Monday, September 30, 2019
Monitoring & Evaluating Marketing Comm
Monitoring and evaluating marketing communications is a difficult process with imprecise outcomes. Critically review this statement for both on-line and off-line campaigns, making reference to appropriate theory, the organisation and tools previously selected. Innocent: Campaign regarding â€Å"Veg Pots†Monitoring and evaluating are different but complementary functions, which mutually reinforce one another. Monitoring is an enduring function that uses the systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and the main stakeholders of an on-going development intervention.Evaluation is the systematic and objective assessment of a continuing or completed project, programme or policy, (Third International Roundtable, 2007). Monitoring and evaluating marketing communications can be a difficult process as there are no real metrics for measuring advertisements within a campaign, advertising is not seen as a scientific or mathematical process and therefore e valuating the effectiveness of the campaign holistically can be made challenging.A wide range of criteria could be used by Innocent to monitor effectiveness of the Veg Pot campaign, ranging from awareness or advertising through absorption of product message and other intermediate factors to sales, the closer the sales figures are the better. Innocent Veg Pots offline/online campaign is filled with mixed-media tools, the differences in the way different mediums work can mean that they complement one another, in a mixed-media campaign each enriches what the other conveys.Magazine ads can communicate additional ideas, and also make the television advertising work harder; billboards can result in awareness and responses’ resulting on online hits, what this shows is that monitoring but also evaluating can be done not statistically but making consumers aware of the full product campaign through all mediums. Pelsmacker et al (2004) demonstrates with the use of figure 1. 1 different tests and research how monitoring and evaluating advertising campaigns can work. Figure 1. below illustrates the advertising planning process by stages, different advertising research methods can be adopted at certain points in the planning process. Innocent’s Veg Pot campaign can work in accordance with this model, at the different planning processes Innocent can carry out the research/tests as appropriate in order to efficiently improve decision making in each process and successfully move on to the next stage knowing that previous stages are fully completed and justifiable reasoning can be made as to why the next stage was then carried forward in the planning process.The pre- test is an evaluation method but can be seen as a monitoring method in assessing whether the campaign at that time matches to the expectations of the set objectives for the campaign, objectives should be measurable in order to quantify the effectiveness of the marketing communications (Ouwersloot and Duncan, 2007), the post-test could then help evaluate how well the advertising has been, through typical methods as recall or recognition analysis as suggested by Pickton and Broderick (2005) but have been criticised for association with several methodological problems by Singh et al,(1988 pp72-80).Figure 1. 1: Stages in the development of an advertising campaign and the role of advertising and advertising research Figure 1. 2 below shows the objectives of a pre-test, they could help to monitor if the set objectives are going to be met but also the pre-tests could be carried out to see whether the created adverts for the campaign are effective from the consumers perspective this may then allow Innocent to be efficient with time and money as they have already spent a lot previously promoting the Veg Pots which have been around since 2008, (Leahul, 2008).Figure 1. 2: Objectives of a Pre-Test Monitoring website behaviour has been made easier through advances in technology over the year s, web servers automatically collect data of visitors of whom visit websites Nielsen data are one firm who analyse these views with the help of cookies it allows experts to see consumers who revisit the website or where they go after leaving the advert they had just been exposed to on a certain website which helps evaluation of effectiveness of online adverts.Viewing of television commercials tends to be relatively passive, whereas exposure to magazines is more active. The process of scanning the pages means constantly taking decisions, with relatively high attention, and this active selection is maintained throughout the reading of the issue. Typically, all or almost all of the pages of a magazine are opened, (Consterdine, 2000).Reading a magazine requires more mental engagement than viewing television, magazines are purchased voluntarily and purchased based on interest so it is likely that the consumer is to actively seek out information from that magazine, television which is ano ther of Innocents chosen mediums can however engage with more of the senses than magazines, visual stories can be formed and viewed, jingles and catchy music can be a form of retrieval cues whilst the consumer is shopping.Monitoring television can be done by investigating how many people were watching during that advert break, monitoring magazines could be done by issues sold; evaluating the effectiveness of the ad can be seen through sales after exposure, however it cannot be stated that the increase in sales is because of the adverts it could be through desirability of product and the attractiveness of the offer it has along with it.Monitoring campaigns as Innocent’s mixed media one has proven to have its difficulties but shown to be reduced by Pelsmacker et al (2004) work of test marketing, evaluating the campaign is not any easier as there are many challenges in the way. Post-testing is one possible solution to evaluating the campaign communication effectiveness.Post-test ing is carried out after an advert has been exposed to the target market the post-test hopes to find if the advert exposed has generated demand and increase sales figures. Post-test areas include media evaluation, sales affect, message content & design of the marketing communication and lastly the effect of that marketing communication on awareness, attitude, purchase intention, claimed purchase behaviour and the like, (Pickton and Broderick, 2005 and Pavlou and Stewart, 2000).Pelsmacker et al (2004) found that recognition tests which consist of ‘evaluation of message content on the basis of an awareness of the marketing communication, (Pickton and Broderick, 2005) are better than recall tests which are an ‘evaluation of message content on the basis of aided or unaided recollection of the stimulus material’ (Pickton and Broderick, 2005), in measuring ad effectiveness if this is the case then Innocent could use recognition tests to evaluate the campaign of the Veg Pots however Singh et al (1988) suggested that recall and recognition tests have methodological problems in both broadcast media and print media Pelsmacker et al (2004) did also find that in recognition tests consumers can lie or guess creating erroneous results, single ads would be more difficult for a consumer to recognise or recall but similar ads that are part of a campaign will be more likely to recognised and recalled. Innocent is creating several different adverts all in line with each other to help consumers have the thought of Veg Pots in the top of their mind whilst they are shopping or just hungry. When monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of mixed-media campaigns special care is necessary if attempting to isolate the contributions of each medium. Isolating the effect of an advertising campaign is not always obvious’ according to Pelsmacker et al (2004), if Innocent are to fulfil their objective of increasing family consumers and advertise that free Veg Pots are available to limited consumers, that may increase the demand of the Veg Pots but the question is, is the increase in demand attributable to the advertising efforts or the attractiveness of the offer, (Pelsmacker et al, 2004), because of this it makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the individual tools used within the campaign to see what contributions each tool has brought. In order to assess this issue Pickton and Broderick’s (2005) concept of assessing the whole campaign through integrated marketing seems a much more appropriate method to use than struggling to assess individual tools effectiveness used within a campaign. Campaign evaluation research focusses on the effectiveness of the whole campaign rather than just one ad in which a post-test does. Integrated marketing suggests it is irrelevant to assess the effects of a single ad the effects of the whole campaign should be carried out, (Pickton and Broderick, 2005) which is agreed upon by the workings of Pavlou and Stewart (2000). Almost half of all personal computers are in the same room as the television set, and simultaneous viewing of television and access to the Internet are common,’ (Cox 1998) what this means for Innocent is that their mixed-media tools for the Veg Pot campaign work in accordance with each other suggesting that one medium helps the other in generating more and more awareness, in a campaign like Innocents it is impossible to state that effectiveness of one medium is more useful or successful than the other as it may possibly be that one medium helps the other gain its credibility for example the television advert may direct the consumer to the website for more information which then offers information regarding vouchers in certain magazines therefore creating a triangular formation of connection between the campaign tools. Figure 1. 3: Continuum of integration . Figure 1. above illustrates that increasing levels of integration results in marketing com munications benefiting from synergy creating positive effects, this ties in with the work of Yeshin ( 2005) and Pelsmacker et al (2004) who stated integrated marketing is better than assessing the effects of one single medium which is irrelevant therefore the whole communications mix should be assessed, however Pickton and Broderick (2005) also state in their three levels of integration model (figure 1. 4) that not huge integration is needed like a military station just some integration is needed to keep a connection flowing through the hierarchy to avoid any communication failures. Figure 1. 4: Innocents new commercials that have been proposed to be created for the Veg Pot range is sure to not interest the entire audience the commercial is exposed to, Heath (2005, in Pickton and Boderick) said If the advert generates an interest for the person watching, that individual has more attention on the advert as it appeals to them compared to an individual watching the advert who does not have an interest in the product being advertised.The AIDA model could be an evaluation method that demonstrates how the appeal of the advert leads to purchasing of the Veg Pot as the awareness creates the interest then leading to desire ending in purchase, however the AIDA model has been discredited by Consterdine (2000) as to why consumers switch brands or select the brand because of an advert. There is now wide agreement that advertising works in different ways for different products in different situations, which doesn’t have to comply with the findings of the simplistic AIDA model. Unlike the findings of Pelsmacker et al (2004) and Pickton and Broderick (2005) who talk about evaluation of effectiveness being through tests, Ouwerloot and Duncan (2007) suggest that evaluation can be done through feedback in forms of interviews, meetings and general discussion not only internally but externally out of a company too, this then creates qualitative information for a company suc h as Innocent to use constructively.Speed, scope and scale of interactivity are what the mediums Innocent had for the Veg Pot campaign allowed. The degree of the success of the campaign can to an extent be evaluated through the mediums used. The internet can be used to fill out a questionnaire relating to the Veg Pots finding out whether consumers would purchase again, where and if they saw any of the campaign relating to the Veg Pots, television commercials can direct consumers to other more informative mediums, magazines can offer coupons when they are redeemed, billboards offer awareness, all these mediums combined can be evaluated not singularly though as found by Pelsmacker (2004), Pickton and Broderick, (2005) and Pavlou and Stewart (2000). Monitoring and evaluating marketing communications is a difficult process with imprecise outcomes’ this statements to an extent has been found to be true to an extent as many challenges are faced when monitoring and evaluating as the re are no real metrics to underpin the exact effectiveness of campaign communications it is hugely based upon perceived judgement and estimated predictions it is helped however through pre and post-tests yet through those tests it is still unclear the exact amount of people the campaign proved to be a success towards. Monitoring and evaluating marketing communications of Innocent can be difficult but hardship can be reduced through different methods, by examining the objectives of the campaign of the Veg Pots and seeing whether or not they had been reached can possibly answer the question ‘has the campaign been a success,’ but the actual monitoring of a campaign can be easier than evaluating a campaign, adverts that are singularly produced and not part of a campaign can be better evaluated and monitored as there will be no other influences or support with that particular advert.Saying that monitoring and evaluating can have imprecise outcomes is not generally true as st rategies and tactics are put in place throughout campaigns an outcome is always known as measureable objectives are put in place at the beginning therefore knowing in the mind where or what the end result should be. References Consterdine, G. (2000) ‘Magazine advertising effectiveness’. [Online] http://www. consterdine. com/report. asp? articleid=50 Cox, Beth (1998), â€Å"Report: TV, PC Get Equal Time,† Advertising Report Archives, InternetNews. com (November 17). De Pelsmacker, P. and Geuens, M. and Van den Bergh, J. (2004), Marketing Communications, Prentice Hall, Harlow Leahul, D. (2008) Innocent Tackles food with Veg Pot. Brand Republic [Online] [Accessed on 2nd April 2012] http://www. brandrepublic. com/news/844321/innocent-tackles-food-veg-pots/ Ouwersloot, H. nd Duncan, T. (2007) Integrated Marketing Communications, Mc-Graw Hill Pavlou, P. A. and Stewart, D. W. (2000) ‘Measuring the Effects and Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising. ’ J ournal of interactive advertising, 1(1) Pickton, D. and Broderick, A. (2005) Integrated Marketing Communications, Prentice Hall Singh, S. N et al (1988) ‘Recognition versus Recall as Measures of Television Commercial Third International Roundtable. (2007) Monitoring and Evaluation: Enhancing Development Results. Vietnam. [Online] [Accessed on 2nd April 2012] http://www. mfdr. org/rt3/Glance/Documents/E&M_final. pdf Yeshin, T. (2004) Advertising. Thompson London
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Earthquake Preparedness Press Release Essay
How can my family be prepared for an earthquake? This question haunts countless residents in the Los Angeles area every day. Hopefully we here at the Earthquake Preparedness Center can shed some light on how you can protect your family. My name is Darin Fort and I am the Director of Earthquake Preparedness for Los Angeles. As with any danger, knowledge of the event is of upmost importance. Some questions that should be asked by anyone who wants to defend their home against earthquakes are: What are the origins and causes of earthquakes and what is the relation of earthquakes to plate tectonics and faults in Los Angeles? What are some historical disasters associated with earthquakes? What are the hazards associated with earthquakes? What is the potential for future earthquakes in the Los Angeles area? Earthquakes are started at the Earth’s crust. Our planet is made up of different plates which float on a layer of molten material or magma much like potato chips would float on top of a bowl of water. Scientists believe there could be as many as 12 plates that make up Earth’s crust. These plates move freely like bumper cars: pulling away from each other, moving side to side or laterally, and even smashing into each other. The proof behind plate tectonics lies in mountain ranges and island chains like the Hawaiian Islands, both are products of plate tectonics. Earthquakes originate from plate boundaries called faults. The tension and movement between the conflicting faults is what causes the shock waves referred to as an earthquake. When the pressure between two conflicting plates is too much for the rock material to support, they can shift or break dramatically. The exact underground point where this occurs is the focus. Many people are familiar with the above ground ve rsion of the focus called the epicenter. When the plates crack or shift, shock waves are sent out from the focus. These waves come in three forms: Primary, Secondary, and Surface. The surface wave is the one which causes damage to our cities and homes. Unfortunately, Los Angeles is located over an earthquake hot bed. There are two different kinds of plate boundaries located under the Los Angeles area. The first is called a transform plate boundary. In a transform boundary, such as the San Andres Fault, plates move in a lateral motion. Imagine taking two pieces of rough cut wood and sliding them against one another. When the force applied exceeds the ability of the splinters holding them together, they slip and then catch again when it meets new, stronger material. This is called strike-slip affect which is produced by transform plate boundaries. The other type of boundary located in the Los Angeles area is called a convergent boundary. Convergent boundaries are located where two plates are colliding into each other. The grinding and crushing action of the two converging plates send shock waves out just as the transform boundary does. Los Angeles has been battling the effects of plate tectonics for centuries. The Los Angeles area has suffered several major events in recent history. The Fort Tejon Earthquake took place in 1857 and tremors from this quake were felt over 350,000 square kilometers (USGS, 2012). The Fort Tejon Earthquake was one of the largest in California history and originated at a strike-slip boundary. The Parkfield Earthquake of 1901 was an event we all hope never happens again. Over 700 people lost their lives that day due to the tremors which originated from the San Andres Fault (USGS, 2012). In 1994 a major event struck which killed many, injured thousands, and destroyed billions of dollars’ worth of property. There were also major events which took place in 1881, 1922, 1934, 1966, and most recently 2004 where property was damaged and even worse lives were lost. The hazards involved in an earthquake are countless. As stated earlier, the major damage causing force of an earthquake is the surface wave. The surface wave causes ground tremors that can knock building off their foundations and bring bridges crumbling down. If you are inside, either find the strongest area of the room or get under a table or desk and stay there. If you are caught outdoors get into the open, as far away from buildings, power lines, or any other type of tall or overhead structures. Another major hazard brought about by an earthquake is fire. Many times tremors from earthquakes can bring down power lines and rupture gas mains. In an event where you witness fallen power lines or leaking gas main, please move as far away from them as possible and contact rescue personnel as soon as possible. Crumbling dams and levees can also lead to flooding in some areas. Stresses in certain structures like dams and levees tend to not present themselves until it is too late to escape the rising water. You should evacuate the area until safety and rescue personnel have had time to clear the area and inspect the affected structure. We can say, without hesitation, the earthquake activity in the Los Angeles is here to stay. Since we are located directly over plate boundaries, we will continue to see seismic events. Plate tectonics, the driving force of earthquakes, is a natural process which has formed the ever-changing world we live in today. Science Daily, a leading publisher of science news, recently published an article titled â€Å"California Has More Than 99% Chance of a Big Earthquake within 30 Years, Report Shows†(Science Daily, 2008). While the actual statistic is a 49% chance of a 7.5 or greater earthquake striking in the next 30 years, we are certain that seismic events will continue to plaque the city (Science Daily, 2008). Unfortunately, many of the lives lost in earthquake events could be prevented by taking precautionary steps in our everyday lives. However, due to an increased population and congested city centers it is possible there could be more lives lost today if a major event were to strike. Please take all precautionary measures to keep you and your family safe during an earthquake. For a full list of ways to keep safe before, during, and after an earthquake, please visit , click on â€Å"Earthquakes†and follow the link to â€Å"What to do if an earthquake strikes†. Remember, being prepared may save your life. Reference Page California Department of Conservation. (2007). What to do in an Earthquake. Retrieved from ScienceDaily. (Apr. 15, 2008). California Has More Than 99% Chance Of A Big Earthquake Within 30 Years, Report Shows. Retrieved from USGS. (2012). California Earthquake History. Retrieved from USGS. (2012). 1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake. Retrieved from USGS. (2012). 1901 Parkfield Earthquake. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
W 4 Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
W 4 Marketing - Essay Example This helps in meeting the national goals while reducing the cost of medical services by imposing healthcare coverage (USGOVHHS, 2014). According to Leo, another member of the panel argues that sufficient room for innovation of exchanges in medical reforms has been easily steered through technology. In addition, it alleviates dysfunctional issues that may be associated with medical delivery. Besides, the use of technology by both public and private institutions with an aid by the federal government helps to streamline the model language leading to effectiveness of the performance measure while availing sufficient information to the patients. For instance, somebody who is suffering from diabetes gets an opportunity to access data on the necessary measures needed to make his life sustainable for a very long period (USGOVHHS, 2014). Others members of the panel such as Lori, Leah and Helen contemplate that the use of technology is vital to medical reporting since it helps in the prevention of adverse outcome of care which usually has devastating effects and often fatal than the normal underlying disease. In essence, during surgery, technology is best applied in determining the level of infection in a patient before the actual surgery can be carried out. Other than negligence, this helps in the prevention of adverse effects on out patients. The panel also disclosed that, the use of technology both by public in conjunction with private healthcare institutions facilitates the retrieval of previous data about a patient and for such reasons it becomes very easy for a practitioner to make an informed decision before discharging the treatment to the patient based on his medical history. Moreover, the technological linking of both private and public institutions enhances value benefits amongst all the medical stakeholde rs and this helps in the evaluation, analysis and
Friday, September 27, 2019
Hospital Human Resource Department Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hospital Human Resource Department - Assignment Example The paper will have an overall view of the human resource department in a community hospital. Hospital organization hierarchy and structure An organization hierarchy is a form of organizational structure in which every entity apart from one is subordinate to the other. This means that the subordinate departments and sections report to one another within the hierarchy. This ensures that there is a chain of command flowing from the top. The human resource department in community hospital has a hierarchy in which the chain of command flows from the human resource manager. The human resource manager is at the top of the hierarchy given that he/she is the senior most person in the department. He/she oversees the relationship between staff and the organization and establishes the human resources vision. Subordinate to the HR manager are the employee relations manager, compensation and benefits manager and training manager. The training and development manager handles all issues related to recruitment, placements, and selection. Within the same hierarchy exists the employee relations manager who handles matters related to employee grievances and safety issues. The compensation and benefits manager handles issues related to workers’ remuneration, allowances, and incentives. The hierarchy is as shown in the chart below. Fig 1: A chart of Human Resource department’s organizational hierarchy and structure Basic responsibilities of the Hospital HR department The hospital’s human resource department is charged with the responsibility formulating human resource policies, and recruiting and employing staff, training, establishing workers’ remuneration packages and solving any problems related to staffing. This ensures that the hospital meets its personnel requirements and its missions. When formulating new HR policies, the department considers several factors both internal and external to the organization The human resource department ensures that the hospital maintains adequate staff so that no shortage is experienced in the same respect. Staff shortage may affect the hospital grossly to an extent of putting the lives of patients at risk. In so far as staffing is concerned, the department is charged with the responsibilities of recruiting, selecting, and training the employees. The department also offers placement opportunities to trainees and promotion to those staff members that have contributed a lot to the hospital after evaluating the employees (Goyal, 2005). The human resource department of the community hospital ensures that favorable relations exist between employees and managers. It does this by organizing training programs, meetings, and workshops. This has proved beneficial in the hospital as it makes employees feel that they are valued in the hospital and that their contributions in the organization are recognized. The human resource department also ensures that employee’s morale is boosted. This it does b y developing and revising incentive schemes depending on the prevailing situation and considering various factors. The human resource department also ensures that proper procedures and policies are in place for handling employees’ grievances. This goes a long way in avoiding industrial actions including strikes, go slows and litigations as noted by Goyal (2005). Type of department The hospital has a centralized human resource department considering that most of the major decisions are made by the managers. All policies and major decisions a
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Aims of the Law and the Common Good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Aims of the Law and the Common Good - Essay Example The discussion will focus on the relationship between these issues and the provisions of specific laws, including the statutory provisions, constitutional provisions and legal opinions. The aim of this paper is to develop philosophical arguments, critiquing various arguments on the proper aims of law. a) Laws Permitting or Prohibiting Gay Marriage; The role of the law is among other things, to create solutions to the problems that are said to arise when community’s lives face difficulties. It is clear that any law should appreciate the rules of change, while seeking to adjudicate the difficulties it is created to resolve. The laws that either prohibit or permit gay marriage can be said to be introducing new social rules. The Congress in 1996 approved the Defense of Marriage Act, which sought to prevent the Federal Government from recognizing same sex marriages (Canale et al., 2009). The law also mandated states from recognizing same sex marriages that had been celebrated in ot her states. However, in certain states, same sex marriages are permitted while other states seek to acknowledge same sex marriages celebrated in other jurisdictions. States like Maryland have passed laws legalizing same sex marriages, but are subjecting them to referendum during the 2012 elections. The controversy surrounding same sex marriages is not spared in the courts. ... trict Court of Massachusetts, held that it was a denial of federal rights to a lawfully married Massachusetts same sex couples, under the Defense Marriage Act, and this was a violation of their constitutional rights. It is clear that marriages between people of the same sex are challenged in courts, and it is fundamental for any judge to determine that aim of the law permitting or prohibiting same sex marriage. In so doing, the Judge should consider the common good of the people (Canale et al., 2009). This issue seems to be more intertwined with the theoretical underpinnings of the Utilitarianism theory which is more concerned with the normative ethics. John Stuart Mills advanced this theory with the view that the overall role of the law is to derive happiness to the greatest number in the society. The fact that same sex marriage is only recognized at the state level raises the question as to why one state would permit it, while the other state prohibits it. The definition in the Def ense Marriage Act is within the traditional customary practices of the institution of marriage. The family was the basic unit of life and it served as basic unit of life through reproduction. This definition seeks to define a marriage within the meaning of the general segment of the American society. However, the states are said to be more distinct, particularly in the development of legislation that recognizes same sex couples. It is thus submitted that marriage laws are mainly determined by the state as opposed to the federal government, thus the Defense of Marriage Act does not seek to prevent the individual states from defining marriage, as they deem fit for the purpose of meeting the common good of their constituents (Finnis, 2011). This is seen to be the utilitarian approach as
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Promotion - Essay Example Concerning the placement of the advertisement, the Australian laws prohibit any kind of deception in an advertisement and the Advertisement Standards Bureau (ASB) is tasked with ensuring compliance. In addition, any advertisement viewed as untruthful or dishonest or one that deceitfully targets children is not allowed (ASB p.2). As for ‘Tastie’, no falsehood shall be witnessed because the ingredients shall be the ones placed on the advertisement cover. Secondly, it shall not feature any child to avoid misinterpretation. Instead, the tagline of â€Å"Australia’s best chocolate pop for all†shall be used to imply the suitability of the products across all age group. This advertisement will be placed on family magazines- Offspring and The Australian family to be precise reason being that these are very popular and the fact that the content printed is mainly family-related. Additionally, the major newspapers like Herald sun, Courier mail and the Daily telegraph shall also be used as platforms due to the high demand. For the TV, the advertisement will be aired on ABC due to the high viewership and this will happen during the night sport news. The importance of placing it at this time is to capitalize on the audience, which is quite high at this time. Concerning the budget, the ABC’s cost is around AUD$ 1000 for 30 seconds at the prime time. It will be placed 3 times a week. As for the newspaper, the will appear daily on the back pages to lower the cost while on the magazines will be once a month. In total, the budget is expected to be around AUD $ 4000 weekly and the projected sales from these advertisements are expected to bring in twice a s much. With internet having advanced a notch higher in this century, social networking sites shall play a significant role in popularizing this product. Firstly, in the Australian advertising laws, any product, which implies or encourages promotion, is regarded as
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
College drop-outs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
College drop-outs - Essay Example While there are certain behaviors that are overtly recognizable as racism and bullying, and are hence forbidden by the colleges, many more behaviors actually qualify as racism and bullying and are yet not easily recognizable as such. These days, immigrants make a significant proportion of students in colleges. They are subject to racism and bullying because of their cultural, religious, and ethnic differences from the native students. Native students also expose the outsiders to racism and bullying because of their xenophobia. Different students deal with racism and bullying in different ways depending upon their previous life experiences, personality and behavior in general. Some are too weak to take it and hence, consider dropping-out of colleges. This not only displays a lack of strength on the part of such students, but also reveals their short-sightedness as they tend to compromise upon something that would benefit them in the long run because of such menial challenges. Fees of highly reputable colleges and universities these days are sky-high. Many students have to work in order to finance their education. This is typically observed in the case of foreign students. They work along with studying to be able to afford their residence, and other expenses in addition to education in the host country. This definitely requires a lot of time and effort on the part of such students. Even if they find time to study in a part-time course, the physically and emotionally demanding jobs drain all energy out of them, thus leaving them very unmotivated to study. Many students eventually drop-out of colleges in order to be able to give more time to their jobs and earn money, what really matters to them. Many young people these days draw inspiration from computer giants and billionaire entrepreneurs. Education is required the most when an individual seeks employment, but to establish a business, higher education is not necessarily required. Such young people consider dropp ing out of the universities in an attempt to get on a fast track to a successful business. Names like Dell, Gates, and Jobs give star power to the myth of successful dropouts. â€Å"One recent New York Times homage to the phenomenon compared dropping out to "lighting out for the territories to strike gold," with one young executive describing it as "almost a badge of honor" among startup entrepreneurs†(Zimmer). This story, like all myths, has a kernel of truth. Sometimes, the determination, intelligence, and hard work of an individual fills the void created by lack of a college degree. But such cases are, more often than not, a matter of chance and fortune. Such successful entrepreneurs know the way to self-education in the required field, acquire bank loans, and manage their resources effectively. Besides, a network of family, acquaintances, and friends is there for help and support. It is insane to drop-out of college out of such inspiration because by dropping-out, the st udents are putting too much at stake. Students drop-out of colleges because of different reasons, three of which namely, racism and bullying, work-life imbalance, and inspiration from entrepreneurs have been discussed in this paper. Racism and bullying is experienced by students in colleges in general and by foreign students in particular. Some students drop-out of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Lifelong Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Lifelong Learning - Essay Example Knowledge is one of the most precious wealth gained by any individual. Habits are part of the learning process as well, when an individual see some good habits they tend to adapt that habit and make it part of their life. Therefore the process of learning new things all along the path is a very common thing experienced by all individuals. What is lifelong learning? It is important for all individuals whether young or old to always keep the process of learning new things mandatory in their lives so as to remain up to date with the latest happenings that are taking place in the surroundings. The term lifelong learning can be defined as all the learning activities that take place in the life of an individual. Having continuous education is part of the lifelong learning process (Brenda and Osborne 2007). The process of being involved in learning new things at each stage of the life improves the decision making for individuals regarding different matters and also improves their level of o ptions to choose from as they have an understanding of different options through their learning processes. The importance of education cannot be weighted in words as education shapes the present and future lives of any individual. How demographic and economic change have affected lifelong learning. There has been a huge and drastic changes being observed by the individuals all around the world. In fact as we know that the only constant thing that is taking place in the world is change. Everything is changing around us with time and we individuals need to adapt to the processes of change to remain successful in this world of such cut throat competition. The field of education is becoming more and more competitive with time (Brenda and Osborne 2007). Many new studies and dimensions are being constantly explored through research work. The processes of research take place in the life of an individual both at the personal level and the professional working level. Research work allows new paths to be explored about any situation and helps in deducing and deriving possible solutions. Now, if we observe there have been many different and unique educational fields of study invented that were not present before. Science has advanced tremendously and it requires that individual should be aware of all the new scientific technologies that are pertaining so that they can be benefitted by them. Science has drastically transformed the living styles and has facilitated human beings in making their work easier and luxurious. The present era requires with high skills and ambitions so that they can face the challenges of both work and life. For developing skills and expertise in any field, one needs to constantly focus upon developing themselves with the latest technology and techniques that are becoming available in the surrounding. Regardless of the field of education any individual belongs to, it is always wise to know about the different things surrounding the individual so t hat they are able to gain an advantage economically since the world is at a constant pace of promoting change (Field 2006). All individuals should focus upon becoming lifelong learners on an effective and efficient pace. The more they are able to grasp knowledge about various aspects, the more chances they have of becoming successful individuals both on a personal level and a professional level (Burbules and Torres 2000). Lifelong learning at times takes place without the individual being aware of the fact that they
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Reservation to Resurgence-Contemporary Context Essay
Reservation to Resurgence-Contemporary Context - Essay Example Upon establishment of the USA, the ruling political class agreed to civilize the Native Americans, voluntarily or through force, to enhance their assimilation as citizens of the USA (Treuer 44). At the beginning of the 20th century, there were an estimated 250,000 Native Americans; this represented 0.3% of the total USA population. They lived in reservations where they experienced minimal level of self government. During the 19th century, they were deprived a huge portion of their land through succession of treaties, which the white authorities mostly ignored, and also through the military actions of the USA as it increased control in the American west. In 1831 John Marshall, who was the Chief Justice, tried to define the status of the Native Americans. He illustrated the Indian Tribes as Domestic Dependant Nations. Marshall recognized the uniqueness of the American Indians because they are both independent nations and part of the USA (Edward 23). As from 1887 to 1933, the federal policy enhances the assimilation of the Native Indians into the mainstream society of the USA. This policy was explained in the Dawes Act of 1887. The act decreed that the Indian Reservation land should be divided into plots, and given to each Native American. This policy was enhance by the Supreme Court decision in 1903 (Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock) that Congress can dispose Indian Land without obtaining consent form the Indians involved (Francis 12). The Citizenships Act in 1924 gave US citizenships to Native Americans; this was seen as a success of the policy on assimilation. The current legal status in the USA recognizes 562 tribal governments. The federally recognized tribal governments have the right of establishing their governments, enforce laws within their jurisdictions, create tax policies, formulate membership criteria, license activities like business, exclude and include persons in their territories
Saturday, September 21, 2019
5 great leadership qualities Essay Example for Free
5 great leadership qualities Essay Leaders are often portrayed as heroes and role models, but there is also a darker side to being a leader. Adolph Hitler was one of the greatest leaders in the last 100 years, if not the greatest leader of all time. One man had the ability to lead a country, with a population of 20 million people, against the whole world in a vision he saw fit. One man leading Germany out of economic depression after previously being through World War I was an incredible feat. This is indeed what all leaders strive to be. Hitler is one of the best models for inspiring leaders. He exhibited some of the greatest qualities of being a leader, which included the following: vision, eloquence, charisma, strong will, and tyranny. Vision is a manner in which someone conceives something. All leaders must be goal oriented, and Hitler had one of the greatest objectives of all time. He wanted to purge this world of all the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and anyone else that didnt fit in his definition of the perfect race. His perfect race the Arian race consisted of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Caucasians. Although he was not able to complete his vision, he still fought for it until the end of his life. One of the most outstanding leadership qualities of Hitler was his eloquence. Being eloquent is to be fluent and persuasive in speech. Hitler would stir up the masses with his fervent speeches. This was one of Hitlers greatest assets. He was able to get his audience so passionate and zealous over his goals, that they would follow him regardless of what he said. Imagine in what manner someone must talk with 20 million people in order to persuade them to eradicate a race without moral regret. When he would speak, he would sweat and get so fanatical about his speech that women would cry when he spoke. Another important quality of Adolph Hitler was his charisma. Charisma is a quality attributed to those with an exceptional ability to secure the devotion of a large number of people. Without charisma, a leader can not function successfully. Hitler attained devotion from almost anyone that he spoke to. The German people were ready to fight the rest of the world to achieve the world that Adolph Hitler saw fit. Men were willing to give their lives to satisfy a single man. Hitler had one of the strongest wills of any man that this world had seen. He refused to allow anyone get in his way. This is what led to World War II. He would even betray the Russians, his one time allies, for not also agreeing with his ideas. His will also helped Germany out of depression. It is said that Germany had the greatest economy it has ever had in the rule of Adolph Hitler. He did this by political maneuvering and strategic planning. His will helped make Germany one of the most powerful countries in the world in its time. In fact, some historians devote the end of the depression due to Adolph Hitler. This is because many governments got out of their economic depression by actually fighting in World War II. This stimulated many countries and helped the world all over. The last of his important qualities was tyranny. A tyrannical government is one in which there is a ruler with absolute power. Tyranny enhanced all of his other traits. This is because if someone did not follow him willingly, they were forced to follow him under his government. A leader demanding absolute power is not a bad thing at all times. It does not allow for confusion within a group and may also lead to more efficiency and cooperation. Hitlers tyranny united Germany under one person and allowed it to challenge anyone that stood in their path. Adolph Hitler may not have been a great person, but he was a great leader. Under his rule, Germany pulled out of an economic depression that was plaguing the rest of the world. Also, Germany stood up once again after a First World War and challenged the world once more. Many people might disagree about him being a great leader because he led Germany to another loss, but this was inevitable because one man cannot stand against the world and hope to win. Nevertheless, Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of all time and should be a template for future leaders.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Remix Culture and Postmodernism | Essay
Remix Culture and Postmodernism | Essay The identity of our society fluxes continually with time change- as was noted by Greek-free-thinker, Heraclitus- when he expressed the impossibility of one to jump into a particular river more than once. This point of view about the dynamic nature of society continued for long when philosophers became rather convinced that the onward drive of society hinged on immutable laws. Recently, the evolutionally nature of society is considered to be progressive and that it relents more or less on pastiche, parody, or self-conscious appropriations through arts, philosophy and other humankind-related-creativity that are projecting civil, modern, and modernized society into the post-modern era, arguably. This paper will discuss Post-Modernism and how remix culture has affected or influenced it. Chances offered by discussed remix strategies to cultural and political critiques of post-modernism will also be considered. However, to appreciate the influence of remix-culture on post-modernism, it is appropriate to discussion the evolutionally path of post-modernism. Hence, the paper will address the topic using the approach. Evolution of Post-modernism By the end of the 1970s, the question began to be considered among French thinkers about the soar of society, and whether it was driven at all. There was the denier of the point that humans were still in the modern period which had been introduced by Enlightenment, two centuries back (Lash, Samuel and Friedman James. 1992). To this school of thought, modernization introduced a period of scientific thinking and capitalistic industrialization as well as the likelihood of nuclear battles, slavery and neo-colonialism, horror, racism, Euro-centralization, and immense hunger in third world countries. The legacies of Enlightenment were not particularly friendly, then, the thinkers concluded (Anderson, Paul. 1998). It was better to consider the theories by which modernism stood as been harmful and terrible. Certainly, humankind had moved completely ahead of modernism into a post-modern age. Post-Modernism Post-modernism has been defined as a propensity in present-day culture typified by rebuff of purposeful truth and worldwide traditional meta-narrative or accountability (Jameson, Fredrick. 1991). However, this definition cannot be relied on completely because it falls to identify completely with the wide viewpoints of post-modernism which include response to the implicitly scientific nature, objectivity, and attempt to elucidate reality. The definition has also not complied with the fact that: Postmodernism is used in critical theory to refer to a point of departure for works of literature, drama, architecture, cinema, journalism, and design, as well as in marketing and business and in the interpretation of law, culture, and religion in the late 20th and early 21st centuries (Georg, Iggers. 1997). There is a complexity in finding a very reliable definition that satisfies completely the topic of post modernism, therefore, due to its much diversified nature as the majority of definitions on the topic are terribly vague and habitually incoherent to others. There is a further complexity in deep differentiation between modernism and post modernism since the both could be linked with intellectual movements and aesthetics which are common in literary arts and philosophy. †¦modernity and post-modernity have tended to be used to refer to changes in social and economic institutions (Giddens, Amber. 1990). The context of knowledge of post-modernism, and how it is affected by remix-cultures, will be limited in this paper to two distinct examples: Arts and philosophy. This is imperative to limit the discussion to the question as well as to avoid perplexity. Art In consideration of post-modern art, it is proper to state that this is a little more than sculptural and paint art. Post-modern art also involves architectural, musical, dramatic, and literary arts with a major undefined meaning and depth. It is characterized by content and form diversity. Thus, art critics have based their critic of post-modern art on the characteristic of its vagueness. For example, Callinicos argued: †¦ multidimensional and slippery space of post-modernism [where] anything goes with anything, like a game without rules. Floating images †¦ maintain no relationship with anything at all, and meaning becomes detachable like the keys on a key ring. Dissociated and decontextualized, they slide past one another failing to link up into a coherent sequence. Their fluctuating but not reciprocal interactions are unable to fix meaning (Callinicos, Awender. 1989). The ready acceptance to this critic is based on the non-specified emergent style of architectural works around us in the past few decades. Building architects seem to be entirely dependent on remix of the past works. Most of the most adored cities around us are actually product of rejuvenation by certain architects in a quest to gratify their proficient fantasies. A very interesting illustration of this is the London Docklands. Even in developing countries like Nigeria, in Africa, art has gone old school and fashion, music and architecture has followed suite. Another critic says: Using operatic arias to promote football matches, classical music to persuade us to fly a particular airline, watching Pavarotti in the Park there is no longer a distinction between high and popular culture [anything goes with anything, like a game without rules] (Layder, Dye. 1994). The medias increase and power, culturally, through films, television or advertisements has contributed immensely to the perception people have on society. Kumar is of the point of view that post-modernists consider the media slightly differently from the customary idea of a mere communication means. The present-day media, for them, is not quite a communicational device; it is an entirely fresh environment for the present-day human- the kind of environment were one is entirely engrossed to social epistemology. People can interact with computers for hours in total contempt of the company. Kumar concludes: The media have created a new electronic reality, suffused with images and symbols, which has obliterated any sense of an objective reality behind the symbols †¦ In hyperreality it is no longer possible to distinguish the imaginary from the real (Kumar, Kanger. 1997). This viewpoint was first recognized by Baudrillard Jean who initiated the theory of reality as been an interchange of signs and ops in semantic acts through digital technology and electronic media for the consumption of the viewer. The theory contended that in a situation as stated, there is a detachment of the subjects from the results of occurrences (including artistic, philosophical or personal) such that events loss identifiable perspective. He held to the claim that a steady flow of forms and orientation that do not posses a direct effect a viewer would certainly create a gap between an object, indiscernibly, and appearance, and would result, paradoxically, to holography of appearance. The lost of identity of works of art in our time results into parody in the sense that they utilize cynical approaches by imitating previous works of arts of earlier years. To some extent, this works are not meant to mock previous art works. However, they embedment in a description of pastiche, parody, or self-conscious is totally identified by the lost of originality in such works. Recently, the imitation of previous art pieces seems to by primarily accepted by national laws through the limitation of copy rights. For example, it is believed: Film is a popular industry where a parody may be created. Iconic films that contain a parody of an original work include the Scary Movie series, which are spoofs of many top box office horror films and Spaceballs, which spoofs the George Lucas film Star Wars. Similarly, the tendency for parody in music is overwhelming. Already, there is an existing market for parody music and it is growing rapidly. Philosophy During the latter part of the 1960s, the US and Western Europe were caught up in political dilemma. Tendencies for significant political transformation in the year 1968 were obvious in the Western world consequent of movement such as the Chicano which sort for true liberation for minors. In France, the fight was debatably rather severe. This resulted to weakening of the large sway which had previously been exercised by the gargantuan Communist Party (where a majority of scholars owned reasonable commitment). This disenchantment resulted to their detachment from political affairs and consequent disbelief in political theories like Marxism. Even though they had many discrepancies, they accepted the fact of a disconnected and plural nature identifiable with reality. They disagreed with human thoughts on the possibility to reach significant objective explanations of reality. Ideologies or social theories that supported humankind activities as ways to express the order or progress of soci ety were considered to be vain and without credibility, post-modernist argued. All that was done in time past is rightly in the control of the informed against the non-informed. Implications of Remix Culture on Post-Modernism The implication of remix culture on post-modernism is the lost of values and personal identity. In schools, originality is fast giving way to pastiche. Students are reluctant to learn or interact with society in traditional formats, except through digital machines- which they are heavily reliant on. Obvious, there is a dilemma here! Conclusion This paper takes a look at the evolutionally nature of society considered to be progressive and which relents on pastiche, parody, or self-conscious appropriations through arts, architecture, and other humankind-related-creativity which are projecting civil, modern, and modernized society into the post modern era. It has also discussed Post-Modernism and how remix culture has affected or influenced it.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Physics of the Human Voice Essay -- Biology Science Essays
The Physics of the Human Voice The voice is our primary mean of communication and expression. We rarely last more than a few minutes without its use whether it is talking to someone else or humming quietly to ourselves. We can use the voice artistically in many ways. For example, singing carries the rhythm and melody of speech. It creates patterns of pitch, loudness, and duration that tie together syllables, phrases and sentences. We use the voice for survival, emotion, expression, and to reflect our personality. The loss of the voice is a severe curtailment to many professions. It is affected by general body condition which is why we need to consider the location of the larynx and how that organ produces voice. Surprisingly, this complex biological design is mechanical in function. It is mechanical to the point that when it has been excised from a cadaver and mounted on a laboratory bench, the larynx produces sounds resembling normal phonation. (Titze, Principles) The larynx, known as the voice box, consists of an outer casing of nine cartilages that are connected to one another by muscles and ligaments. There are three unpaired cartilages and six paired. The unpaired cartilages include the thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis. The thyroid cartilage is the largest and better known as the Adam’s apple. The cricoid cartilage is the most inferior cartilage of the larynx which forms the base of the larynx on which the other cartilages rest. Together, the thyroid and cricoid cartilages maintain an open passageway for air movement. The epiglottis and vestibular folds, or false vocal chords, prevent swallowed material from moving into the larynx. The paired cartilages, accounting for the remaining six, include the arytenoid (ladl... ...rynx for speech. Anatomy is very important when considering the physics of the voice. Much of the head, neck, and chest play an important role in sound production. Although the larynx is biological it is very mechanical in function. Mechanical means that we study objects in motion and the associated forces that produce that motion. The same three universal laws made famous by Sir Isaac Newton apply to the voice. The larynx can then become a nonbiological sound source. When compared to other instrument made by human hands the voice is not ideal in structure. Tissues found in the human body do not vibrate as easily or as predictably as the strings of a piano or the reed of a clarinet. One can speculate that our bodies are still evolving to create a sound more conducive in structure. Considering all that we can do with our voices, I doubt we will hear much complaining.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Huck Finn As A Social Protest Novel :: essays research papers
As Mark Twain takes you through the sometimes exciting and captivating journey of the young character Huck, he takes you even deeper into his protests toward society. Each character and each situation plays a precise and symbolic role as Twain satirizes society for its many faults and hatreds. As you will come to learn, he had many. Therefore, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the definition of a social protest novel.      Twain uses conflict between the adversary families the Shepherdsons and Grangerfolds to depict the many-religious-hypocrisies of so-called devout Christians of society. This hypocrisy is apparent when Huck related how at, â€Å"Church [during a sermon of brotherly love]†¦ the men took their guns along, so did Buck, and kept them between their knees or stood them handy against the wall.†(Twain 146) This depicts the hypocrisies of these so-called Christians as the worst sort of violent and ignorant hypocrites – they profess to adhere to the ideology of peaceful Christianity and practicing divine understanding, while preparing to kill off each and every member of the adversary family in which they hate for some long-forgotten reason. Because of their living hypocrisy these Christians brought along their guns [to church] knowing their enemies would be side-by-side listening to the sermon, and went against that peace and understanding they supposedl y agree so much with. Huck continued to narrate, â€Å"It was pretty ornery preaching - all about brotherly love and such-like tiresomeness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Twain 146) This further explains the setting they are in as a place of peace, and shows that even in church in absence of all the outside world they are living out their hypocrisy by not adhering to that brotherly love. Furthermore, there is no brotherly love with a gun between your knee and a fight around the corner. Overall, Twain protests so-called Christian ideals as irrelevant if those Christians are unable to practice what they preach.      As you read along for another example of Twain’s bitter views towards society you will note his use of Huck’s drunken Father. After crossing paths with a successful, freed slave, Pap snarled with alcohol fueled venom, â€Å"There was a free nigger there†¦ ain’t a man in town that’s got as fine clothes as what he had†¦ awfullest old gray-headed nabob in the state.†(Twain 36) This, in friendlier words than what he uses following that remark, shows the type of character a person would have to be to depict a man of such prestige as someone who would be so disgusting to him when he’s the one who should be looking in his own backyard.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Retributive Justice Essay
Retributive justice is a very pronounced element in Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist. Common knowledge to the experienced reader, Dickens was a man of sarcasm, who played on words and had a very straightforward, honest way of writing, unlike most of his characters’ personalities. Oliver Twist, who led a twisted lifestyle as a young boy, was influenced by various people: some good, some bad. Like karma, Dickens made sure to give the dishonest, viciously cruel characters what they truly deserved, which may have been just about the only honest thing to happen in their lives. Some of these characters who were treated the way they treated others, or who got what they deserved, were Mr. Bumble, Bill Sikes, Monks, as well as Fagin. Without retributive justice being a key element in Dickens’ novel, its classic success in the world of literacy would be virtually non-existent. One of the novel’s characters, who is most present at the beginning of the story, was a victim of one of Dickens’ swift acts of retributive justice. Mr. Bumble was a self-absorbed, arrogant beadle, who thought rather highly of himself. He was a member of the workhouse in which Oliver was born. He was also a member of a Christian church, who preached about the moralities of Christians, yet bluntly contradicted himself with the manner in which he treated his paupers. He was cruel, the complete opposite of understanding, and showed absolutely no signs of compassion towards the people under his care. Dickens used his great understanding and knowledge in the use of name symbolism in the beadle’s name, â€Å"bumble†, to say that he stings like a bumblebee. Bumblebees may seem cute and fluffy on the outside, but when they sting, they hurt, much like Mr. Bumble’s personality. Dickens demonstrates Mr. Bumbles’ cold-hearted, stinging personality when h e says: Oliver fell to his knees, and clasping his hands together, prayed that they would order him back to the dark room- that they would starve him- beat him- kill him if they pleased- rather than send him away with the dreadful man. Read more: Essay About Justice Denied is Justice Delayed â€Å"Well!†said Mr. Bumble, raising his hands and eyes with most impressive solemnity. â€Å"Well! of all the artful and designing orphans that ever I see, Oliver, you are one of the most bare-facedest†. (Dickens 46) He received Dickens’ generous retributive justice when he ran away with Mrs. Corney, the matron of the workhouse, where Oliver was born. Mrs. Corney was basically in charge of the workhouse and put Mr. Bumble in his place when he entered. He decided to try to order the ladies around after seeing them chatting amongst each other and Mrs. Corney wanted none of it. She quickly dismissed his, self-declared power, in front of all the workers. â€Å"I’ll tell you what, Mr. Bumble,†returned his lady. â€Å"We don’t want any of your interference. You’re a great deal too fond of poking your nose into things that don’t concern you, making everybody in the house laugh the moment your back is turned, and making yourself loo k like a fool every hour in the day. Be off; come!†. (Dickens 324) This is an example of one of Dickens’ acts of retributive justice because Mr. Bumble – who’s used to having the authority and power that came with him being a beadle – was quickly and painfully taken away of the power he thought he had gained, by marrying Mrs. Corney. Another example of Dickens’ mischievous acts of retributive justice occurs to Bill Sikes. Sikes considered himself a â€Å"professional†burglar, which wouldn’t be so bad if being a burglar could be considered anything positive. He was brought up in Fagin’s gang and trained by Fagin, himself. Sikes is Nancy’s so-called, â€Å"lover†. He treats this young woman with a rather odd combination of cruelty and envious affection. Sikes gets the real sense of Dickens’ capabilities in his use of retributive justice after he brutally murders Nancy. While trying to avoid an angry mob of people, who have recently discovered that his identity is a match to Nancy’s murderer, he then accidentally hangs himself. Not only does his name imply that Sikes is somewhat psychotic, but he proves this to the readers. While attempting to evade the angry mob, he decides to climb up through buildings, rather than away. He ties a rope to swing to another roof-top, but mistakenly and regretfully hangs himself. Staggering as if struck by lightning, he lost his balance and tumbled over the parapet. The noose was on his neck. It ran up with his weight, tight as a bow-string and swift as the arrow speeds. He fell for five-and-thirty feet. There was a sudden jerk, a terrific convulsion of the limbs; and there he hung, with the open knife clenched in his stiffening hand. (Dickens 453) Dickens couldn’t have used retributive justice any better. He literally allowed Sikes through his clever writing abilities get treated the way he treated another person. Although, Sikes’ death was somewhat more brutal than Nancy’s he could have easily prevented his own death, had he not chosen to take his â€Å"lover’s†life. Dickens’ didn’t just give the readers two scenes with acts of nemesis. On the contrary, he gave the readers numerous ones, some less apparent, dramatic or damaging than others, yet still present. One example of the less apparent demonstrations of Dickens’ power with retributive justice happened to Monks, whose formal name is Edward Leeford. Monks, who happens to be Oliver Twist’s half-brother through their father’s side, was awarded part of Mr. Leeford’s estate after his passing. Oliver was rightfully entitled to a portion of the estate, but on the condition that the family name’s reputation hadn’t gone wrong. Monks, by concealing Oliver’s true identity, along with his plan to give the young boy a bad reputation, prevented Oliver from being awarded his fair share. When Mr. Brownlow approached Monks about the will, Monks denied everything Mr. Brownlow had mentioned and stated the following sentence: â€Å"’I have n o brother,’ replied Monks. You know I was an only child. Why do you talk to me of my brother? You know that as well as I’†(Dickens 434). In the end though, with the help of Mr. Brownlow, Dickens permits Oliver to be awarded his share of the estate, by forcing Monks to give Oliver his share. A final act of nemesis, or retributive justice on Dickens’ part, occurs when Fagin is hanged for his crimes against the children he trained to be pickpockets and thieves. Fagin, who was a criminal by career, bought and sold, even traded stolen goods that the young children he had trained, stole. Fagin even stated: â€Å"Ah†¦ They- they’re mine, Oliver; my little poverty. All I have to live upon, in my old age. The folks call me a miser. Only a miser, that’s all†(Dickens 90). When Fagin said this, Dickens’ made sure that it was obvious to the reader that he was being very sarcastic. Towards the ending of the book – even though he had rarely committed the crimes himself – Fagin is awarded his piece of justice that backfired with his previous statement, when he is hanged behind bars. In conclusion, Dickens was probably one of the greatest authors of all classic literature; not only for his novels and other pieces of literature, but also for the various ways he easily incorporated literary components: pathetic fallacy, verbal irony and sensory appeal. More particularly, his use of nemesis and retributive justice in his works such as this novel, Oliver Twist, is what made him such a great writer. From Mr. Bumble to Fagin and all other characters in between, like Monks and Sikes, Charles Dickens didn’t hold back any of his talents. This let the readers truly get involved in the reading of this novel and also keeping them from wanting to put the book down, until they had absorbed every last word of his clever and humoristic abilities.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Safeguarding: Childhood and Young People
Portfolio Evidence 10 Safeguarding Describe how legislation, policies and procedures regarding safeguarding impact on own role in the workplace As a youth worker I have the obligation in my role to know policies and procedures that are in place for safeguarding. Taking into consideration the five outcomes identified by Every Child Matters 1. Protection from harm and neglect (to stay safe) 2. Physical and mental health and emotional well-being (to be healthy) 3.Education training and recreation (to enjoy and achieve) 4. Social and economic well being (to achieve economic well being) 5. The contribution made by them to society (to make a positive contribution) It is vital that every person who works with children and young people should be able to recognise and know how to respond should they be concerned or be aware that a child is, or may be, at risk of significant harm. The policy highlights key issues and recommends actions when dealing with an allegation.These key issues include r ecruitment policies for those working with children and young people, their induction and training, how to respond to disclosures, how to make a referral, suspicions or allegations of abuse. These policies and procedures are there to protect me and colleague’s as well young people. Describe the issues which may arise in implementing safeguarding procedures * I could have a too good relationship or not have a good relationship with the young person. * I might not have enough knowledge about the situation * People being reported are close to me. Safeguarding: Childhood and Young People Portfolio Evidence 10 Safeguarding Describe how legislation, policies and procedures regarding safeguarding impact on own role in the workplace As a youth worker I have the obligation in my role to know policies and procedures that are in place for safeguarding. Taking into consideration the five outcomes identified by Every Child Matters 1. Protection from harm and neglect (to stay safe) 2. Physical and mental health and emotional well-being (to be healthy) 3.Education training and recreation (to enjoy and achieve) 4. Social and economic well being (to achieve economic well being) 5. The contribution made by them to society (to make a positive contribution) It is vital that every person who works with children and young people should be able to recognise and know how to respond should they be concerned or be aware that a child is, or may be, at risk of significant harm. The policy highlights key issues and recommends actions when dealing with an allegation.These key issues include r ecruitment policies for those working with children and young people, their induction and training, how to respond to disclosures, how to make a referral, suspicions or allegations of abuse. These policies and procedures are there to protect me and colleague’s as well young people. Describe the issues which may arise in implementing safeguarding procedures * I could have a too good relationship or not have a good relationship with the young person. * I might not have enough knowledge about the situation * People being reported are close to me.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Community Health Nursing Assessment
Community Health Assessment of 78382 Chamberlain College of Nursing NR-443 Fall Session, November 2012 Audrey L. Hendrix Community Health Assessment of 78382 Introduction In an effort to promote the health needs within a community, a successful community health nurse (CHN) must focus on the entire population. In order to accomplish this task, the CHN utilizes a scientific approach to determine the priority population focused health needs for the community.According to Nies & McEwen (2011), a population focus involving an assessment of the community is a primary tool utilized in order to develop planning, interventions, and evaluations for the community at large. The purpose of this paper is to determine a priority health problem of a specific community based on demographic data, epidemiological data, and a windshield survey of the community. Community Data Zip code 78382 is the official postal identification for the city of Rockport, Texas. Rockport is the county seat of Aransas Coun ty.Rockport is a Texas Gulf Coast community located on Live Oak Peninsula between Copano and Aransas Bay on State Highway 35. Named for the rock ledge that lies underneath the coastal shore, Rockport was founded after the Civil War as a cattle slaughtering, packing, and shipping port. This industry continued until the late 1800’s when boatbuilding and fishing began to develop into important industries. After the railroad came to Rockport, tourism and the resort business began to thrive (Shukalo, 2005). After the turn of the century, a major hurricane almost destroyed the entire community.Recovery from this devastating natural disaster was slow but by the late 1920’s the community once again began to thrive. At that time, shrimping became a major industry within the community. Throughout the next four decades, the community continued to grow with the main sources of commerce remaining in the areas of fishing, shrimping, and tourism. Today Rockport is a favorite vacation spot known as the Texas Riviera. Major sources of commercial life today in Rockport are the restaurant and motel industries (Shukalo, 2005). Demographic and Epidemiological DataThe estimated population of Rockport is 8,846 compared to 25,674,681 for the state of Texas. The age breakdown for the population is 5% under the age of 5, 17. 9% under the age of 18, 28. 3% over the age of 65 and 51. 7% female. The state of Texas is 7. 7% under the age of 5, 27. 3% under the age of 18, 10. 3% over the age of 65 and 50. 4% female (U. S. Census Bureau, 2012). Caucasian is the largest ethnic group in Rockport at 88. 7%, African-American at 1. 5%, American Indians at 0. 7%, Asian at 2. 4%, Native Hawaiian at 0. 1% and Hispanics at 20. 8%. The state of Texas lists Caucasians at 70. %, African-Americans at 11. 8%, American Indians at 0. 7%, Native Hawaiian at 0. 1% and Hispanics at 45. 3% (U. S. Census Bureau, 2012). Currently 14. 7% of the population over the age of five in Rockport does not spe ak English in the home setting, 87% of the population over the age of 25 is a high school graduate, and 32. 3% over the age of 25 has a bachelor’s degree. In comparison, the state of Texas lists 34. 2% over the age of five that do not speak English in the home, 80% over the age of 25 with a high school diploma, and 25. 8% over the age of 25 with a bachelor’s degree (U. S. Census Bureau, 2012).Per capita income in Rockport is $30,513 compared to $24,870 for the state of Texas. The median income per household is $44,487 and the state of Texas is $49,646. Individuals living below the poverty level in Rockport are 17. 6% of the population compared to 16. 89% for the state of Texas (U. S. Census Bureau, 2012). Current infant mortality in Rockport is 4. 2 per 1000 live births compared to six per 1000 live births for the state of Texas. Adult obesity is 26. 6% of the population in Rockport and 10. 7% of the population is diabetic. Childhood obesity is 23. 3% of the Rockport p opulation compared to 32. % in the state of Texas (Kaiser Health News, 2012). In 2002, Aransas County was listed as one of the top 10 dirtiest counties in Texas due to air pollution from a local chemical plant (Scorecard, 2012). Windshield Survey Within the community, a large amount of individuals are visible. Many are entering convenience stores and some are standing in the parking lot areas talking. A variety of ages is noted and the two major ethnic groups in the community, Caucasian and Hispanic, are the two that are the most visible. Many of the individual are overweight or obese. Some are well dressed while others are disheveled in appearance.Pregnant women are visible as well as women with small children. The general condition of the homes in Rockport is diverse. Many of the homes are multi-million dollar structures while others are dilapidated and in need of serious repair. People seen in the downtown area are walking but away from that area, most people are travelling in ca rs. Some people are travelling on bicycles or golf carts in designated areas. Three areas of public housing are noted but there are no visible signs of public transportation. Numerous campaign signs are visible throughout the entire community.One adult day care and two child day centers are noted during the survey. Two grade schools, one middle school, two private church schools, and one high school are seen during the survey. Many of the homes in the neighborhoods in the area are dirty and in need of repair. The yards are full of garbage and items such as old appliances, empty beer cans, and cars on blocks. Some of the roads are in need of repair and almost too narrow for two cars to traverse safely. Most of the business buildings have handicapped ramps leading up the sidewalks. Parking lots have handicapped parking and the doors have handicapped buttons.One large park is noted during the survey but the park was sparsely populated during the survey. Very few children are visible du ring the survey. Numerous full service restaurants as well as fast food facilities are seen throughout the community. Rockport has no hospital but there is one emergency care clinic. Two dialysis centers, one assisted living facility, and three long-term care centers are noted. Two physical therapy facilities are also seen during the survey as well as three dentist offices. While driving throughout the neighborhoods, very few children are seen outside playing.No neighborhood watch signs are visible in any of the neighborhoods. Numerous churches are seen throughout the entire community. No evidence of gang activity, drug abuse or alcohol abuse is visible during the survey. One herbal shop is located in the downtown area. Next door to the herbal store, there is an advertisement for massage therapy sessions. Signs advertising health clinics, lectures, or health fairs are not visible during the survey. Problem Assessment data clearly defines obesity as a focus health area. The combined percentage totals for the adults and children within the Rockport community that suffer from obesity is 49. %. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) obesity is one of the most common and most expensive health problems facing the United States. One of the objectives of Healthy People 2020 is to improve nutritional status and promote weight loss. When individual are overweight or obese, they are also at a high risk for numerous other medical complications such as hypertension, Type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, osteoporosis, and many more diseases (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Historical SignificanceBefore the 1900’s being overweight was considered a hallmark symbol of wealth and health. The additional weight indicated that the individual had the financial resources to obtain a vast amount of food. Today, however, obesity is indicative of current and future medical problems. Prior to the many modern day c onveniences that most individuals use today, people toiled at intense labor to make a living. Meals were prepared from scratch and microwave meals were not available. In addition, food was expensive and difficult to acquire. Walking was common and until the late 1980’s obesity was not a problem in the United States (Wiley, 2012).Summary Obesity is a medical health problem that has becoming an increasing health care dilemma for minorities, low-income populations, and immigrants. These populations are vulnerable to these health care issues due to a variety of factors such as cultural diet choices, genetics, lack of funds to resource more nutritious foods and lifestyle choices. Throughout the United States, obesity and diabetes are reaching epidemic levels (Candib, 2007). Individuals today live a more sedentary lifestyle. They eat more fast foods, fried food and consume drinks high in sugar content.Children in the public school system consume meals high in carbohydrates and ofte n engage in little or no physical activity. Lack of income reduces consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and parents often purchase cheaper luncheon meats such as hot dogs rather than the more expensive cuts of meat. When the fast food giants introduced the super sizing concept to the world, thus began the super sizing of the population. References Candib, L. (2007) Obesity and diabetes in vulnerable population: Reflections on proximal and distal causes. Retrieved online from: http://annfammed. org/content/5/6/547. ull Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) Obesity. Retrieved online from: http://www. cdc. gov/obesity Kaiser Health News (2012) Texas. Retrieved online from: http://www. statehealthfacts. org Nies, M. A. , & McEwen, M. (2011) Community public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier Onboard Informatics (2010) Aransas County, Texas (TX). Retrieved online from: http://www. city-data. com/county/Aransa s-County-Tx. html Scorecard (2012) Pollution report card. Retrieved online from: http://scorecard. goodguide. com Shukalo, A. 2005) Handbook of Texas online. Retrieved online from: http://tshaonline. org/handbook/online/articles/hgr05 U. S. Census Bureau (2012) QuickFacts. Retrieved online from: http://www. census. gov/ U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012) Healthy people 2020: Nutrition and weight status. Retrieved online from: http://www. healthypeople. gov/2020/topicobjectives2020/overview. aspx? topicid=29 Wiley, S. (2012) Obesity history in the America. Retrieved online from: http://www. livestrong. com/article/359624-obesity-in-america/ Community Health Assessment of Rockport, Texas Introduction
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Satyajit Ray’s First Original Screenplay
The film was first conceived to take place in a large mansion, but Ray later decided to film it in the famous hill town, using the many shades of light and mist to reflect the tension in the drama. An amused Ray noted that while his script allowed shooting to be possible under any lighting conditions, a commercial film contingent present at the same time in Darjeeling failed to shoot a single shot as they only wanted to do so in sunshine.. †fact remains that Ray shot this film with masterfully chosen available light conditions(read:no reflectors,you morons! to depict the subtle interplay of light and shade to blend in with progress of the storyline! (as an aside ray recounts the sad story of a Bollywood film crew who arrived in Darjeeling at the same time as ray's team,and were still waiting for the elusive sun to arrive so they could begin shooting by the time ray had his whole film in the can and packed up to go home! ) the climactic scene of the kanchenjungha suddenly makin g a brilliant appearance at the penultimate hour never fails to bring out goosebumps! efinitely recommended. The single most noteworthy feature about this movie is the equivalence of real time (total time of the day being depicted in movie) and movie time (total screening time). At least among the Indian movie makers, Ray is the first one who had done such experiment and of course, he succeeded comprehensively. It depicts a real time event of 100 minutes on screen. So, in order to understand ‘the drama' it's recommended to understand his language to the extent possible.It comprise snapshots of various human characteristics like pride, simplicity, carnal desires, thoughtlessness, romance, heroism and above all triumph of human spirits over conventional, social idiosyncrasy. All this happens in the hill station of Darjeeling, in the lap of nature with the picturesque eastern Himalayas in the backdrop. It is mentionable that the background of all the above characters, their thoug ht process and behavioral traits have been brilliantly presented through series of well conceived dialogues. Yes, only dialogues. No third person narratives. No visual manifestation in terms of flash back, dream sequences etc.In fact, the master storyteller has been able to generate such an evocative dialogue sequences that at the end of the film, the audience acquire full capacity to judge each and every character in the light of respective rationale. It is also noteworthy that Ray's characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it â€Å"Siddartha†in Pratidwandi or â€Å"Arindam†in Nayak, one can never expect Ray's protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood.It is also noteworthy that Ray's characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it â€Å"Sid dartha†in Pratidwandi or â€Å"Arindam†in Nayak, one can never expect Ray's protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood. Kanchenjungha substantiate that. The elitist, urban Mr. Banerjee asserts boastfully about his professional and materialistic achievements. He even confesses about his clandestine foreign affairs while wooing his ladylove Monisha.This refined gentleman also depicts a prosaic approach towards conjugality and life in general. Towards the end he displays an extremely liberal and tolerant attitude, which is commendable in the realms of dominating, patriarchal association. Any write-up on Kanchenjungha would remain unfinished if it doesn't mention the incorporation of ‘nature' that accentuated the varied moods of the film  An overcast evening to suggest unfavorable circumstances, mist to render underlying tension and sunshine to portray agreeable settlement.Finally th e mighty Kanchengha with all its splendor depict celebration of hope and aspiration. However, Ray has managed to remain an aloof and neutral presenter throughout the process of the film, which adds to the aesthetics of this cinematic masterpiece. This Ray film is fraught with imagery, symbolism, metaphors and weaves in a few independent stories together to culminate into an understanding of the human psyche.Coming to Kanchenjunga (the name belongs to the world's third tallest mountain peak which is said to be elusive to human eye as it's perennially clouded due to fog), the film follows a group of tourists on vacation in Darjeeling, a hill station – the first thing that comes to your mind is just how fraught the film is with metaphors- linking the human mind and attitudes to nature's marvels- thereby the dense fog which prevents our protagonist (played mesmerisingly by Chabi Biswas) from seeing Kanchenjunga clearly is symbolic of his myopic opinions and it is lifted in the la st scene where fter stripping himself away from all his erstwhile prejudices, he is able to view Kanchejunga for the first time. But, in the end, Kanchenjunga remains a film about human emotions which also talks about the socio- economic divide and dwells into the complex inflexible minds of some of us. The appropriate use of the natural lighting & weather conditions (may be the best in Ray's career).
China vs. Rome Compare and Contrast
China and Rome China and Rome were astonishing civilizations that managed to advance technology and civilations. Both civilizations were rapidly growing and making changes to the world. The two cultures were pretty similar, yet very different. Their religions were something to be modest about. When it came to religion it helped the decline of both societies, by religion changing. When it came to technology though, its change is what caused the societies to flourish. As for education the both leaders of China and Rome worked on making it easier, evident from the letters, for common people to gain knowledge. Changing things in their kingdom clearly took time. With politics being something of a fight in many respects; came as part living in an ancient society. Peaceful changes in power was a rare occasion in Rome but, highly common in China. Both societies treated each other differently, no matter if it was regarding slaves, or women. The underclass was not treated well not out of hate but out of a well beaten attitude that whoever they were, somehow they were always better. Both societies were similar yet highly different it’s surprising how it came about. When two societies emerge like the Romans and Chinese, we would expect conflict, yet none came about, here is a look into both societies as truly empires. The Han China and The Roman Empire were well-organized bureaucracies. In Han China their government was based on Confucian ideas a main one of which was; that a ruler should learn self-discipline, should govern his subjects by his own example, and should treat them with love and concern. An example of this is in document four when it calls a governor â€Å"he was a generous man and his policies were peaceful. †This shows how clearly the people loved their emperor. While in all but the last few years of the roman rule the religion was very scattered. Due to the vastness of the Roman Empire uniting them under one religion was impossible. But one of the things that did spread was the idea that the Emperor was a god. No one ever came out and bluntly said it but a change in ideals that came with Christianity led to the famous saying of Emperor Constantine which was â€Å"I am simply the first among equals. †This truly represented a new era for Rome that helped lead to its decline. The politics of Han China were all about the good of the people. Showing this is in document one where it is said â€Å"and supply enough workers to those carry out the repair work in each district. †Clearly this document is showing a want of the work to be done, for the good of the people. While in Rome it seems the Emperor had less respect for his people when even one of his advisors writes â€Å"I do not believe that tools for the crafts were invented by wise men. †(Document 7) This total lack of respect for the common people is rather disgusting. Even though the two had different political philosophies, both managed control over their vast empires. In technology there is so much to be said for these two empires they managed to change the world with their developments. Rome had many technologies that gave new life to their capital. The first of which is aqueducts, â€Å"The abundance of water is sufficient not only for public and private uses and application but truly even for pleasure. †(Document 8) The point of this is that they had enough water coming into the city to do whatever they wanted to do. That’s how Rome ended up with so many fountains, bath houses and other water related activities. Another accomplishment of Rome is roads level, and strait. It took a long process of building to achieve what they did; making something rival to The Great Wall of China. Traditionally known to the Chinese as the â€Å"Long Wall of Ten Thousand Li†, the stretch of formidable defensive structures built to ward off invasion of the Celestial Empire by barbarians from the North. If all the fortified walls built in the different dynasties around northern China are included, the total length would exceed 31,000 miles. This is so long and large that the Great Wall of China can even be seen from space. When it came to water like the Romans Chinese were controlling it like putty in their hands. The main thing was the grand canal which brought water from one city to another and acted as a road way. The Grand Canal is the world's longest man-made waterway, being 1,800 kilometers long. The canal connects the present cities of Beijing in the north and Hangzhou in the south, which served as dynastic capitals in the past, and contains 24 locks and 60 bridges. Since most of China's major rivers flow from west to east, the fact that the Grand Canal runs north and south provides it as an important connector between the Yangtze River valley and the Yellow River valley. A good example of their care for water is in Document 1 â€Å"I request that you establish water conservation offices in each district and staff them with people who are experienced in the ways of water. †When it says this you can tell how much they care about the water. Both societies clearly had a good grip on the control of water, for their benefit and their pleasure. The last topic that shows the intellect of the people and the emperor, it seems that these peoples were highly intelligent. When you are looking at Document 5 it says â€Å"all craftsman spend their time in vulgar occupations; no workshop can have anything enlightening about it. I take this as the upper class looking down on what their lower class does to support their lifestyle. Slavery was commonly practiced throughout all ancient history, but no other people in history owned so many slaves and depended on them so much as the Romans. Many Romans had slaves do their dirty and hard work for them. These slave s were bought and sold in the slave markets. Some slaves were soldiers who had been captured in wars, while others were the children of slave parents. If they tried to run away, they were whipped, burned with iron, and sometimes even killed. Slavery was accepted as part of life in ancient Rome by the slaves themselves and by the society. Women were treated differently, as time went forward. When a young woman married in the early years of the Roman Republic she left her childhood home and the authority of her father and entered not only the home of her husband but his power and control as well. In law her status was not very different from that of her husband’s daughter. As Rome’s empire grew and more and more money poured in things began to change. Any amendments to the law probably seemed quite insignificant at the time they were made, but the reality of day to day life gradually began to transform the way society viewed women and the way they viewed themselves. By the end of the First Century women had achieved a level of freedom they would not see again in Western Society until the last half of the Twentieth Century. While in China slaves were less prominent in history, they were simply people with debts to pay off, and people who created with, in some cases their lives and blood and sweat the greatness that was ancient China. Women in ancient China were considered inferior to men. This meant that their whole lives were spent being subservient to the men in their families. Generations of one family often lived in the same house together and older people were greatly respected. It seems that even though there are changes to society over time both treated others in their society badly. Even with the greatest of technology some societies just have issues with the idea of equality. Even though the quality of life was a concern as shown in document 3 â€Å"later, water power was also applied, and the benefit was increased a hundredfold. †This truly shows an attempt on improving quality of life.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Parkinson's Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Parkinson's Disease - Essay Example This disease is accompanied by a depletion of nerve cells in the substantia nigra. It is a neurological condition, in which there is reduction in the dopamine levels of the brain. The outcome is a large number of problems relating to the voluntary movement in muscles. The principal symptom of Parkinson’s disease is impaired physical movement. In addition, some patients develop loss of understanding, and a poor comprehension of involved sentences; which has been ascribed to shortcomings in grammatical processing (Angwin, Chenery and Copland 239 – 240). It is a long – term degenerative disease. Presently, there is no neuroprotective or regenerative treatment for this disease. The medical management of this disease is consequently, limited to improving the quality of life of individuals afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. Many strategies have been developed to reduce the impact of the disease and to enhance the quality of life of its patients. The recent trend has been to garner the subjective experience of persons suffering from this disease and to develop therapeutic methods that rely on the patient’s perspective (Schrag 151). Neurosurgery provides considerable relief, in respect of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The chief techniques, employed in such interventions are deep brain stimulation, which involves the exercise of control over specific symptoms, via electronic stimulation. The transmission of anomalous signals is prevented in this technique. The instrument utilized in such stimulation has been termed as a brain pacemaker. Another important technique is thalamotomy, in which some genres of tremor are curbed by effecting a lesion on a part of the brain. Finally, pallidotomy is a surgical procedure that reduces dyskinesias, by means of a cerebral lesion (Parkinsons disease - treatment). Several drugs are available, which have been seen to be reasonably effective in alleviating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
DISCUSSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
DISCUSSION - Essay Example (APA website, 2010) Principle B of the same code encourages the building of relationships of trust. Further, it is stressed as important that a portion of the psychologist’s â€Å"professional time†should be contributed for â€Å"little or no compensation or personal advantage.†(ibid. Principle B) It is true that the psychologist clarify professional roles and obligations, though. (ibid. Principle B) This may be interpreted as suggesting that the driving of someone 100 miles to a canyon is not part of the professional obligations of the psychologist. While this may be true, a caring psychologist may argue that in considering the best interests and preferences of a client (see: ibid. Standard 3.10), this trip to the Grand Canyon would be completely justified. In addition, if the professional opinion of the psychologist is that the trip is of benefit to the wellbeing of the client, he/she is entitled to make that call. (see: ibid. Introduction and Applicability) From a personal perspective, the need to arrange and make the trip is evident – the lines between client and psychologist would not significantly be overstepped; only a superficial dependency would result; and the compassionate, caring psychologist would help the dying client to complete this one achievable wish. Sometimes it is possible to â€Å"just know†(writer’s quotation marks) something – your every instinct tells you that what you perceive is true and you want, more than anything, to act on your feelings. The question of honesty and integrity in the professional lives of psychologist is referred to no fewer than 17 times in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and its general principles and standards. (APA website, 2010) Of particular note in a reaction to the scenario here – where one would be tempted to â€Å"adjust results†(writer’s quotation marks) a little to ensure continued funding of
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