely involved and dedicated to one or two activities rather than be a ‘Jack of all trades and master of none’. Academics are the most important and a student should maintain a balance between the academics and the extra curricular activities. College still want good academic results although a lot of importance is laid on the other activities. Admission officers believe that what you do says a lot about you. Your academic mark sheet give details about your studies but the write up on your extra –curricular activities tell them of the sort of person you are. Every human being has hidden talents which need a platform to evoke from within. Such activities provide an excellent opportunity to realize your own strengths and perhaps even weaknesses. Different academic clubs and societies within the campus help students to work within a group and understand the group dynamics. For instance, for one who is the only child at home, interacting and working with others in a group teaches patience and adjustments. It has been found that students who are involved in extra curricular activities perform better in studies, have a pleasing nature, can relate better with the peer group. It instills in them a sense of confidence. It teaches them how to carry themselves in life. Employers these days lay a lot of stress on extra curricular activities as it ensures the all-round growth of a student. In conclusion I would like to state that life beyond academics only helps to enhance the personality of a student, provided he/she is selective. It empowers a student to make his own decisions. It helps him gain vital experience and skills necessary to guide him into his future path. So participate, bloom and shine! Let your extra curricular activities speak volumes about
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Kinship and marriage from a cross-cultural perspective Essay
Kinship and marriage from a cross-cultural perspective - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that the Kinship as a word has different meanings and mostly used in contextual manner however, from the perspective of anthropology, it represents a web of social relationships which are required by a person to live in a society. It also outlines the affinity between different entities based upon some or all of the characteristics which are focused and studied. From the perspective of Anthropology, it is also important to understand that it signifies the study of patterns of social relationships within different human cultures or the patterns of social relationships within themselves. The patterns of relationship defined in kinship are either related by descent or by marriage. Relationships which arise as a result of the marriages are called affinity and are viewed differently from the relationships emerging as a result of descent. There has been however different social changes which have relatively altered the kinship nor ms within the society. The modernization and urbanization combined with the industrialization has actually weakened the affinity especially in terms of extended kinship. The recent theory on Kinship has actually redefined the way the overall concept is being viewed. There has been a critical change in the basic assumptions of kinship theory and more focus has been on understanding as to how to view kinship along with other social theory. This paper will discuss as to how various authors have actually defined the social change in the kinship in specific settings with special reference to government laws and recent globalization changes which are taking place globally. Social Change in Kinship Norms There has been a tremendous change in the way the overall literature on the social change in the kinship norms have changed over the period of time,. Lewis Morgan defined kinship as a form of social organization and focused upon defining it from the perspective of structures and functions. This approach was mostly focused upon defining how the various relationship structures actually emerged during the kinship including residence patterns, mating strategies etc. There has been a consistent evolution of the kinship and it started to shift from paternal to maternal source of power and prestige. Since mother was actively involved in the rearing of the children therefore in certain societies, these trends started to change. In some societies, the transfer of property and its ownership was also dependent upon the mother-child link. (Levine, 2008) D. Schneider however provided a critique of the same and suggested that kinship differs from culture to culture and kinship actually encompass different other domains of social life also include economic and political. His critique was important in the sense that it attempted to identify and root kinship into the broader perspective of cultural and social norms. It is also critical to note that he critically associated the symbol s and what meanings can be driven from these symbols. It is however important to understand that most of the Schneider’s work has been focused upon North America and Great Britain. For Schneider, America was a single system of kinship with symbols having same meanings to both the males as well as females. (Peletz, 1995) Carsten defined kinship from the perspective of culture of relatedness and suggested that the biological relationships are socially constructed. She argues about the social construction of the biological relationships and specially the intervention of State as one of the means through which biological relationships are defined. In countries like India, marriage and biological relationships are often based upon religious association of individuals and to which religious class they belong to. The biogenetic relatedness therefore may not be important as kinship can also be defined under the sexual preferences as well as the establishment of kinship based upon pos t-natal associations. Carsten therefore refutes the assumption of Schneider that there is a clear division between the biological and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Spacetime Structure Implications from Quantum Mechanics
Spacetime Structure Implications from Quantum Mechanics Spacetime Structure Implications from Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Abstract Some idea proposed in the recent Penroses Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC) is discussed in this paper. In CCC it is argued that the concept of time looses its meaning in a Universe filled solely with zero rest-mass particles (i.e. photons and gravitons). This particular idea is discussed, because at least conceptually it can have some implication on our understanding of spacetime and a role of rest-mass. Relativity was a great revolution in our understanding of space and time, sometimes leading to paradoxes. Quantum Mechanics introduced quanta of energy. It occurs that the existence of the minimum quanta of energy can has a strong implication on the spacetime structure. abstract should include at the max. 250 words. The abstract should give readers concise and correct information about the material of the article. It indicates what methodology you have used for your results and how you are concluding these results. The abstract should be restricted into a single paragraph with Times New Roman with Font Size 10, with proper justification. Keywords: quantum mechanics; general relativity; conformal cyclic cosmology Introduction Einsteins Relativity theory has been experimentally verified very thoroughly and also Quantum Mechanics predictions are experimentally very well checked. The philosophical or physical interpretation of mathematical equations of Relativity is commonly accepted. However Quantum Mechanics is a very good working operating tool, whereas the interpretation differs widely amongst physicist and philosophers (outlook of various interpretations can be found e.g. in [2]). Basing on the recent Penroses cosmological proposal [9] it seems that some implications to our understanding of spacetime can be derived from principles and as consequences of Relativity and Plancks law. It can also lead to a specific interpretation of a wave function in Quantum Physics. The Penroses selected idea will be presented at first. Then some considerations influenced by this idea will be discussed. Problems with time measurement In [9] Penrose states that in a spacetime filled solely by photons and gravitons no clock can be built (Only the fact that rest-mass is zero is important. Therefore in the rest of this paper only photons will be discussed. Anywhere in the text when a photon is discussed it is important that it is a particle with zero rest-mass.). In order to have any clock a massive particle is needed. A stable massive particle â€Å"ticks†with the specific frequency (It can be derived by combining Plancks formula and Einsteins formula . Detailed discussion is in [9].). (1) . So when there is no massive particles a spacetime looses its metric structure and only the conformal structure remains. On the other hand the black hole evaporation process (known as Hawking radiation) [5] may lead the Universe to such a state in a very long time. Simply speaking if the Universe will be expanding (and therefore cooling) then after some time the background will be cooler than all black holes. Of course the infinite expansion is assumed. There are however some objections, because there may be some matter left, not collapsed to black holes. E.g. some lonely massive particles can resist. Penrose discuses both possibilities: some highly hypothetical process of loosing mass in a very long period and implications of an event horizon. It is not a scope of this paper to discus it more thoroughly. Only to state that a spacetime filled only with zero restmass particles is physically interesting, reasonable and possible. Penrose argument that in such a spacetime no time measurement can be done (and only conformal structure remains) seems true [3, 11]. Briefly â€Å"one can dispense with the geodesics neither of test particles nor of light rays in measurement process†[6]. More discussion on this topic can be found e.g. in [10]. In this paper it is assumed that Penroses proposal is true and if spacetime is filled with zero rest-mass particles or massive particles which cannot influence each other due to event horizon the n time cannot be measured in such a spacetime. Possible consequences of this statement will be discussed. Proper time of a photon, the Observability Principle and tiling a spacetime Let us consider a spacetime filled only with zero rest-mass particles. From Special Relativity it is known that any of such a particle â€Å"feels†no proper time. For example no time passes for a photon between its emission from the Sun and its absorbing on the Earth. Time passes e.g. for people on the Earth, but no time passes for a photon. Sticking to the Observability Principle, which means that anything which cannot be observed does also not exist [7, 8], one can say that for a photon both events take place at the same time (Because time difference between leaving the Sun and coming on the Earth, such as for the people on the Earth, does not exist for a photon and is not observed by a photon.). It means that no time passes in the Universe filled only by zero rest-mass particles just as Penrose concluded in [9]. For the sake of clarity such a Universe will be called a Penroses Universe further in this paper. Fig. 1: To distinguish between different configurations time is needed. In case of no time (inability to measure time) one can say that all possible configurations happen at the same time. Or simply each particle is at the same time in all possible places. It seems important to present some consideration here (which was not stated by Penrose). From the above paragraph it can be concluded that different configurations can be realised in the same time. Here a time is understood as an internal property of a Penroses Universe. The meaning of adjective internal will be clarified throughout the rest of this paper. Of course we are used to measure time for example by comparing configurations of objects (e.g. distance proportions between parts of them, etc.). When we see an egg on a table and next we see smashed egg on the same table we guess that a time has passed. In sake of clarity in a Universe filled with photons solely we should distinct between configurations (able to happen at the same internal time) and events (which happen one after another due to the order of the arrow of time). In a Penroses Universe configurations are possible, but events are excluded by the definitions. So in a Penroses Universe each possible configuration takes place in the same (internal) time. Equivalently they just take place simultaneously. (If there is no time it can be said that everything happens at the same time.) If one considers all possible configurations in a Penroses Universe, one can equivalently say that each zero restmass particle is everywhere at the same (internal) time (Let us notice that we may omit internal because if it is assumed that nothing exists except a particular Penroses Universe then any other reference for some other â€Å"time†cannot exist.). Of course the fact that a photon â€Å"feels†no time when passing from A to B i.e. that it has zero proper time does not imply that it is therefore everywhere in spacetime and, in particular, it does not mean that it is â€Å"simultaneously†on all possible paths between A and B. Indeed, in relativity theory, light moves on well-defined null geodesics. What I am trying to emhasise is that without massive particles it is impossible to discriminate these geodesics [3] and therefore (actually this is the crucial step) following the Observability Principle we identify all situations that are undistinguishable. It may be concluded that this is somehow similar to rather commonly agreed thought that the reality emerges only in relation to the results of measurements. Fig. 2: In A there is no massive particle. In B there are some. Time exists internally in B. A is a tiny Penroses Universe without time (as far as no interaction with B happens). A (global) time for which we can treat A as Penroses Universe is measured in B, because in A no time exists. It means that on A+B there is a time. Such a picture is not valid in our Universe because efficient clocks exist in it. The apparent contradiction occurs only because we imagine a Penroses Universe from the external point of view (experiencing the flow of the time). If we imagine that nothing exists except a Penroses Universe we would not have to use internal to describe time. Simply no device to measure time flow would exist. Now let us think about a spacetime as a manifold (as in General Relativity). One living in the spacetime approximates the global structure of the whole manifold by observing his neighbourhood. However locally there is no â€Å"absolute time†as Relativity states. Consider now a small tiny part of the Universe (an open subset in the manifold). The Universe is filled by both zero and non zero rest-mass particles (as our Universe we live in). But locally we can find small parts of it which are filled solely by photons. We can treat each such a part as a Penroses Universe as far as no interaction with any massive particle takes place. It is due to previous considerations. We can say that no time passes inside such a part as far as no event takes place. It is understood that events take place in the global Universe. And by the event we mean here some act of interaction between a part being a Penroses Universe and a part of the global Universe possessing at least one non zero rest-m ass particle. Then these two parts can be treated as one part (being then not a Penroses Universe). In other words let us find in our Universe as much as possible very small Penroses photon filled local Universes. These small Universes differ from Penroses one big Universe by the fact that they can be treated as such only as far as they do not interact with some massive part. The idea of tiling the spacetime manifold is sketched on pictures. Fig. 3: An interaction happened from part B to part A. A is no longer a Penroses Universe. Fig. 4: Such a timeless Universe cannot be divided into a massive parts and Penroses Universe parts. No matter how we would tile this Universe each component has no time. In a Penroses Universe it is unclear how the different configurations (spacetime paths) are to be defined. Indeed, just as there is no time measure, so there is no spatial measure (with which one can distinguish, for instance the distance between points on two different paths). Therefore due to the Observability Principle particles in such a universe are as if they were everywhere at the same time. What is needed to talk about any time order is an interaction with some massive particles. Only then e.g. before and after are sensible notions. Discussion on the Double Slit Experiment In the famous doubleslit experiment a photon seems to pass through both slits at the same time. Therefore a wave function has been introduced, because a particle behave as if it were a wave. However if one tries to localise through which slit a particle actually passes, interference image is erased and a particle behaves as a corpuscle. Therefore one says about corpuscular-wave dualism. But due to considerations in previous paragraph one should also be able to say that a photon really passes through both slits (because no time passes for a photon, so two event take place for a photon at the same time). And what is called a collapse of a wave function is just a choosing of a particular path out of all possible. Such a measurement is however possible only if non zero rest-mass is involved. It is known that as a particle becomes more massive quantum properties are less clear and lighter particles behaves more like a waves (photons, electrons). The ability to measure time interval can al so be seen from Eq. (1). In such an interpretation a wave function is not an abstract existence in observer mind. It is a physical being. But as such should somehow depend not only on a particle but also on a spacetime in which is considered. Summarising Relativity Einstein once strongly criticised any physical concept which is â€Å"independent in its physical properties, having a physical effect, but not itself influenced by physical conditions†[4]. Just a proposed interpretation of a wave function should therefore be justified if this wave function interacts with spacetime. Basing on General Relativity we know that the spacetime is influenced by gravitation. So the first simple test for the new interpretation is to check whether gravitation changes a wave function. Fortunately such an experiment was done. Firstly neutron beam was scattered into two beams: each influenced by the same gravitational field. Secondly the whole apparatus was placed in a way that after scattering the gravitational fields for the first beam and for the second beam were different. By examining the interference pattern it was observed that the quantum-mechanical phase shift of neutrons is caused by their interaction with Earths gravitational field [1]. One can then also speculate that the gravitational field influences a wave function. It can be objected that the proposed explanation of quantum mechanics is contradicted by the conservation of the energy. A particle really going thorough all possible paths would do infinite work. It is not true in the proposed scheme. No procedure could measure such an energy, because those trips take places in a part of a spacetime where no useful time concept exists. If time is immeasurable then the particle can do the work needed to go through all possible paths. However immediately when a working clock is used, a particular path is localised an the energy conservation is saved. It can also be seen from this argument that the Feynmans Path Integral approach is the most natural formulation of Quantum Mechanics. Conclusions The presented arguments lead to the specific interpretation of quantum mechanics. Conceptually the presented considerations show that one can find some guide towards Quantum Physics starting from Relativity and Plancks law. Especially Feynmans Path Integral Formulation emerges in nice way. Some further implication to Cosmology occurs. The Universe filled solely with zero rest-mass particles should be treated as in a superposition state of all possible states. Occurrence of strictly positive masses not separated by event horizon would give the origin to time and states being in a superposition can be reduced to a particular state. It advocates the concept of the Universe wave function. In a black hole singularity time stops and mass density is infinite as is known from Relativity. If one would look at a singularity from the presented point of view one could say that mass density is infinite only for external observer. Because only such an observer has a meaningful concept of time. Infinite density occurs as a consequence of localising all in-falling particles in a point. However as it was explained in the paper if time stops, all particles can occupy the same point in the same â€Å"time†(which exists only for external observer). A possibility of application of the presented scheme will be explored in the future research.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Argument Against Standardized Testing Essay -- Standardized Testing Ess
Argument Against Standardized Testing President Bush is promoting annual standardized testing for all students in grades three through eight. This bill is currently being considered in Congress, and has garnered much support. As of right now, 15 states test students in those grades, and more than 20 have high school exit exams, which look only at the test score of a student, not at his or her academic achievements. Standardized testing is an unfair and inaccurate form of judging a person’s intellect. In many cases, people are either over- or underrepresented by their test scores, partly because America does not currently have the capabilities of fairly scoring the increasing number of tests. Additionally, many students today are not native English speakers, and their capabilities could be grossly underestimated by these types of exams. Although President Bush is a supporter, many influential people are against this bill, including the largest teacher’s union in the United States, which has formed a commission in opposition to the President’s proposal. As stated earlier, many states require a student to pass a certain test in order to receive a diploma. This results in many capable students, who have finished all of their requirements, being denied their diplomas. If the Valedictorian does not pass the exit exam, are you going to bar him or her from graduating? It is a fact that some people are better at taking tests than other people. Intelligent students who challenge themselves throughout their high school careers and have high grade point averages can do poorly on a test, while a student who has only taken basic level classes can score significantly higher. Is that a fair representation of what ... ...logies and always received poor scores on the language portion of standardized tests. Her teachers always encouraged her to be a math or science major, since she had scored much better on those subjects. She rebelled and is now a very successful and influential writer. This points out an obvious flaw in depending on standardized tests. It is not in America’s best interest to pass the proposal to require standardized testing at elementary school levels, or to force students to pass exit exams to earn their diplomas. If we wish for our children to be informed and educated, and ready to survive on their own in the real world, we need to give them the tools that will get them there. These tests are not accurate, and they are detrimental to the education of children. There should be no debate over how our representatives in Congress should vote on this bill.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
TOK: Subjective Nature of Perspective in Arts & Science
Knowledge Issue: To what extent may the subjective nature of perception be regarded as an advantage for artists but an obstacle to be overcome by scientists? A person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby is called an Artist. All artists have a way to express their art works. These expressions are usually recognized by different kinds of perspectives. One of the most common ways used to evaluate art works is through the subjective nature of perspective. When it comes to the word subjective, the relation of thoughts is automatically based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. Now, most artists take this technique as an advantage of manipulating/ provoking the viewers’ mind into liking their painting or any kind of artworks based on their the personal tastes. The one thing that helps them understand of the public interest is by generalization. We all know that opinions are mostly personal. But when it comes to society, our personal opinions do not really matter in the public eye. The only few opinions that are accepted into the social world are the ones set by the policy makers of society. These perspectives are mostly advertised through television or any kind of social networks that heeds the public. For this reason alone, people are blindly attracted by the ‘social magnet’ to follow this so-called social quo. Without realizing, we as social butterflies, stand under the one who controls our strings in society. This functions perfectly for Artists, since they have the advantage to create the ultimate theme or setting for certain periods of time in society with the help of their subjective nature of perspective. This is proven over time; Artists have created themes that develop from renaissance to abstract, to pop art, to post-modern art that we have today. Sometimes, some artists may decide to create something that no one else seems to understand, but somehow got through in society. For example, in 1917, Marcel Duchamp signed a urinal with fake initials of â€Å"R. Mutt†and placed it in a museum. Without any particular reason it became so popular in the public eye. One of the most probable reasons for this is because most people observe his ‘artwork’ through the subjective nature of perspective, rather than combining it with the objective nature of perspective. As one opinion is made, it is then spread all over society causing people to believe that this subjective opinion is the one they should have, hence the domino effect. However, the subjective nature of perspective also has a way of becoming an obstacle for some groups in society. One group that struggles with this subjective nature of perspective is the Scientists. Scientists are people who are studying or have expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. Scientists have a hard time with the subjective nature of perspective, because most of their observations and analysis is based on the objectives, rather than the subjective point of view. Their way of thinking is very firm and relates to the physical matter of things. They don’t depend on the mind for existence. This makes their judgment unbiased or impartial. This is why most of the scientific papers or reports have a certain rule for the experiments and data collection not to be biased. Their perspectives need to have strong reasons to back up their opinions for certain outcome they state. They pay attention to personal judgments; because it is what helps them elaborates methods and discoveries they made in their field. If one day, a new scientist came along and he/ she decides to give a subjective statement during a scientist conference meeting, he/ she will definitely be called out of the group because they have not successfully helped the group to decipher the missing piece to their scientific riddle. After all, science itself is the intellectual and practical activity. It encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation experiment. Therefore, scientists’ judgments are characterized by the methods and principles of science, meaning they have to avoid using the subjective nature of perspective since it does not relate to the physical and natural matter of things. In the end, its bias can lead to a scientific misconduct. We can tell that these two groups are in contrast of each other. One is very focused with the emotional judgment, while the other focuses more on the physical matter of the judgment. They sum up the contrast of an unrealistic and realistic world. When combined together, these two perspectives used by artists and scientists will only create a new theorem of a new world of perspective, which can only be understood by the viewers/ observers, because once our brains are adjusted with one nature of perspective (either subjective or objective), we will find a hard time adjusting with other groups who have a different point of view to the world. Perspective itself afterwards is complicated at its foundation. Looking from different angles with our naked eyes can be tough sometimes. But as feelings of emotions and factual existence correlate, possibilities of a better technique in different kinds of fields will be made. This new theory also along with other works in different forms of arts (music, theatre) and fields of research. Creating an unrealistic imagery through a realistic interpretation will enable the viewers to engage deeply into the artwork. But is it possible for scientists to apply the same theory in their field? So, is it possible for both artist and scientists to have a correlation between subjective and objective matter? After all, opposites do attract.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
John le Carre: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold This book is a spy story, about bluffs between the British Secret Service and the German Democratic Republic. I found it very difficult to understand. The stroy occurs during the Cold War, in the 1950s and 1960s. The main character is Alec Leamas, a british agent in charge of East German espionage. He is recalled to the Circus, because there are no agents left. Control asks him to ’stay in the cold’. That means one last mission for him, his job is providing false information to the East German Communists.During his job in the libary he fells in love with his co-worker, a Jewish woman, Liz Gold. She is at the Communist Party in Britain. Leamas goes to jail because he assaults a civilian. He goes to Netherlands, then to East Germany, to the Intelligence Srvice. At the same time, George Smiley and Peter Gulliam travel to Liz Gold’s house, and have many questions about Alec. Leamas meets Fiedler, an East German spy, Mu ndt’s lieutenant, who joined the Communists and remained an anti-Semite. Mundt ordains the torturing and arresting of Fiedler and Leamas.Than it is a little complicated, becase Fiedler reports Mundt at the same day. I also find it hard to understand the situation from different eyes. We can get to know many characters thoughts. Sometimes I cannot decide which is the good side and the bad. It is very exciting and complicated, sometimes confusing. Fiedler discovers that Mundt is a double agent, and he was arrested before, but allowed to escape if he agreeing to work. Liz Gold’s apartment is paid by George Smiley and she promises Leamas to not to look for him after his leaving.Mundt gets to know these thing, and that those things happened before the murdering. Liz is sent to the jail with Leamas, and they are taken in a car together. Many things become clear. Liz gets to know that the British Intelligence intended to kill Fiedler. The end of the story is outrageous. Perso nally I waited for a happy end after many complicated and confounded situations. Liz and Leamas wanted to break the wire on the Berlin Wall, to escape to West Berlin. Leamas climbs up to the Wall and when he touches Liz’s hands, she is shot.Smiley tells him to jump down from the West side, but he climbs back. He is shot dead as well. I think he realised that he was a fool, he was manipulated and he had that chance to flee, but it did not work, so he gave up. I have never read such a story before, I have a sense that I have to read it once more, because there are many things I did not clearly understand. It is so lifelike and realistic that I can imagine it has happened in reality during the Cold War.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Rejection
Rejection Rejection is the hardest thing that a person has to handle in relationships. Rejection is when one person disregards another person’s affection towards them. After the first exposure to rejection a person is very cautious on whom or what they let get close to their heart. The heart is the most sensitive part of a person’s body. It obtains a physical and an emotional purpose. Its physical purpose is to help the rest of the body function properly. The emotional purpose is that it protects how people treat and react to each other. If a person’s heart is in pain because of rejection it is hard to determine how a person is going to react. An individual’s reaction to rejection is always different because it depends on the person and how well they handle pain. There are some that rebound, which means after ending one relationship they automatically go into another relationship. Rebounding causes speculation from people outside of the old relationship; the person was in the relationship. The outsider thinks that the person was in the other relationship before he/she left the last relationship. The ex-partner thinks or notices that the person who proclaims that they loved them did not love them. Some think that the person is in denial about how they really feel. Some people try and move on with their life but do not go into a serious relationship very quickly. There are people who fall into a stage of depression. Depression contains different levels. One level is when a person is still in love with their former companion and tries to forget or run away from the feelings they still obtain. While in this level they d ate other people, try to keep away from any serious relationships, and try not to be around that ex-companion. The worst level of depression is almost the same as the level mentioned above but you do not try and move on with your life. Instead of moving on, the person is constantly thinking about the past relati... Free Essays on Rejection Free Essays on Rejection Rejection Rejection is the hardest thing that a person has to handle in relationships. Rejection is when one person disregards another person’s affection towards them. After the first exposure to rejection a person is very cautious on whom or what they let get close to their heart. The heart is the most sensitive part of a person’s body. It obtains a physical and an emotional purpose. Its physical purpose is to help the rest of the body function properly. The emotional purpose is that it protects how people treat and react to each other. If a person’s heart is in pain because of rejection it is hard to determine how a person is going to react. An individual’s reaction to rejection is always different because it depends on the person and how well they handle pain. There are some that rebound, which means after ending one relationship they automatically go into another relationship. Rebounding causes speculation from people outside of the old relationship; the person was in the relationship. The outsider thinks that the person was in the other relationship before he/she left the last relationship. The ex-partner thinks or notices that the person who proclaims that they loved them did not love them. Some think that the person is in denial about how they really feel. Some people try and move on with their life but do not go into a serious relationship very quickly. There are people who fall into a stage of depression. Depression contains different levels. One level is when a person is still in love with their former companion and tries to forget or run away from the feelings they still obtain. While in this level they d ate other people, try to keep away from any serious relationships, and try not to be around that ex-companion. The worst level of depression is almost the same as the level mentioned above but you do not try and move on with your life. Instead of moving on, the person is constantly thinking about the past relati...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Idealism and Influence in The Picture of Dorian Gray Essays
Idealism and Influence in The Picture of Dorian Gray Essays Idealism and Influence in The Picture of Dorian Gray Paper Idealism and Influence in The Picture of Dorian Gray Paper Essay Topic: The Picture of Dorian Gray The two books that will be compared In the following are very different books Indeed. Having said this, two things are consistent throughout; the theme of Influencing others with certain Idealism, and the consequences this can bring about. However, the ways In which Gilding and Wiled express this are very different. The following will discuss the characters and objects used to express influences, how they go about this influence, and the ultimate corruptive effect they have on their victims. It will also discuss the rather contrasting ideals imposed and implied, while making parallels between them with their similarities. Idealism, in this essay, will refer to the moral code and values which are held by a character, collective, or concept. Initially, the theme of influence is portrayed by the character of Henry Watson in Dorian Gray. Even in the opening chapter of the book. He Is seen to have an influence over Dorian with his musical language, charm, and unconventionality. The Ideals he stands for, the value of beauty and youth over any socially accepted moral code, grabbed Doormans attention with their uniqueness, while Watson himself allowed his words to enrapture Dorian. Dorian admits that The few words that [Watson] had said o him Had touched some secret chord that had never been touched before. This is an immediate reaction upon their first meeting, and the influence of Watson on Grays psyche is equally immediate: Life suddenly became fiery-colored to him. With this astounding impact on Doormans mentality, it is not surprising that he should become spellbound by Whatnots influence and become his little science experiment. As a parallel, the theme of influence in The Lord of the Flies is not set on one character throughout, but on the key object being the conch. The conch is a tool of influence, In hat the person who holds it is the person who speaks. Initially, Ralph is made the chief on the Island due to him rallying up all of the children using the conch. It Is an item which Is symbolic of law and order throughout the novel; It sets the holder apart from the rest of the children. The being that had blown that, had sat walling for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees, was set apart. Piggy, who is the greatest advocate for reason and intellect on the island, values the conch in this way above all, and hence Gilding coincides his destruction with that of he conch. There is another influence on Dorian in Wilds book, being the Yellow Book, a tale of a young Parisian who encounters all the debauchery of life which Dorian relates to immensely. We find that Dorian is handed this book by Watson as another psychological experiment to discover how Dorian will react to this external Influence other than Watson, and It works disturbingly well; Dorian lives out his entire life seeking the pleasures and sensations which the book entails: For years, Dorian Gray could not free himself from the Influence of this book. Throughout Wilds novel as a hole, there is the impression that Dorian is most strongly influenced by ideals which and beauty must affect Dorian since he himself is young, beautiful, and, most fatally, vain. Once this egotistical mentality has set in, the Yellow Book reveals to Dorian what is possible with this indulgent lifestyle: The Parisian Became to him a kind of prefiguring type of himself. An external influence on the children in Lord of the Flies is the environment in which they were living. Being marooned on a lost island was a key factor in the boys increasing tendency towards savagery. Without adult prevision and with no social norms other than what they had learned during their upbringing, the boys literally ran wild (with their conformity degenerating over time). They lost their regard for rules, as Jack exclaims when he is breaking them, Who cares? The island did not cause the boys to become this way, but the fact that they were there, isolated from any other human contact, did indeed give ample opportunity for their primitive instincts to run full course. The idealism represented by Lord Watson is a form of Hedonism, wherein beauty, youth, and pleasure seeking are the main points of existence for an individual. These ideals are made evident from where he discusses the fact that Doormans youth and beauty will fade in the future, and so he needs to make the most of his every waking moment in his pursuit of debauchery: We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind, and poisons us. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden itself. This ideal is also followed through in the Yellow Book, where the Parisian pleasure seeker wishes to make the most of his existence by delving deep into the sins of this world. However, according to Watson, sin is merely a matter of perspective, and so Dorian holds no regard for the real socially accepted morality of his actions throughout the novel. This is amplified, in a sense, by Doormans ageing and sin being projected onto the portrait rather than himself, meaning if nobody sees the portrait, he might live a secret alter-ego life of debauchery and sin while maintaining his pleasant, civilized fade in the public eye. There are several different ideals represented by different characters in Lord of the Flies: Piggy is the voice of intellectualism and rationality; Ralph represents a teleological moral system; Jack seems to portray a reign of terror (Utilizing the threat of the beasts to his advantage and promising protection from them); and Simon, perhaps the most insightful character, represents compassion, innocence, a naturalistic existence, and a form of spirituality. Simonys spiritual idealism is brought across when he realizes that the beasts are really the original sin dwelling inside of the boys, an impurity which cannot be cleansed but still resides inherently in mans nature: Maybe there is a beast Maybe its only us. Both of the novels seem to imply a theme of corruption throughout. In Dorian Gray, the obvious corruption is that of Doormans previously pure soul. Before he met Watson, untarnished by his influence, Dorian was a sweet, shy, innocent boy who did not know sin. On the contrary, once he meets Watson, the corruptive influence he has on Dorian is shown in a manner most graphic and explicit, with the effect of Doormans sins being shown on the portrait as he lives his life: Sometimes loathing it and himself. In Lord of the Flies, there is the idea that the environment is one of the As discussed previously, the boys lack of rules and social norms means that there is no need to comply to any since there will be no immediate consequences, according to them: The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. However, the fact that Doormans sin and objectively worse nature was more unlocked than anything, and the fact that the boys on the island were not directly influenced or corrupted by anyone and simply allowed themselves to get this way, implies that there is an inherent evil within man, and that in certain circumstances, this evil can e released and allowed to run wild. A common factor in the two books regarding the corruption discussed in the previous paragraph is that the corruption and loss of innocence in the two novels is due to a lack of consequence. Dorian values his good looks over everything; this is from the direct influence of Lord Watson. Since his looks cannot be affected by any sin he may accrue throughout his grossly indulgent existence, he does not believe that there is a real consequence for his actions, as what matters most to him remains safe: Smiling, with a secret pleasure, at the misshapen shadow that had to bear the ruder that should have been his own. Somewhat similarly, in Lord of the Flies, the lack of rules among the society makes for a lack of punishment and discipline. Children of their age would be used to having a structure in their lives, and living by their own rules without consequence, everything descends into chaos. The lack of consequence from adults means that the children indulge in the fact that they can get away with pretty much anything. Both of these books have a climax that is a result of the corruption of Dorian and the boys separately; murder. In Dorian Gray, the arguable climax is the murder of Basil Hallways after he witnesses the portrait which haunts Dorian and is the only real reminder of how human he really is. Since Hallways was the creator of the portrait, Dorian holds him somewhat responsible for the portraits sins rather than cursing himself for committing them: An uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Hallways came over him, as though it had been suggested to him by the image on the canvas. Murder is seen as one of mans greatest sins, and so to kill the creator of the picture which displays a mans sins has something of an irony about it. When the sys kill Piggy, they are descending into true savagery by killing off the last remaining voice of reason and intellect which effectively kills off order. This, coinciding with the destruction of the conch, shows that murder is the point at which innocence and order are totally lost beyond the point of return. Therefore, both novels consider murder to be the result of corruption of the soul and a loss of innocence due to the corruptive influences surrounding the concerned parties. In summarization of the question, influence and idealism are two major themes in Lord of the Flies and The Picture of Dorian Gray. There are corruptive influences in both books and ideals which are corrupted in both also. There is also the implication of an inherent evil, an original sin of man that rears its ugly head when there are no immediate consequences to cause it to remain internal. The influences, whether in are vulnerable and susceptible to such influences by appealing to the vanity of the young man, or to the rebelliousness and unruliness of the castaway children. There are plenty of contrasting ideals that appear, however, it always seems that the most negative ones are prevalent.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Don’t Miss the National Career Summit †FREE This Week!
Don’t Miss the National Career Summit – FREE This Week! The job search process has become more complicated in the last several years. No longer can a job seeker simply look up interesting positions in the Classifieds, then send in a resume and cover letter on nice bond paper, hoping to get an interview. There is a whole world job seekers need to know about that includes job search strategy, branding, networking, social media, and more. Writing is still a key piece of the job search process, and the Essay Expert focuses almost exclusively on writing resumes and writing LinkedIn profiles (in the other aspects of the business, we edit business documents and help students write college application essays). If you need to bring your written documents up a level or two, we are a great resource. Although I will be taking a Job Search Strategist Course starting this week, I still plan to provide clients primarily with writing services. For the other aspects of the job search, I’m thrilled to announce the National Career Summit, which is being offered FREE by a top-notch group of career experts this week. You may have noticed my announcement of the event in my newsletter – it started November 4 – and there is still a week to go. If you are a job seeker or considering starting a business, this is a rare opportunity to learn from the best! Some of the topics include: Building Your Online Reputation Preparing Veterans and Others for Federal Employment (a great tribute to Veteran’s Day) Entrepreneurship: Creating a Business Plan Great Jobs for Everyone 50+ Networking (On and Off Line) Twitter and Facebook for Job Seekers How to Do Research to Find the Job You Want It’s quite a full schedule for the week – a tremendous opportunity really. If you consider job seeking as a full-time job, then it will be a clear choice for you to spend a couple of hours a day learning from these experts. Sign up for the National Career Summit here. View the schedule here. Events are being recorded and can be accessed after the telesummit is over for a small fee. Register now and take advantage of this weeks session at no cost! I’m so convinced you’ll get value from this summit that I am announcing it even though I am not one of the speakers! It’s important to me to provide resources to my readers and this is a great one. It’s also important to me to support my colleagues who are doing such important work supporting job seekers and entrepreneurs to reach their goals. I highly encourage you to participate in the presentations that look useful to you. If you do participate, please let me know how the sessions went!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Escobar's essay on post-development Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Escobar's on post-development - Essay Example The catastrophe in developing mentalist discussion can be viewed in at least two ways. First, incapability of dangerous thinking and most communal powers to imagine a new domain, which finally leaves behind the fantasy of development, and that rise above development’s dependence on western historicity and modernity. On the other, the appearance of an influential social movement discussion that although still unclear about its possible instructions, has quickly become a privileged arena for political action and intellectual inquiry. The majority of assessment of development spoken within the cultural and epistemological freedom it defines has reached a stalemate. Therefore, the current disaster does not call for an improved method of doing development not even for other development. An evaluation of the perform and discourse of development, nevertheless can help clear the ground for a more fundamental collective imagining of the option future. According to this analysis, development has to be making out for strategy and discovery created by the first world concerning third world being underdeveloped. Thus, development should not only be observed as an instrument of economic power over the social and physical reality of much of Latin America, Africa and Asia. It has been the primary tool through which these fractions of the world have been shaped and have twisted themselves, thus ruling out or marginalizing other ways doing and seeing. Because post-world war II dialogue of development is resolutely well established in the western economy and modernity, the difficulty appears complex. To imagine about options to the development, therefore, necessitate a hypothetical practical transformation of the ideas economy, modernity and development. This change can be best attain by construction upon the practices of social movements,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Financial Transaction Taxes Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Financial Transaction Taxes - Dissertation Example Research report by Economic & Financial Policies Directorate, Ministry for EU Affairs, Turkey (Economic & Financial Policies Directorate, July 2012. FinansalIslem Vergilerive Avrupa BirligiUygulamas?. Ankara, Turkey) Useful information about taxation. Statistical references to specific issues. Research report by Ernst & Young LLP (Tax Policy Services, April 2012. Financial Transaction Tax, Which way now? London, United Kingdom) Useful for the understanding the current situation of the holistic structure of financial taxes in EU. (2012) This website was searched throughout to gain a deeper understanding of Turkish Tax System II - INTRODUCTION A financial transaction tax (FTT) is a tax placed on a specific type of financial transaction for a specific purpose. This term is most commonly associated with the financial sector. (HM Revenue & Customs, 2001)By any name, financial transaction tax is a fee paid any time by an individual or a company buys or sells a share o f stock, any type of security, a futures contract, an options contract, or any of the commonly traded financial instruments. In recent times, the term FTT has been used to refer to the proposed bill â€Å"Let Financial Market Pay for the Restoration of Real Market Bill†. ... In this project, types of FTT researched will give information about implemented and proposed FTTs including country samples and political support with evaluation. III - HISTORY OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAXES As it is known from the history of economics, financial implementations and investigations are always started in countries which see their future earlier than their economy go into the crash. In 1694, an early implementation of a financial transaction tax in the form of a stamp duty at the London Stock Exchange. The tax was payable by the buyer of shares for the official stamp on the legal document needed to formalize the purchase. As of 2011, it is the oldest tax still in existence in Great Britain (Kincaid, 2009).  In 1936, in the wake of the Great Depression, John Maynard Keynes advocated the wider use of financial transaction taxes (Wishart, 2012). Essentially, first tax proposal for the financial sector was put forward by Keynes. He assimilated markets that are dominated by speculation to ‘casino’. He asserted that long-term stability could be provided by taxation on security transactions. Keynes indicated that taxation on security transactions would decrease speculation and provide an effective distribution of resources in the market with ‘right’ price level. In 1972, the Bretton Woods system for stabilizing currencies effectively came to an end. In that context, James Tobin, influenced by the work of Keynes, suggested his more specific currency transaction tax for stabilizing currencies on a larger global scale (Tobin, 1993) In 1989, Edgar Feige generalized the ideas of Keynes and Tobin by proposing a small flat rate tax on all transactions (Wishart, 2012). In December 1994, the economic crisis in Mexico and 1997 Asia Crisis
Hollywood Portrayal of Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hollywood Portrayal of Cancer - Essay Example Sweet November and Autumn in New York are both love stories that are centered on the appreciation of the beauty of life. In exploring this theme, the movies placed the main characters in a situation where one of them is terminally ill. Sweet November is a love story that revolves around Nelson Moss (played by Keanu Reeves) and Sara Deever (Charlize Theron). Deever took it as a mission to help Moss overcome his obsession with work and success, and thereby allowing him to appreciate and enjoy life. This mission would be achieved in just one month. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that Deever is afflicted with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer that is the main reason for Deever's decision to lead an unusual lifestyle of "curing" men of their misbehaviors towards women. The story ends tragically, with Deever ending her relationship with Moss and facing the consequences of her illness alone.. Autumn in New York is a love story between a womanizing older man and a young, vibrant woman. Early on the story, Charlotte Fielding (Winona Ryder) and Will Keane (Richard Gere) fell in love, and as Keane was ending the relationship in the same manner as he had ended his past relationships, Fielding agreed to the fact that they would have no future together because she was sick. The story ended in tragedy as Fielding dies of a rare disease after the last-resort surgical operation failed to save her life. There are many similarities in the two movies in the manner that cancer was portrayed. First, the illness was equated to the certainty of death. The drama in both films revolves around the fact that the women have little time left. Both protagonists also dealt with the disease in a similar manner - they gave up on medical treatments. In Autumn of New York, Charlotte Fielding even signed a directive that no surgery will be made on her. In one of their conversations, Fielding told Keane, "I don't want to give hope, when there is none" (Chen, 2000). The same attitude was somewhat projected by Sara Deever in Sweet November. She decided to take on a different course in life, away from the regular treatments usually provided by hospitals to cancer patients. Both films in a way concluded that there were no other options for the two cancer-afflicted characters, and that subjecting themselves to medical treatments and procedures would yield the same result, that is, eventual death. The character in Autumn in New York died at the end of the film, while in Sweet November, the character decided to come home and perhaps yield to medical cure for her illness, although the last scene seemed to indicate that she would be spending the rest of her life wilting away and succumbing to death. She left the viewers thinking that she would die, in the same way that her lover agreed to letting her go and face death. Both stories depict the dying characters, both of which were white women, still in flawless appearance. This would fall under what Comedienne Carol Burnett referred to as the Movie Star Disease (as cited in Lallanilla, 2005), where the ill character,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
France Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
France - Essay Example I also carried out research from a number of other relevant sources on print and the Internet. The research was a novel idea since I was able to have a buildup of basic information before deciding on the sites, places, and any festival to visit based on research from the materials. For a country with a population estimate of sixty-six million and 643,801 square kilometers in size, France is slightly less than Texas in size. The local people call it a hexagon with the hexagon being the country's symbol, due to its shape (Whittaker 6). However, the country boasts of mixed geographical features. In this case, part of the country’s terrain is mountainous or mountainous terrain with a coastline with other parts having gently rolling hills or flat plains as terrain (CIA). As a result, the terrain makes for a picturesque scene to anybody who loves adventure. Nonetheless, the scenery would not be pleasing in case of unaccommodating climatic conditions. In effect, the country’s climatic conditions vary from one region to the other. However, climatic conditions in France are a blend of cool winters and mild summers. Some parts experience tropical and humid conditions, tropical and marine climatic conditions, and other parts in the country experience hot and rainy conditions (CIA). These climatic conditions are in different periods of the year and in different locations. In effect, this makes the country offer tourists the best climatic conditions during their visits. Politically, France is a blend of the parliamentary and presidential systems of governance and Paris is the country's administrative capital. During the middle ages, the French and the English were rivals with the latter occupying France during the infamous hundred years’ war. However, the rivalry eased over time with the two nations engaging each other to play an influential role in the modern society. In this regard, France is a member of NATO and a permanent member to the UN Security Council (CIA). Economically, the country is in the middle of the euro zone crisis although the country’s GDP in 2011 was $2.246 trillion, which made it the tenth biggest in terms of GDP (CIA). With a blend of all religions of the world, a majority of the people in France are predominantly Christians. Conversely, French is the official language although there are various dialects of the language. The language is the dictate upon which the French culture is built (Whittaker 5). On the othe r hand, each region in the country embodies its own cultural path based on its history. For example, the north and northeastern regions of the country are widely known for their ancient and medieval architecture. These regions encompass Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy regions. Among the cultural icons from these regions are Charles de Gaulle, Christian Dior, and Claude Monet (Whittaker 10). For Paris, the city is a depiction of iconic landmarks and grand designs that have an attachment to the culture of the French people. These designs and landmarks are internationally renowned with each providing visitors with a lasting impression of the city. One such landmark is the famous Eiffel Tower (see Fig. 1), which is one of the wonders of the contemporary world
The Interactional View of Paul Watzlawick Essay
The Interactional View of Paul Watzlawick - Essay Example The children and the mother as well expressed their embarrassment of the father’s condition (content) and communicated this through the way they avoided being associated with him in public. As punctuation dictates, communication depends on whether the person is in a reactive or provocative position (one who starts the conversation) (GÃ ®fu and Teodorescu 50).In this context, the father was mostly in the reactive end. He reacted to his family’s behavior by ceasing to associate with them in public. The communication is not symmetrical.It was one-up communication (GÃ ®fu and Teodorescu 49. The other members of his family assumed a higher role in the exchanges as depicted in the case of the mother shutting down his opinion regarding the education of their youngest son. Reframing in the family comes about when the family decides to visit the counselor. The members of the family decide to get rid of the destructive rules that had guided their previous relationship. This mea nt understanding that the father deserves respect, love and equal chance in the relationship.The film features a family wracked by alcoholism. Alice Green portrays the character of a school counselor who harbors a serious drinking problem and is married to Michael, who is an airline, pilot. Though she is a loving and light-hearted woman, she is often drunk and reckless causing her to ignore her children. The whole movie can be used to illustrate the interactional theory as different scenes illustrate different elements.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The strategy consulting companys products Assignment
The strategy consulting companys products - Assignment Example In its activities such as assessment, formulation and decision making, this firm concentrates on the interest of their customers who plays a vital role in the success of the organization. While carrying out their plans, this organization makes sure that it has put the interest of their clients above everything. In a business, buyers or clients play a significant role because they generate the necessary income to make the business continue running its projects and be able to pay its employees (Grant & Jordan, 2012). The MGT510 strategic management calls for a strategic choice, analysis and strategic implementation from a company while carrying out its processes (Grant & Jordan, 2012). However, in its operations, this organization carries an intense analysis of their clients by asking for so much details from them, a feature that the MGT510 strategic management does not mention in its ways of operation. This company collects so much information from clients to be sure of their credibility. As much as it is important to allow customers their privacy, it is also important to gather enough information from them to be able to know how to handle their cases (Robinson,
The Interactional View of Paul Watzlawick Essay
The Interactional View of Paul Watzlawick - Essay Example The children and the mother as well expressed their embarrassment of the father’s condition (content) and communicated this through the way they avoided being associated with him in public. As punctuation dictates, communication depends on whether the person is in a reactive or provocative position (one who starts the conversation) (GÃ ®fu and Teodorescu 50).In this context, the father was mostly in the reactive end. He reacted to his family’s behavior by ceasing to associate with them in public. The communication is not symmetrical.It was one-up communication (GÃ ®fu and Teodorescu 49. The other members of his family assumed a higher role in the exchanges as depicted in the case of the mother shutting down his opinion regarding the education of their youngest son. Reframing in the family comes about when the family decides to visit the counselor. The members of the family decide to get rid of the destructive rules that had guided their previous relationship. This mea nt understanding that the father deserves respect, love and equal chance in the relationship.The film features a family wracked by alcoholism. Alice Green portrays the character of a school counselor who harbors a serious drinking problem and is married to Michael, who is an airline, pilot. Though she is a loving and light-hearted woman, she is often drunk and reckless causing her to ignore her children. The whole movie can be used to illustrate the interactional theory as different scenes illustrate different elements.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Discuss briefly the advantages Essay Example for Free
Discuss briefly the advantages Essay Ã’isadvantages of using your chosen analytical frameworks (both buyer behavior and IMC) in the development of your analysis and strategy While developing the strategy we have used both the consumer behavior model and the SOSTAC decision making model and thus we can now come up with both the advantages and disadvantages of the two concepts. First of all when starting with the disadvantages we see that the consumer behavior model works best if we take it theoretically however, when we take it up to the practical level, there are many problems that a management faces in order to judge the consumers behavior based on the theoretical model. First of all the theoretical model is basically a general model and as we know that no two human brains in a world are alike, thus not all consumers may think alike. There can be so many psychological processes going on in human minds that they are not conscious which makes it very difficult for decision makers to have full information about the consumers. Also there are a lot of different combinations of decisions and preferences that a consumer might take into account when going for a decision and the consumer behavior model takes a general approach to address a specific set of combinations and thus decisions makers can be wrong at a lot of times. In addition, the factor of compulsive buying is a very vast concept and cannot be taken into account in depth by all means because this concept refers to such a behavior of a consumer that the consumer himself can keep away from this attitude. If a consumer would have known how to get rid off of his compulsive buying attitude then the consumer would not go for a product due to such a behavior at the first(Bloch 1986). Therefore how can we generalize the effects of such a behavior? Isn’t it possible that there might be some logical reasons behind such a behavior that we as marketers are not aware due to lack of information? Coming on to the advantages side, the consumer behavior model and decision making model such as Sostac have been very helpful for us and to any marketing in order to devise a marketing strategy. These models and sequential processes help us identify the different segments and targets in market to a very good extent rather than making guesses through hit and trial method. Even if we consider them guesses, still these guesses and expectations are quite calculated with the help of these models. Moreover by using the consumer behavior model a company can come up with different marketing options for different target markets and segments keeping in mind several consumer traits, buying behavior and combinations that they tend to make. Also a SOSTAC model enables us to first analyze our current position of the business. This is important because without knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a company, marketers will take a great deal of risk by throwing out is product in the market just like that. The SWOT analysis, PEST analysis and the Communication tool analysis has helped us how we can actually market our product keeping in mind a number of external factors such as social factors, means of communication, economical factors and for a Lamborghini is quite different from marketing a soda therefore a lot of insight has to be taken into account in order to come up with the best marketing for the luxurious and expensive Lamborghini SUV (Dhar 1997). Bibliography: 1. Altaner. (2000). Dot Com Deals. Sun-Sentinel. 2. Alba, J. (1987). Dimensions of Consumer Expertise. Journal of Consumer Research 3. Alba, J. (1987). The effect of frequency knowledge on consumer decision making. Journal of Consumer research 4. Assael, H (2003). Consumer Behavior: A Strategic Approach. : Houghton Mifflin Company 5. Bettman, J. (1975). Issues in designing consumer information environments. Journal of Consumers Research. 2, 169-177. 6. Bettman, J. (1975). Issues in designing consumer information environments. Journal of Consumers Research. 2, 169-177. 7. Bloch, P. (1986). Consumer Search an Extended Framework. Journal of Consumer Research. 13, 119-126. 8. Braus, P. (1990). What is a good Service? American Demographics. 9. Bettman, J (1979). An information Processing Theory of consumer choice. : Addison- Wesley 10. Blackwell, R, Minard, P Engel, F (2005). Consumer Behavior (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Marketing). : South-Western College Pub 11. Dhar, R. (1997). Consumer Preference for No-Choice Option. Journal of Consumer Research. 24. 12. Hawkins, D (2003). Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Marketing. : McGraw-Hill College 13. Hoyer, W (2003). Consumer Behavior Third Edition. : Houghton Mifflin Company. 14. Shiffman, L (2006). 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Consumer Behavior (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Marketing). : McGraw-Hill 24. Roberts, J. (2000). Developing new rules for new markets. Journal of the academy of marketing Science. 28, 31-41. 25. Rao, A. How to fight a price war. Harvard business review 26. Sirininivasa, N. (1991). An empirical Test of a model of external search for automobiles. Journal of Consumer Research. 18 27. Sujan, M. (1985). Consumer Knowledge: effects on evaluation strategies mediating consumer judgments. Journal of Consumer research. 28. Solomon, M (2008). Consumer Behavior in Fashion. : Prentice Hall 29. Solomon, M (2003). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 6th Edition. 8th ed. : Pearson/Prentice Hall. 30. Woodside, A. (1992). Finding out why consumers shop your store and buy your brand: automatic cognitive processing models of primary choice. Journal of advertizing research. 32, 59-78. 31. Wrieght, P. (1973). Use of Consumer Judgment Models in Promotion Planning. Journal of Marketing.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Public Attitudes of Proposed Wind Farm
Public Attitudes of Proposed Wind Farm With Irelands excellent wind resources, wind power has become one of the most rapidly growing sources of renewable energy in Ireland (Comhar, Nov 11). Many people in Ireland claim to be in favour of wind farming, and maintain that wind power is good source of renewable energy, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, numerous people also believe that these wind farms spoil the scenery and may have a negative effect on the local landscape, as well as having negative effects on tourism in the area concerned. As plans to create a new wind farm in County Clare have been put in motion, I wish to access the opinions of the citizens of West Clare on the proposed construction of a wind farm on the western slope of Mount Callan. Aims and Objectives As both the people of West Clare, and the wind farm itself, have to co-exist in the area in question, the opinions and attitudes of the local people are paramount in formulating an effective plan, and in executing it to final completion of the project. As the financial sustainability of the residents of the chosen area rely primarily on agriculture and tourism, opinions given on the impact the building of a wind farm may have on both of these economic areas are crucial to effectively and smoothly completing the project. The aim of this project is to access the opinions and attitudes of the citizens in West Clare on the proposed construction of a wind farm on the western slope of Mount Callan. The main objectives of this survey are to: Access whether or not the citizens of West Clare support the use of wind power. Access whether or not the citizens of West Clare support or oppose the construction of a wind farm on Mount Callan. Access whether or not the citizens in West Clare believe that a wind farm would benefit their local economy. To find out the opinions of the citizens of West Clare, on the effects a wind farm would have on the local landscape. Methodology Statistical analysis mapping can be used to combine quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. This is used to create a basis for the primary research. I have used the statistical analysis mapping method to extract data from the census in order to help me identify my area of study. To provide appropriate information for my study, I have mapped data relating to location, age, gender and length of time living at the current location (Kitchin Tate, 2000). Kilmihil, Creegh and Liscasey are the three closest townlands to the proposed construction site of the wind farm. These three townlands have a combined population of 724 with 65% of people being over the age of twenty. Of the population over the age of twenty, 52% of them are male and 48% are female (CSO). I will take a sample of 100 people, 52 male and 48 female from the combined population of the three towns aged over twenty. I will use systematic random sampling, selecting the fifth element at random, to conduct the questionnaire for quantitative data collection. These questionnaires will be distributed personally in local centres. This method of research has been used by Michler and Kodeih in their article Mussel and Seaweed Cultivation in Offshore Wind Farms: An Opinion Survey (Michler Kodeih, 2008). Q1.To which age category do you belong?20 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 64 65+ Q2Gender:Male Female Q3. Marital Status:Single Married Widow/Widower Q4.How many Children do you have?0 1 – 2 3 – 5 6+ Q5.Do you live in an urban or rural area?Urban Rural Q6.How long have you lived here? Q7.Is your household accommodation: Owner occupied with a mortgage? Owner occupied without a mortgage? Being purchased from the Local Authority? Being Rented from the Local Authority? Being rented from a private landlord? Q8.What is your occupation? Q9.If your occupation relates to agriculture, Arable farming what kind of agriculture are you engaged in? Livestock Other Q10.Do you think wind farms will affect agriculture?Yes No If yes, please explain. Q11. Would you support the constructionYes of a wind farm in your area? No Q12.Do you think a wind farm would affectYes the house prices in your area? No Q13.Do you think a wind farm wouldYes benefit your local economy? No Q14.Do you think that wind farm will Yes contribute to Irelands energy independence? No Q15.What affect do you think a wind farm would have on the local landscape? Q16.What problems do you think a wind farm in your area might cause? Q.17Would you be willing to take part in a follow upinterview to further express your views on wind farming? Yes No If Yes, please complete the following Name: Address: Phone Number: â€Å"Qualitative research methods are necessary when limited research has focused on a concept or phenomenon and it â€Å"needs to be understood†(Hunt, 2010). I will focus on interviews with the residents of these three towns to collect quantitative data. I will use an open-ended interview to conduct this part of the project. This technique uses a type of structured questionnaire, which does not constrict the answers of interviewee to categories provided by the interviewer; this better reflects the interviewee’s own thinking (Kitchin Tate, 2000). I have included a question on the quantitative questionnaire enquiring whether or not participants would be willing to take part in an interview. I am hoping I will receive twenty five participants that will agree to this. If I do not receive the required amount of participants for interviewing from the questionnaire, I will utilise the practice of cold calling to obtain the remaining participants. I will use a sample size of twenty five people, thirteen male and twelve female. I will interview six people from Kilmilhil, ten people from Liscasey and nine people from Creegh, to access their opinions on the proposed wind farm. This method of data collection was used by Sustainable Energy Ireland in their article on Attitudes towards the developments of wind farms in Ireland (ESI, 2003). Interview schedule I have read and understood this consent form completely and am willing to take part in this interview. I understand the purpose of this interview. I am aware that I can withdraw from this interview at any time. I understand that all my answers will be considered in the strictest confidence. Signed:Date: I am interested in the opinions of the citizens of West Clare on the construction of a wind farm on the west slope on Mount Callan. I would like to ask you a series of questions related to this topic. Q1. To what extent would you support or oppose the construction of a wind farm in your area? Q2. Are you in favour of the further developments of wind farms in Ireland? Q3. What benefits do you think a wind farm would bring to your area? Q4. What problems do you think a wind farm might cause in your area? Q5.What affects do you think a wind farm would have on the local landscape? Q6. Do you think the construction of a wind farm in your area would contribute to Ireland’s energy independence? Q7. Are you concerned about climate change? Q8. Would you be willing to pay more for your electricity if it comes from a clean renewable source? The benefits of generating primary data are that it is known precisely how the data was produced, and if any problems arose in the process. This is the system mostly used for data collection; however is some cases the generation of primary data is not possible then secondary data may be used. Secondary data may also be used to help supplement the primary data you have already collected (Kitchin Tate, 2000). As numerous methods of data collection are required to conduct this study, use of secondary document analysis will also be employed. The data in these documents have been collected and analysed by someone else, and usually for a different purpose. However these secondary sources are useful and can aid in strengthening the understanding of a chosen topic. The sources I intend to use are as follows: Busch, M., Gee, K., Burkhard, B., Lange, M., Stelljes, N. (2011). Conceptualizing the link between marine ecosystem services and human well-being: the case of offshore wind farming. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services Management 7:3, pp. 109-203. Comhar. (Nov 11). Community Renewable Energy in Ireland: Status, barriers and potential options. Dublin: Comar Publications. CSO. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 18, 2014, from Central Statistics Office: http://census.cso,oe/sapmap/ ESI. (2003). Retrieved 04 2014, 19, from Sustainable Energy Ireland: Hunt, T. (2010). Big wind in small town Ontario:. Toronto: Department of Geography, Collaborative Program in Environmental Studies, University of Toronto. Kitchin, R., Tate, N. J. (2000). Conducting research into human geography: Theory, methodology and pratice. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Michler, C. T., Kodeih, S. (2008). Mussel and seaweed cultivation in offshore wind farms: An opinion survey. Coastal management, 36(4), pp. 392-411. Smith, E. R., Klick, H. (2007). Explaining NIMBY Opposition to Wind Power. Santa Barbara: University of California, Santa Barbara. DeLacy, P. Barton, (2001) Wind farms: a valuation primer, Appraisal journal, 79(1), pp. 28-43. Wilson, Keith (2011), Winds of change, Geographical, 83(5) p. 74. Bibliography Works Cited Comhar. (Nov 11). Community Renewable Energy in Ireland: Status, barriers and potential options. Dublin: Comar Publications. CSO. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 18, 2014, from Central Statistics Office: http://census.cso,oe/sapmap/ ESI. (2003). Retrieved 04 2014, 19, from Sustainable Energy Ireland: Hunt, T. (2010). Big wind in small town Ontario:. Toronto: Department of Geography, Collaborative Program in Environmental Studies University of Toronto, pp. 24-27 Kitchin, R., Tate, N. J. (2000). Conducting research into human geography: Theory, methodology and pratice. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, pp. 28-44 Michler, C. T., Kodeih, S. (2008). Mussel and seaweed cultivation in offshore wind farms: An opinion survey. COASTAL MANAGEMENT 36: 4, pp. 392-411. SEI. (2013). Retrieved 04 19, 2014, from Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Accounting Scandal Essay -- essays research papers
I should be guilty of dissembling if I were not to refer to the economic difficulties which have affected Japan recently along with several other countries. I assume that these difficulties have come as a shock to people in Japan because of their contrast with the prolonged period of economic success which preceded them. But they show, as history has shown so often, that the enjoyment of steady uninterrupted growth, over the very long term, is beyond the capacity of nations. Every country, no matter how successful, seems bound to experience setbacks. The history of the changing wealth of nations is the subject for a different speech by a different speaker. But accounting has a part to play, an important part, because of its role in making markets work effectively. And this is very much the subject for this speech and this speaker. The Value of Accounting Standards Today, the central focus of accounting is surely the measurement of business performance. Over the last 200 years or so, the broad trend of economic development has been towards specialisation, large scale production, enabled by increasing domestic and international trade. Large scale production has depended on the growth of capital markets. Hence, although other purposes remain important, the modern focus of accounting has come to be to serve the capital markets, to make those markets work efficiently. This process is not finished in any country of the world, much less internationally. I want to emphasise the importance of this purpose of accounting. People who provide capital do so for a return and they wish to have reports of performance to help them decide how much to invest in particular businesses and on what terms. They wish performance to be reported in a manner which helps them to assess future prospects. Investors generally dislike risk. The higher they perceive the risk to be, the higher the return they seek for providing capital to a particular business. Perceived risk comes partly from economic fundamentals: from technologies, from demand factors and from competition. But it also comes from accounting. If accounting information is failing to meet the needs of investors, perhaps because it is perceived by them to be unreliable, the investors will feel more uncertainty in judging economic prospects than is warranted by the economic fundamentals. Investors will require to be compens... ...urrently experiencing a time of economic stress. I wonder whether people in Japan will think that this is the ideal time to accept international standards for cross border listings in Japan, whether they will think that acceptance of international standards would provide the clearest possible signal of Japan's determination to be in the mainstream of international accounting developments. I wonder whether people in Japan might think that this is the ideal time to undertake a review of all Japanese accounting rules to incorporate the best of international accounting so that, like Australia, Japan could say that compliance with national standards would produce compliance with international standards without the two sets of standards necessarily being identical. People might think that this would remove inhibitions for international investors in investing in Japanese companies and would enable Japanese companies to obtain their capital on the most favourable possible international t erms. People might think that everything possible would then have been done to ensure that accounting was playing its part in the economic recovery which your overseas visitors so warmly wish you to enjoy.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Little Fugue and Morning Song by Sylvia Plath Essay -- Sylvia Plath Po
A relationship is an emotional connection to someone involving an interaction between two or more people. There are many types of relationships, some functional and others far from being workable. I will demonstrate this through my texts of; Little Fugue, and Morning Song both poems written by Sylvia Plath; the movie, Love Actually; and the book, Trickster’s Choice by Tamora Pierce. Little Fugue by Sylvia Plath is my first example of how we all perceive our different relationships. This poem is about Plath talking of her father and herself and the lack of communication between the two. Throughout the poem, Plath contradicts herself, saying, ‘I was seven, I knew nothing’ yet she constantly talks of the past, remembering. Her tone is very dark and imposing, she uses many images of blindness, deafness and a severe lack of communication, ‘So the deaf and dumb/signal the blind, and are ignored’. Her use of enjambment shows her feelings and pain in some places, in other places it covers up her emotional state. She talks of her father being a German, a Nazi. Whilst her father may have originated from Germany, he was in no way a Nazi, or a fascist. He was a simple man who made sausages. ‘Lopping the sausages!’ However she used this against her father, who died when she was but eight, saying that she still had night mares, ‘They color1 my sleep,’ she also brings her father’s supposed Nazism up again, ‘Red, mottled, like cut necks./There was a silence!’. Plath also talks of her father being somewhat of a general in the militia, ‘A yew hedge of orders,’ also with this image she brings back her supposed vulnerability as a child, talking as if her father was going to send her away, ‘I am guilty of nothing.’ For all her claims of being vul... ...r child being an alien, she still stumbles from bed ‘cow heavy’ at a single cry from the child. Morning Song is literally the cry of a baby, as it calls for it’s mother. The relationship between mother and child is strong although Plath seems to view her child as something totally unchildlike. She doesn’t seem to be able to connect with her child in any way. I have learned that relationships are diverse and can change from one moment to the next. I have learned that not all people share the same views as I do when it comes to the people I hold dear. The world around me is a very different place to my perceived ideals. Relationships are like diamonds, with many sides and facets. It can be perfect and clear, or cloudy and distorted. It is life. 1American spelling used as it is a direct quote 2Corus is the capital city of Aly’s home country, Tortall
Friday, October 11, 2019
Lord of the Flies – How is the idea of the beast developed?
The idea of a beast on the island emerges early in the story, which quickly evolves from the imagination of one little boy. At first the idea is superficially rejected but subconsciously absorbed and as a result it continues to develop. The concept of a dangerous presence on the island originates when one of the children mentions he has seen a â€Å"snake – thing. Ever so big†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in the woods, †an idea which is quickly dismissed by the older boys as part of his imagination. Soon, many of the older boys begin to wonder about the existence of some kind of beast, and although many were not willing to admit this, its fear was demonstrated by their horrible nightmares and night screams. Later, talk of beasts emerges at an assembly where the vast majority agreed on its presence on the island and although Simon had already figured out that this idea came from their inner fear, he was not able to get this point across. Orwell reveals the reader, through Simon, how the creation of the beast is used to take the blame for all the chaos and disasters. Furthermore, the creation of the beast is just an excuse to believe the cause of evil is due to it, not to them. As a result, it becomes critical to find a definite shape for the beast and prove its existence as this would automatically release them from the guilt the evil emitted. Soon after, a dead parachutist's corpse is confused with the beast, and the children become convinced of the existence of the beast. In a later assembly, Jack decides to leave the group as he refuses to obey more rules. Many others decide to follow him, as they felt more secure with him. The idea of the existence of the beast gave Jack control over the other children. The concept of a beast is allowed to develop due one main reason; fear. Fear of the unknown, together with the children's imagination, built up the idea of a beast inhabiting the island. Yet, many other factors contribute to its development, such as Jack's desire for control. Throughout this novel, the boys are constantly faced with various fears, yet nothing compares to the fear they feel towards the beast. The beast represents how human beings will try to convince themselves that evil is not present inside them, by making someone or something else seem to be the cause for the evil. The beast is a metaphor used to demonstrate how the imagination can be manipulated to let it grow; à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½The beast had teeth, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ said Ralph, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½and big black eyes.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Yet Golding's purpose in developing the concept of the beast was to demonstrate the connection between evil and fear, to show us that fear is the thought and evil is the reaction, as it is proved by the murder of Simon, when he was confused with the beast which inhabited in their minds.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Strategy and Change Management
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Severstal strategic analysis External environmental analysis Porter’s five forces Yips globalisation strategy Current strategy Industry life cycle Market segmentation Severstal acquisition activities BCG MATRIX Ansoff matrix Stakeholder analysis Conclusion Appendix References Introduction: This assignment is based on one of the biggest steel company in the world it is known as Severstal. This company was founded in 1955 by Cherepovets steel mill and remain under soviet government ownership until 1991. In 1993 Alexel Mordashov became owner of this company and registers the company name as Severstal in Russia.After the privatisation it becomes one of the international Russian companies with overseas export and ownership of foreign assets. And they also listed in LSE and RTS stock markets. They own production in Canada, US, and Europe. Severstal is one of the leading steel manufacturers in Russia. It consists of six segments such as Kolpino processi ng service Centre, metal ware, pipes, trading and services, steel and scraps procurement In 2008, Severstal became third biggest steel producer in Russian and 14 in the world, and the revenue reaches to US$ 22. billion. In same year they decided to change company structure by making three divisions such as Severstal international, Severstal Russian steel and Severstal resources. These changes improved their profit in the world. In 2007 they also established gold business in the world. In 2010 Severstal improve their leading position in Russian market. However, they are famous for their high value added products such as galvanized sheet, cold rolled and pipes. However, the company got 10 boards of directors and 5 are independent director including chairman.Finally, this research will examine the company strategic performance and tell us detail information of the company including its environmental factors and financial performance in the world. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT FACTORS: Macro env ironmental factors will critically analysis the company external factors through it’s broadly frame work such as pest analysis. This framework will help to know about the company environment in the world. Political factors: * Government are establishing new trade barriers for all that can have negative or positive impact on their business. Other political factors which can affect their business are adverse impact on business, such as operational results and financial impact. * Severstal investment policy can have regional political risk. * All majorities of production and operations are taking place in other region and countries with stand able political and social system. Economic factors: * Slow rate of economic growth can affect Russian economy. * Recession can reduce demand of all raw materials such as oil, gas and metals that leads to loss for the company. Increased in inflation can decline production and increased unemployment in the country. * Increased in oil price ca n lead to slow down in world economic growth and reduce demand of steel in the world. Social factors: * Social corporate responsibility. * Changes in employment laws and labour can affect on their business. * Significant attentions and following social rules of government can lead company growth in future. * Creating employment satisfaction and fulfilment of employee working potential can develop good relationship with labour. Technological factor: New technology and innovations is required to develop the market position. * Implementing new techniques methods for development * Creating new types of steel alloys such as construction products of building. * Better services, quality and technology for manufacturing and production. Porter’s five forces http://www. google. co. uk/search? q=porter's+five+forces;hl=en;prmd=imvnsb;tbm=isch;tbo=u; However, steel industries were not profitable from long time. All the manufacturers and producers were not seen profitable in late 1990 to 2003.In USA, more than 50 industries went for bankruptcy. Eventually, twenty first century becomes revolutionary for steel industry. For example: mittal steel paid $35 billion to buying European giant and becoming world largest steel industry in the world. New entrants: There are two powerful entrants in the steel industries they are reorganisation and privatisation. There will be limited threats of new entrants in steel industry. However, Chinese are increasing capacity of rate at 30%. Since 1990 Chinese has become third world exporter and producer in the world after Russia and Japan.Although the steel industry will have a competitor such as china, and India steel industry can become the threat for Severstal. Substitutes: There are not many substitutes for steel, but because of the advance technology they introduced substitutes by other material such as aluminium in cars, plastics and aluminium are used to make this thing. However, in present world steel has become one third thinne r over last few years. Similarly for construction big items such as building, bridges, trains etc steel are only used to make these items.Buyer power: There are many key buyers for steel such as Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen and one of the leading steel buyers who produce food cans is known as crown holding, they make one third of food can in Europe and North America. All these industries buy high volume of steel to produce their items. Car manufacturers are the leading buyers of steel in the world. Supplier power: The key producer of steel is iron ore. There are three big ORE producers they are TINTO, RIO, CVRD and BHP Billiton they control 70% of steel market in the world. The supplier power of steel maker is very high in this ndustry. Despite of recession, steel ore price was not decreased in the market. Competitive Rivalry: Since 2000, the industry has become very fragmented, the top most producers in the world has been accounted for 14% of production. Most of them were selling the s teel in tonnes. Price were decreased in 19th century and bit slow down in the demand. However in the twenty first century demand boomed by Chinese market. Chinese were the largest consumer of steel in the world. Other big companies like mittal, Tata and thyssen Krupp were buying weaker players in the market.New steel giant mittal becomes the world largest producers in the world. Yip’s globalisation strategy: From the above macro environment situation the company decide to adapt the global strategy in order to achieve higher revenue and profit in the future. This yip globalisation model helps to evaluate the industry. http://www. google. co. uk/imgres? um=1;hl=en;sa=N;biw=1280;bih=709;tbm=isch;tbnid=ED-UITUWq9ob0M:;imgrefurl=http This model is consisting of four drivers which help industry for global expansion in international market.However, apply this framework in Severstal industry to see it benefits: Market drivers: If we see the performance of Severstal, it most revenue i s generating by North America, Russia and other resources of the world. According to its annual report the company is generating revenue from all across the world. The steel market is cyclical with short peak to peak demand in the regional markets. However, in future company can dominate the position Chinese market. Basically, Chinese has very less amount of producers in the market to supply steel in international market.Cost drivers: Mostly the steel industry generates its income through iron ore and other raw materials including, energy, electricity and labour. However, to increase its revenue company need to globalize and reduce the cost in order to improve its profitability. The industry need to utilise it assets were the company acquire from mergers and acquisition. Finally the company need to produce the material in the different countries to reduce it production costs and logistics cost in the end. Government drivers:The industry has benefit in the country where they have lib eral trade laws such as European Union who provides human resource and infrastructure facility compared to other parent company that run in Russia. Competitive drivers: The rapid development in environment shows the new level of competition in steel industry. The vision and mission of Severstal is to achieve it steel production across the globe. The report shows that Severstal is a 14th largest steel industry in world that produced 19. 2 million tonnes of steel in the world. However, mittal is the largest industry to produce 54. 4 million tonnes of steel in a year. case study Severstal). However, Severstal need to expand its business by implementing a strategy in the business that can help the company step by step to improve the market condition in the future. CURRENT STRATEGY: Severstal industry life cycle: https://www. google. co. uk/search? q=industry+life+cycle;hl=en;prmd=imvnsbz;tbm=isch;tbo=u;source=univ;sa=X;ei=bRgaUIbkHtK There are four stages of industry life cycle such as * Development: Severstal need to focus on development and innovation of product which help company to bring new technology and environment benefits.They should maintain the quality of the product. * Growth: Severstal need to maintain its business growth drivers such as vertical integration, cost advantages and strategic market focus. * Maturity: Severstal is one of the dominated steel industries in the market. However, they need to maintain position in US and Europe market to achieve maturity in the business. Although, china is existing market with less revenue that can become your main market in the future. * Decline: In 1990 steel industry was facing huge decline in their sales and production.However in 21th century steel industries are dominating the position in the world by acquire small industries for example mittal acquisition European steel company and Tata purchase other steel industry. Market segmentation: According to the market research the full vertical integration form give competitive advantage to Severstal, they need to keep strengthens the industry cyclicality market risk and provides flexibility and disruption allow us to capture the market opportunity. This vertical integration system helps company to improve financial performance in all three division of market.This vertical form also help to maintain the cost advantage and supply chain with high level of sufficiency, However, Severstal need focus on acquisition of small steel industry to acquire and develop the business in entire world. Target market: * Severstal need to target emerging markets such as Latin America, south east Asia, Africa and middle east * They need to secure their assets in fast growing steel markets. * Developing a new global raw material base will secure access to high potential market ensure its leading position and develop its expansion strategy for the company. Severstal need to target Chinese market and Asian market to develop their position in the world. Positioni ng: * Severstal need to maintain its position in Russia and North American market. However, their goal for 2012 is to improve EBITDA margin and despite many economic and industry challenges. * Our Intention is to keep global cost curve across all the operations and strengthen our market position. * They need to more focus on potential emerging market and high value added product which drive our margins to top position. SEVERSTAL ACQUISITION ACTIVITIESPortfolio matrices (BCG MATRIX): The most common portfolio analysis is Boston consulting group matrix which analysis the market share and market growth of the industry. This matrix show high growth demand heavy investment for example it show the excess capacity or develop brand. http://www. google. co. uk/imgres? hl=en;sa=X;biw=1280;bih=709;tbm=isch;prmd=imvnsb;tbnid=pBDs3BceOtFkAM:;imgrefurl=http://www. quickmba. com/strategy/matrix/bcg/;docid Stars: Europe, US and Russia has high market share for Severstal. Question marks: Chinese and Asian market.Cash cow: North American and Russian market is cash cow where Severstal can develop their market international by export steel in the world. Dogs: other countries like South Korea. Ansoff matrix: Ansoff matrix is a framework to proposed growth strategies for company to develop its business in future. Market penetration: * Severstal should maintain the focus on emerging markets such as Russia and north America * Russian market can increase its revenue in upcoming years. However, WTO has announced the upcoming winter Olympic Games in Sochi Russia which give additional opportunity to develop its market. They need to more focus on south East Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America where they got fastest growing steel market. Product development: * Severstal need to maintain the quality of product such as raw materials like iron ore, coking coal, scrap. * Severstal are targeting to expand access of raw material that could develop the strategically * Severstal need to mo re focus on gold business which can increase their revenue. Market development: * Severstal need to develop its market position in china and Asian market. * They need focus on high value added products and fast growing market. To maintain and maximise margins of the company, they should need to focus on steel related mining and steel production. * Target main market such as Russia to become no 1 in that market. Diversification: * Severstal need to concentrate more on their existing products such as wire ropes, metal ware and steel pipes. * Company need to maintain its stability in the market. STAKEHOLDER’S ANALYSIS: http://www. google. co. uk/imgres? start=95;hl=en;biw=1280;bih=709;tbm=isch;tbnid=YIubWJZV1827SM:;imgrefurl=http://intoprojects. om/how-to-identify-stakeholders;docid=gTtb0gkJERbD9M There are two types of stake holders they primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders: * Customers: customers are the key person for every company. Who want h igh value added product and good quality and better customer services. * Suppliers: supplier is a person who give raw materials and other products to company and want their payments on time * Employees: employees play vital role in every organisation, those are the people who perform good for the company and maintain the standard of the company.In order to achieve good salaries and benefit from the industry. * Shareholders: shareholders always want the industry to perform well in the market and achieve high revenue every year in order to get more dividend from the company. Secondary stakeholders: * Consumer group: consumer group has a responsibility to check the fairly and safety product are given to consumers. * Trade union: A trade union is a govt law that everyone has in their company. However this trade union assist the labour in any requirement and help them work in better environment. Pressure group: this group maintain the rules and regulation of the government on company law influence and regulation. * Government: Government are related with legislation, VAT, and taxation, low employment. * Community group: this community group includes all community such as jobs, contributions, ecological factors and share will comes under this group. * Media: media also play vital role for every industry in order to promote brand and create good relationship with customers and ongoing activity. Areas to conflict: Primary stakeholder: * Customer are not satisfied with the product and quality that are
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