Wednesday, July 31, 2019
360-Degree Performance Reviews Provide Greater Feedback in Healthcare
Abstract Healthcare organizations have a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to measuring performance and understanding development needs. Some are strong at measuring clinical or functional skills. Yet few are equally adept at assessing the non-clinical skills that are so important to overall success in a healthcare organization. 360-degree feedback can play a significant role in understanding the other side of performance, those skills that are not directly tied to day-to-day, job specific ability. Rather than relying on the perceptions of one individual, 360-degree feedback takes into account multiple perspectives. This is especially important when one person (i. e. , the employee’s manager) does not have the opportunity to observe all areas of the employee’s performance. Those working alongside the employee, along with the supervisor, are generally able to provide a more comprehensive look at the employee’s behavior and/or performance. 360-Degree Performance Reviews Provide Greater Feedback in Healthcare I. Introduction Performance of individual employees is central to the long-term success of an organization. Healthcare organizations have a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to measuring performance and understanding development needs. Some are strong at measuring clinical or functional skills. Yet few are equally adept at assessing the non-clinical skills that are so important to overall success in a healthcare organization. Clinical, or functional, ability is at the base of healthcare performance. However, possessing these skills does not always ensure success. Unfortunately, many organizations ignore â€Å"soft side†skills like communication and relationship management, viewing these interpersonal and behavioral skills as â€Å"nice to have†qualities. Yet lack of interpersonal performance is something that generally cannot be compensated for by even the strongest of clinical skills (Maylett, 2009). II. Expectations of the Consumer Issues of performance and productivity are continuously being scrutinized by the leaders of healthcare organizations. Although cost is urrently the driving force for health care system reform, there is still great concern for the quality of the health care provided. Consumers of healthcare services are now asking â€Å"How can I get the best care for the least amount of money? †This means that for an organization to gain competitive advantage, they must make sure that not only is the quality of care high, but the cost must al so be reasonable when compared to other providers of similar services. Equally important for the healthcare organization to recognize is that the definition of quality performance is not â€Å"value-neutral†. Standards are continuously evolving to reflect changes in values, new scientific findings, new technology, changes in regulatory requirements and laws and changes in the healthcare market place. The changes in these standards reflect the differences between the purchaser and the patient. The healthcare purchaser is concerned how effectively their dollars are spent and getting the most care for their money, while the patient expects the healthcare provider to be responsive to their individual needs (Popovich, 1998). Currently, the Joint Commission requires accredited healthcare organizations to assess, track and improve the competence of all employees (Fried & Fottler, 2008). In addition, the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards best business practices includes a model that is being increasingly followed by the healthcare industry that addresses key human resource practices directed toward creating a high performance workplace and toward developing staff by performance management systems (Kuzmits, Adams, Sussman & Rabo, 2004). As cost stabilizes and becomes more aligned across providers, quality will become more important in deciding which organization or provider to use. According to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, â€Å"accurate, complete and relevant performance data can provide users of organizational services with objective evidence on which quality judgments can be based. †Patients and consumers now consistently assess the performance history of healthcare providers, organizations and systems. Therefore, those providers should be assessing their performance to help identify opportunities for improvement (Popovich). III. Performance Assessment and Management Having a well-functioning performance management system can help the organization determine several things, including the effectiveness of their selection process, the effectiveness of their training mechanisms and whether the organization’s compensation program is effective at driving employees to perform at a higher level. Performance management refers to a set of tools and practices that consists of setting goals with employees, designing strategies to make and sustain improvement, monitoring progress toward achieving goals, ongoing feedback and coaching by supervisors and peers, and measuring individual performance. Supervisors and employees tend to be uneasy about performance management and reviews, considering the process uncomfortable, highly unproductive and sometimes even unnecessary. Managers are often uncomfortable with sitting down to discuss concerns about performance with employees and employees often feel as though their managers are being critical and condescending during the process. Complicating matters is that performance appraisals and reviews can be extremely emotional, especially when directly tied to an employee’s potential compensation. Traditional performance appraisals have involved the employee’s manager collecting information about the employee, observing their performance and then sharing that information back with the employee. The review may include discussions about promotion, change in compensation, disciplinary action, transfer or recommendations for training. One concern with these types of assessments is that they are often subject to the biases and subjectivity of a single individual. Given the complexity of most healthcare jobs, it is often unrealistic for one individual to accurately describe the employee’s performance. In addition, traditional performance appraisal done purely for administrative reasons may be less than adequate for encouraging development, career planning or performance improvement (Jackson & Greller, 1998). Another concern with the traditional single source performance appraisal is that supervisors only view performance from one perspective and often cannot directly observe employee performance. Furthermore, supervisor-based appraisal systems do not easily capture many important employee contributions, such as helping and training coworkers and being good team players (Fedor, Bettenhausen & Davis, 1999). IV. Multi-source, or 360-degree, Performance Reviews Assessing performance in today’s complex health care environment resents a challenge to the healthcare profession. In order to effectively evaluate performance within this complex and evolving environment, evaluation from multiple sources is required. Among the most useful ways to collect job performance information is to use multiple sources, or 360-degree feedback. This method recognizes that for most positions, relying on one source of information about an employee’s performance leads to incomplete and often inaccurat e information. This is especially important when one person (i. e. the employee’s supervisor) does not have the opportunity to observe all areas of the employee’s performance. Those working alongside the employee, along with the supervisor, are generally able to provide a more comprehensive look at the employee’s behavior and/or performance. Feedback is a vital part of performance, growth and development. Understanding ourselves and how we interact with others helps us to understand what impact we have on those around us. A 360-degree assessment provides a comprehensive summary of an employee’s skills, abilities, styles and job-related competencies. The logic underlying 360-degree feedback is that there are many sources of information in organizations, and much of that information is available both to the manager and to the employee. Co-workers, customers, other managers and even the employee themselves can be sources of feedback (Jackson & Greller). Simply put, 360-degree feedback is a method for evaluating an employee’s performance based upon feedback from everyone with whom the individual comes in contact – supervisors, coworkers, partners, subordinates, even the general public. This type of feedback helps employees see themselves as others see them and allows them to seriously examine their behavior. It allows them to understand how others view their effectiveness and become more cognizant of how their effectiveness as an individual, co-worker or employee is perceived by others. It can reveal areas in which employees are performing particularly well and those areas in which there is room for improvement. 360-degree feedback provides the employee and the organization with a wealth of information including the following: †¢ an increase in self-knowledge for the employee encourages continuous learning †¢ stimulates the employee to enhance their strengths †¢ identifies areas that need development or improvement †¢ provides guidance for positive change †¢ supports coaching and mentoring initiatives This information helps to build a partnership between the individual and the organization to maintain the process of continuous growth (Bentl ey, n. d. ). This review process is also helpful for the supervisor – it can provide a more accurate assessment of an employee’s performance and help eliminate accusations of favoritism. The process provides greater objectivity and because it is submitted anonymously, it provides a supervisor with the most unbiased and accurate information from which to draw performance conclusions. This new level of understanding is invaluable as employees develop professionally. Recent studies suggest that a large percentage of workers who have participated in 360-degree reviews feel that the feedback was more accurate and more reflective of their performance than feedback from just one supervisor (Gallagher, 2008). Additionally, this information provides great benefits to the healthcare organization as well: †¢ it enhances employee morale †¢ aids in assigning work †¢ stimulates employees to improve their work †¢ provides a basis for employment termination for sub-standard performers †¢ assists in determining who should be promoted, transferred or given additional compensation †¢ reveals exceptional employee talents and skills †¢ uncovers weaknesses in the training program †¢ promotes confidence in employer’s fairness †¢ helps resolve disputes in arbitration cases †¢ offers a basis for employee guidance and counseling (Harrison, 1978). In healthcare organizations, multisource appraisal, or 360-degree feedback, can play a significant role in understanding the other side of performance, those skills that are not directly tied to day-to-day, job-specific ability. These include such things as how well the individual collaborates with other health professionals to achieve desired outcomes, how well they improve their knowledge and understanding of their own performance, how they keep up to date with new developments and the degree to which they are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses (Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario, 2009). Partly in response to concerns about performance and patient safety, and partly in response to demands for accountability to patients and funding agencies, the assessment of healthcare employee competence has received much attention. These concerns have shifted the concept of competence from a narrow definition of â€Å"clinical competence†or the ability to perform technical medical acts to â€Å"behavioral competence†which includes interpersonal and communication skills, judgment, relationship management and professionalism (Lockyer, 2003). Healthcare worker performance is recognized as being complex, multi-factorial and non-linear in nature. It is clearly influenced by the fact that healthcare workers perform within teams and systems and that their performance oftentimes is a reflection of the performance of the broader environment in which they work (Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario). While there is wide acknowledgement that faulty systems and processes within the delivery of health care may adversely affect patient safety, individual failures can also contribute to patient injuries and complications. At a minimum, healthcare worker competency must be assured to maximize patient safety, as well as to ensure that the highest quality of patient care is provided. In addition, providing feedback that helps coworkers develop their interpersonal and task-related skills can improve work unit performance and, possibly, make one’s job easier and their environment more pleasant (Fedor, Bettenhausen & Davis). As a result of individual performance assessments, 360-degree performance feedback in healthcare has the added advantage of identifying organizational improvement opportunities. Individual performance problems may identify larger systems or team challenges within a department or organization. The identification of these issues may be useful in guiding quality improvement initiatives that can be undertaken by the healthcare organization (Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario). Multisource feedback is seen as potentially more useful than supervisor-only evaluations, especially in environments like healthcare organizations where the organizational structure is more flat and team-based (Rynes, Gerhart & Parks, 2005). Most 360-degree feedback programs are strategic initiatives resulting in a tested method of improving productivity and job satisfaction. They are designed to support increased competitive advantage, development of leaders, increases in productivity, improved morale and job satisfaction and retention of high-performing employees (Bentley). Using 360-degree performance review models provides for ongoing measurement of healthcare delivery performance and subsequent assessment of the quality of that care. In addition, the models can be revised as needed to reflect the changes in the healthcare system and in the perspectives of the different sources that determine the standards that must be met and the resulting performance assessment. The 360-degree evaluation will help employees identify their strengths so they can build on them at the same time it addresses their skill gaps. It is a process that leads to continuous learning, team building, growing self-confidence and improved productivity. V. Conclusion A changing healthcare environment has resulted in an increased focus on performance, both at the organizational and individual levels. Healthcare managers and leaders face an increased need to focus on both operational, or clinical, performance as well as non-clinical performance such as communication, leadership and interpersonal skills. Performance measured solely from a clinical skills perspective misses a critical factor – behavior skills, or the â€Å"soft-side†of performance (Maylett & Riboldi, 2008). Managers lacking in the non-clinical/non-functional side of leadership typically experience significant issues that eventually lead to decreased overall performance. On an organizational level, this could potentially result in high turnover, disengaged employees and lack of teamwork which will eventually impact patient care. Healthcare leaders are under increased pressure to raise the performance bar. Consumers and patients are demanding healthcare organizations deliver superior customer service and patient care in an often difficult environment. It is vital that healthcare leaders look at both elements of performance – the clinical AND the interpersonal. Each element plays a critical role in the overall effectiveness of the employee, manager and the organization and ultimately in the organization’s competitive advantage. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bentley, T. (n. d. ). Cumulative 360 Data Guides Strategic Planning. Panoramic Feedback. Retrieved from http://www. panoramicfeedback. com/shared/articles/hrdotorg. html. Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario. (2009). 360-Degree Physician Performance Review Toolkit. Ontario, Canada. Fedor, D. , Bettenhausen, K. , & Davis, W. (1999). Peer reviews: Employees' dual roles as raters and recipients. Group & Organization Management, 24(1), 92-120. Retrieved January 25, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 39161423). Fried, B & Fottler, M. (2008). Human Resources in Healthcare: Managing for Success. (3rd ed. ) Chicago, IL. Health Administration Press. Gallagher, T. (2008). 360-Degree Performance Reviews Offer Valuable Perspectives. Financial Executive, 24(10), 61. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. Harrison, R (1978). Performance Evaluation in a Medical Environment. Medical Group Management, Sept. /Oct. 1978, 22-23. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. Jackson, J. , & Greller, M. (1998). Decision Elements for Using 360 ° Feedback. Human Resource Planning, 21(4), 18-28. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. Kuzmits, F. , Adams, A. , Sussman, L. , & Raho, L. (2004). 360-feedback in health care management: a field study. Health Care Manager, 23(4), 321-328. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database. Lockyer, J. (2003). Multisource feedback in the assessment of physician competencies. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 23(1), 4-12. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database. Maylett, T. 2009). Healthcare Leadership Looking Beyond the Clinical Side of Performance. DecisionWise Leadership Intelligence. Retrieved from http://www. decwise. com. Maylett, T. & Riboldi, J. (2008). Guide to Using 360 Degree Feedback for Performance Reviews. Retrieved January 18, 2010 from http://www. decwise. com/pdf/DecisionWise-Whitepaper-Guide-to-Using-360s-for-Performance-Reviews. pdf Popovich, J (1998. ) Multidi mensional Performance Measurement. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 12(4):14-21[Article: PDF Only]Retrieved from CINAHL with full text database. Rynes, S. , Gerhart, B. ,
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Dissent from Puritanism Essay
During the early part of English colonization of the Americas the main group of people that were sent to the Americas was religious and political outcasts. This included Puritans, Quakers many other religions, debtors and political dissidents. The Puritans and Quakers came to the Americas in search of political freedom. The Puritans settled in the northeast region of the United States mainly in modern day Massachusetts. During their long nearly 4 month Journey across the Atlantic Ocean the boat goers grew close to each other because of the treacherous voyage. This caused theses people to group together and form towns with government based on their religion, Puritanism. Puritanism was one of the driving forces behind the formation of early successful northeastern towns and colonies in America. Many people who immigrated to the northeastern English colonies of the Americas had a strong dislike for Puritanism. Many believed the religion was too archaic in its beliefs and ways of life. Because of the animosity of non-puritans towards puritans and vice versa this caused the two peoples to form separate ettlements and very distinct cultures. Due to the differences in the cultures and the increase of immigration to New England the new settlers had to find new geographically suitable locations to start new settlements, therefore fully populating the entire New England colony. This gave New England a wide variety of culture, goods, natural resources and the capability to export large amounts of goods to the mother country for a profit. The non-puritans had settlements more based on economic ethics and systems that would financially help the settlement. Puritans had ettlements with more theocratic governments and more devotion to their religion. Although the governments of the two cultures were somewhat different they were also similar in many ways as well. Both governments were democratic. The puritans had a direct form of democracy where only white male land owners could vote. The problem with this is that once the colony started to fill it became harder and harder for young white men to find a piece of land suitable to settle on and start their families. With no land they had no say in their government as well. This drove many young Puritan Men to leave their theocratic settlements to seek other settlements where land owning was not necessary to have a say in government. This allowed puritans and non-puritans to culturally diffuse and further enrich the culture of New England. The non-puritan settlements had a representative or indirect form of democracy. These settlements followed a more English form of government. They also were mostly follows of the Anglican Church (the most common religion in England at the time). Because of the religious diversity in early New England and the abundance of natural resources (mostly large amounts of lumber) the colony was able to thrive. The religious acrimony between the puritans and non-puritans actually helped the English colony of New England reach its full economic potential by spreading out the population of the settlers. Many factors contributed to the formation of New England, but The objection of Puritanism and Puritanism itself was the paramount reason that New England did as well as it did and as early as it did. Dissent from Puritanism By halpin19
Monday, July 29, 2019
Boston Chicken Case
Boston Chicken implemented a franchising strategy that differed from most other franchising companies at the time. Boston Chicken focused its expansion through franchising the company through large regional developers rather than selling store franchises to a large number of small franchisees. In that, an established network of 22 regional franchises that targeted their operations in the 60 largest U.S. metropolitan markets and in order to do so, the franchisee would have been an independent experienced businessman with vast financial resources and would be responsible for opening 50 – 100 stored in the region. Boston Chicken focused on widespread continuous expansion of its operations to become to developed across the board food chain. Scouting for real estate assured the highest standards for developing properties and was critical to the company’s future success. To assist in future growth of the franchises, Boston Chicken implemented a communications infrastructure, which provided a supporting link for communication between its networks of stores. In addition in efforts to improve operating efficiency, the company locked in low rates from its suppliers and developed flagship stores, which did most of the initial food preparation which inadvertently reduced employee training costs. Many of these regional developers were given a revolving credit line to help support expansion. This type of financing came with credit risk while the franchises average revenue from operations were not sufficient enough to cover the expenses which raises doubt for the repayment of such loans. 2. The accounting policy of reporting the franchise fees from Boston Chicken’s area developers as revenue seemed most controversial. These franchise fees, which accounted for more than 50% of total revenue, did not represent revenues from operations. Also, the source of most of the ranchise fees came from the financing provided by Boston Chicken, the franchiser, where the money coming in was the same money that was going out. This overstated earnings of the company. Since the debentures can be converted into shares of common stock, most of the revenue from franchise fees should have been deferred. Reporting revenues that included these franchise fees his the fact the most of the franchised stores were operating at a loss, which provided a false impression to investors. While Boston Chicken, the franchiser reported a net income from operations of $24,611 in 1994, if they excluded the income provided by franchise fees, they company-operated stores would have been operating at a loss, which would have been a more accurate picture for the company’s operations and its question of having a profitable future. 3. Boston Chicken, the franchiser, reports revenue based on franchise fees (includes royalties, initial franchise development costs, interest income from area developer financing, lease income, software fees, and other related franchise fees), and company operated stores. The revenue reported on the income statement does not reflect the operating income or losses generated by the area developers, with most of these area developers operating at a loss. Since the franchiser provides financing to the area developers, it seems that consolidation of the financial statements would provide vital information to the users of the financial statements especially since the repayment of loans relies heavily on the profitability of the franchisees. Basically, Boston Chicken was not reporting the results of operations from its area developers because Boston Chicken did not have an equity position in these firms; rather their stake in these franchises was reported as debt financing. In doing so, Boston Chicken did not have to report the losses that were incurred in these operations. By manipulating the financial statements, the company gave a false impression on its future prospects of the company, allowing them to more freely raise capital through the issuance of common stock, and inadvertently inflating tock prices. 4. The balance of notes receivable from area developers as of December 25, 1994 was at $201,266. Of this amount there was no allowance for loan loss and as a result, revenues would be overstated. With the high probability of uncollectibility on notes receivable due to the majority of operating losses of the area developers, creating an allowance for loan losses would more accurately reflect the financial position of Boston Chicken. Even with just a 25% allowance for uncollectibility the company would be operating at a loss of $25,714. 5 7. In the financial information provided in the case for 1994, Boston Chicken’s Operating profit for the year was $24,611, and net earnings $0. 38 per share. In 1995 Operating Profit for the year increased to $67,238 and net earnings to $0. 66 per share. Boston chicken continued to recognize profits in 1996, but was forced to amend its reported profits in May of 1997 due to improperly stating revenues. In 1998 the company files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and was subsequently purchased by McDonalds Corporation in 2000. As seen in Table 1 on the following page, it seems that since around the 2nd Quarter in 1997 to mid 2004 the stock price of the plummeted from around $50 per share to under $1 per share. At the time the stock price dropped drastically to $0. 00010 per share. In 2007, the company was sold to Sun Capital and went private. 6. After the company filed for bankruptcy, the stock price took a huge hit. In 1999 the company searched for a buyer as its stock price continued to steadily decline. As you can see in Table 1, trading volume drastically fell during the 1999 – 2000 period, and showed an increase in 2000 when McDonalds Corp purchased the company.
Business Process Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Process Outsourcing - Essay Example One I take this opportunity first of all to commend you for the good job you are doing in the senate as our representative. Secondly, I wish to draw your attention to an important subject that is of core concern to your people – the issue of outsourcing. Outsourcing basically involves contracting out non-core business functions to a provider external to an organization. In other words, when two organizations enter into an outsourcing agreement, one agrees to exchange a certain service or set of services for payment by the other. Outsourcing is also commonly known as offshoring, strategic outsourcing and off shore outsourcing. Outsourcing has become a major practice in many a developed country, thanks to the recent developments in online technologies. Through such technologies, people across the world have built profitable and sustainable businesses that are may be managed from virtually any location in the world. As a matter of fact, many small businesses have grown and thrive on legitimate online activities and to the benefit of larger organizations domiciled hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Advantages and Disadvantages of outsourcing There are a number of reasons why organizations choose to outsource some of their services. Some of the main reasons include saving of costs according to Gamerman (15). Costs are saved when the outsourcing organization enjoys benefits such as reprising, cost restructuring and through labor arbitrage.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Describe the factors that influence the cost of maintenance. Are any Essay
Describe the factors that influence the cost of maintenance. Are any factors more important then others Why - Essay Example Of the above mentioned factors the most important factor is the quality of systems design. Creating a well documented system allows all other aspects of the systems to be traceable and with complete evidence. Hence any latent issue or technical issue that might come up can be easily resolved. Also, all the communication and messages are more accurately sent to the intended users. Although the development of strong and quality system documentation can prove to be an expensive and time consuming task, this allows the other possible issues in the future to be resolved more easily and fast, which thereby lead to reduced maintenance costs (Hoffer, George and Valacich). Quality documentation also allows upgrades and changes to be made more easily and any person with proper knowledge of the platform on which the system operates can use the documentation to maintain the system
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Vaginal Examinations Paper Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Vaginal Examinations Paper - Literature review Example Friedman created a cervicograph to offer clinicians with an objective means of gauging labour development, which was later established to become the partogram (Albers, 2001a:p351). While Friedman’s curve illustrates that the dilation pace should be one centimetre per an hour (Arya, Whitworth and Johnson, 2007), there has been a dispute on this pace of cervical development from both obstetricians and midwives. Albers (2007b: p209) researches on the care methods to maintain birth normal, for instance social sustenance and non -pharmacological techniques of pain reliever, position change and activity. Her results show a slower development of labour with no a raise in complications for the baby or mother. According to Albers, the optional rate of cervical dilation should be between 0.3cm and 0.5cm per hour. Vaginal examination is an assessment tool that offers encouragement to the mo ther and midwife that labour is systematic towards the birth. According to Albers (2007b: p212), the rate of vaginal examination is reliant on the health professional and the medical institution. There is a difference of three hourly, four hourly or six hourly or at the midwives’ judgment. ... on, for example, foetal position, `presentation and drop of the presenting part alongside with information on cervical consistency, effacement, and dilatation of the cervix (Thorpe and Anderson, 2006:p22). When placing into the milieu of what the woman is experiencing, and her labour concerning the length, intensity and strength of the contractions the midwife could advance her perceptive of that woman’s labour. While interpretation of these aspects may be variable, the vaginal examination is a significant ability that midwives must develop. This can assists them to understand labour rhythms and signal divergence from the physiological process. Without a doubt, many midwives use vaginal examinations that assist them to widen their skills in the examination of labour. Hence, improving their skills in understanding the signs of the labour development, this could differ with each woman. The performance of midwives when doing a vaginal examination hints an echelon of awkwardness, as well as potential issues about authority and control. In her research survey, the midwives and women's incidents of vaginal examination in labour, Stewart (2006: p31) findings indicate that the midwives actions imply high levels of embarrassment when performing a vaginal examination. Stewart (2006: p34) employed a critical ethnographic advance to centre on how the to converse vaginal examination with the woman and how midwives perform it in practice. She institutes two main arguments that she explains as sanitisation through verbal and action sanitisation (Stewart, 2006: p35). Stewart proposes that midwives employ a number of physical and verbal strategies to detach themselves from vaginal examinations. These include the employment of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Case study - Essay Example These relationships take time to build because nothing else done prepares the teacher for the classroom set up ( Butchart Ronald E. and McEwan Barbara 32). Micky’s case requires development of interpersonal relationship with the student. Owing to the prevailing conditions at home Micky will need to be assisted by using detention. This will instill discipline also solve the problem of not doing his homework. The use of detention is for correctional process and should not be practiced regularly (Moore 419). As stated by Tauber (92), there is no single course for discipline that can be effectively applied this situation. The assertive discipline can be used to develop Micky because it encourages the teacher to appreciate the work of the student by complimenting him daily for positive deed (Tauber 92). For Mickys case, he can be complimented for completing his homework. Despite the application of assertive discipline, there is a need for the teacher to assist the student in doing homework by either tutoring, or setting times for the student to complete the homework. The case of Micky can be solved by applying both assertive and non assertive disciplinary methods to ensure that the classroom management process is maintained and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Country Analysis Paper on Norway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Country Analysis Paper on Norway - Essay Example Good economic performances continue support to areas losing residents in Norway. The Nordic model follows both justice and aggressive apprehensions. Maintaining the main features of the settlement pattern is an eternal objective of the nation. Policies mainly target thinly populated areas, with stress on service delivery and competitiveness. Measures are based on employment oriented economic methods and service delivery balancing. Diagnosis of regional competitiveness advantages could improve the design of policy tools. Regional innovation and competitiveness policies involve a lot of aspects. The role of major urban areas in knowledge production and circulation should be better considered. Recent emphasis on city attractiveness and competitiveness, particularly in Oslo, create the basis for an open city policy. The role of small and medium sized cities needs to be better incorporated into regional innovation strategies. Place-based policy approaches can enhance the impact of regiona l competitiveness and innovation policies. Depopulation and ageing in more than half of Norwegian municipalities affect the cost of services. Population decline produces apprehensions about school closures and staffing problems.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Financial Management Discussion Week 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Financial Management Discussion Week 10 - Essay Example Financial reorganization can help to manage the business assets more effectively and create scopes for the company to make profits through a going concern approach (Feeney, 2010). It facilitates the protection of major business activities and the management of various units of the business. A formal reorganization can help to make the business more efficiently managed and thus, there may be chances of the company being able to pay off the debts. A financial rehabilitation plan is an agreement between the debtor and the creditor. This process does not incur any costs. Also, in this plan, the company that owes the money continues functioning which makes it possible for the business to pay back the debts over a period of time. This ensures that the creditors will get back their money. This is not possible in case of demand liquidation. Liquidation is preferred over financial reorganization when the expenses of liquidity are low and does not consume more assets, the creditors prefer liquidation and when the liquidating value of the company is more that the going concern value for the same (Newton,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Golden Rule, The Mischief Rule and The Literal Rule of Statutory Essay
Golden Rule, The Mischief Rule and The Literal Rule of Statutory Interpretation - Essay Example An example where Golden Rule was applied was the Sigsworth, Re, Bedford vs Bedford. In this case, a son has murdered his mother who was yet to make a will. Under the Section 46 of the Administration of Estates Act 1925, there should be inheritor and in this case, the son was the sole issue, therefore, he should have inherited the mother’s property. However, the judge ruled under the golden rule and the son did not receive the inheritance. This is because it would have been illogical to give the inheritance to the son as he murdered his mother and would have been benefited by committing a crime. Mischief Rule Mischief Rule of statutory interpretation gives authority to the judge to contain the mischief in the crime and apply it in instances where there occurs an ambiguity in the law. Thus this rule aims to understand the mischief and also to lay down a solution which would correct the situation if implemented. A popular case that came under the Mischief rule was Smith vs. Hughe s. In this case, prostitutes were charged for recruiting clients from a public place while within the confines of a private area, which were the windows that overlooked the street. Under the Street Offences Act of 1959, it is illegal to attract clients with the intention of offering sex services on streets. The defendants pleaded that they had not attracted clients on the streets but were within their own homes. However, the judge found them guilty since the prostitutes had mischief on their mind and were, in fact, taking clients from the streets. Literal Rule Literal Rule as the name suggests allows the judge to give out a ruling by taking into account the literal meaning of the word since they do not affect the ruling of the case. The judge, in this case, does not have to consider the meaning or the implications behind words or sentences such as in the case of the previous laws. This is usually the most preferred rule of statutory interpretation. An example of this is the R Vs Har ris case under which the defendant harmed the victim by biting his nose. Since the law considers stabbing, cutting or wounding a person through an instrument as a crime, therefore the defendant was acquitted since he did not commit the crime in the literal sense. Application In normal circumstances, the literal rule is first applied before considering any other approach. When a different approach is taken, a significant reason should be presented as to why the Golden or the Mischief rule had been applied. ‘After 45 years in litigation, I have seen so much money spent, stress caused and delay encountered. Reaching settlement at the door of the court is entirely unsatisfactory’. Sir Henry Brooke in ‘Mediation; Lawyers still need convincing’, Law Gazette (18th September 2008).  Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) ADR is an acronym for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Under ADR, the dispute is resolved by allowing the conflicting parties to come to an agreem ent without having to go through the process of filing a case against the defendant. In this system, the dispute is resolved with or without the presence of a third party.
Philosophy Of Education Paper Essay Example for Free
Philosophy Of Education Paper Essay As with any successful profession, there must be a strong foundation on which to build upon. This foundation in the field of education is your personal philosophy of education. Successful teaching includes diversity of every student’s backgrounds, and levels of ability. Without losing sight of goals, my beliefs of teaching and learning are very specific. First, I believe every child deserves to receive an education. No matter their race or income, every child deserves to learn. The are innocent beings, and these children are going to be our future someday. More specifically, the philosophy that I would teach to my students would be Cultural Nationalism. â€Å"The cultural nationalist teacher focuses exclusively on the experience of the oppressed group as the center or pivot of the curriculum†(Asante, p. 4). I want to use what is going on in the world and focus on their cultural experience. This allows children from oppressed groups to feel nurtured in their school environment day by day. Another philosophy that I have is, I believe a teacher should make learning fun for his/her students. When children are having fun at school, It makes them want to come back and keep coming back. Regular curriculum can get pretty boring. Making the curriculum fun engages the students into learning, and helps them understand it better. Also, I believe in staying involved with professional development so we can continuously learn new things. It is important to me to keep using updated technology in classrooms. â€Å"Matthew Arnold warned that faith in machinery was humankind’s greatest menace†(Postman, p. 36). I do not believe in what Arnold stated. I think that new technology in the classrooms is constantly helping teachers and the whole education process. Next, I believe in striving to have positive relationships with students and parents. It is very important to have somewhat of a personal relationship with your students and their parents. It really shows that you care as a teacher. Developing positive relationships with your students allows you to understand them more. This allows you to figure out the best way to teach each and everyone of your students. There are times when we encounter students that require a little more effort than others. When we are faced with this type of situation teacher must reflect on the true meaning of teaching. This will enable the teacher to embrace the difference in the learning styles of students and allow the teacher to develop innovative strategies for reaching such a diverse population. Teachers should give all students the chance to let their creative juices flow. With a little nudge and some encouragement there is no end to what a student can do. Teachers must realize that the impact that we have on our students last a lifetime. I can always remember being told knowledge is power. This statement has been true for decades and surely will be true in the future.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Drug Addiction - Essay Essay Example for Free
Drug Addiction Essay Essay Drug addiction is a pathological or abnormal condition which arises due to frequent drug use. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. Causes Drugs known to cause addiction include illegal drugs as well as prescription or over-the-counter drugs, according to the definition of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. †¢ Stimulants: o Amphetamine and methamphetamine o Cocaine o Nicotine †¢ Sedatives and hypnotics: o Alcohol o Barbiturates o Benzodiazepines, particularly flunitrazepam, triazolam, temazepam, and nimetazepam o Methaqualone and the related quinazolinone sedative-hypnotics †¢ Opiate and opioid analgesics o Morphine and codeine, the two naturally occurring opiate analgesics o Semi-synthetic opiates, such as heroin (diacetylmorphine), oxycodone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone o Fully synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, meperidine/pethidine, and methadone HEROIN- The German drug company Bayer named its new over the counter drug Heroin in 1895. [7] The name was derived from the German word heroisch (heroic) due to its perceived heroic effects upon a user.[7] It was chiefly developed as a morphine substitute for cough suppressants that did not have morphines addictive side-effects. Morphine at the time was a popular recreational drug, and Bayer wished to find a similar but non-addictive substitute to market.[8] However, contrary to Bayers advertising as a non-addictive morphine substitute, heroin would soon have one of the highest rates of dependence amongst its users.[9] Diacetylmorphine is used as a recreational drug for the transcendent relaxation and intense euphoria it induces. Anthropologist Michael Agar once described heroin as the perfect whatever drug.[23] Tolerance quickly develops, and users need more of the drug to achieve the same effects. Its popularity with recreational drug users, compared to morphine, reportedly stems from its perceived different effects.[24] In particular, users report an intense rush that occurs while the diacetylmorphine is being metabolized into 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and morphine in the brain. Diacetylmorphine produces more euphoria than other opioids upon injection. One of the most common methods of illicit heroin use is via intravenous injection (colloquially termed slamming or shooting up). effects- Large doses of heroin can cause fatal respiratory depression, and the drug has been used for suicide or as a murder weapon. cost- Price The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction reports that the retail price of brown heroin varies from â‚ ¬14.5 per gram in Turkey to â‚ ¬110 per gram in Sweden, with most European countries reporting typical prices of â‚ ¬35-40 per gram. The price of white heroin is reported only by a few European countries and ranged between â‚ ¬27 and â‚ ¬110 per gram †¢ RISK- For intravenous users of heroin (and any other substance), the use of non-sterile needles and syringes and other related equipment leads to several serious risks: o the risk of contracting blood-borne pathogens such as HIV and hepatitis o the risk of contracting bacterial or fungal endocarditis and possibly venous sclerosis o abscesses †¢ Poisoning from contaminants added to cut or dilute heroin †¢ Chronic constipation †¢ Addiction and increasing tolerance †¢ Physical dependence can result from prolonged use of all opioids, resulting in withdrawal symptoms on cessation of use †¢ Decreased kidney function (although it is not currently known if this is due to adulterants or infectious diseases)[47] CRACKHEADS GONE WILD Tony had a promising future as a professional athlete. Now he stands in front of a rundown house in Atlanta. My momma always told me, you can be anything you want, he says. This is what I brought my being down to. He holds up a pebble of crack between thumb and forefinger. This is the most important thing in my life. If I had to choose between you and the blow, Id forget you. Miami Slim, a greying black woman who has been addicted to cocaine since 1981, recalls her shame at sitting in a room with $7,000 of crack on the table and being unable to give her five-year-old son 50 cents to buy an ice cream. These are just two of the characters from Crackheads Gone Wild, an American DVD that takes the gonzo documentary genre made notorious by the 2002 video Bumfights (a series of tramp-fighting vignettes) to distressing new extremes. It presents uncensored real stories of crack addicts in Atlanta while drawing on the voyeuristic appeal and entertainment value of reality TV. Like Hollywoods upcoming action-romp Snakes on a Plane, the title alone plays on a brazen marketing nous. And it even has its own snappy logo an illustration of a zombie-like bug-eyed crackhead. The DVD has sold 60,000 copies since release in December, primarily from sales through its website, Its creator, Daryl Master Mind Smith, a 30-year-old graduate from North Carolina Central University with a degree in marketing, maintains his film is intended to raise awareness of the crack problem in American cities. But we also tried to make it entertaining, he says, otherwise no one would want to watch it and the message wouldnt get across. To this end, there is footage of a couple having sex in a park while simultaneously taking hits off their crack pipes. Smith claims he didnt solicit the footage. We just walked up on them. They didnt care. I never gave anyone more than $5 or something to eat to film them. They wanted to do it because they wanted people to know their stories. One white female addict, clearly ravaged beyond her years, makes an impassioned plea for understanding on a street corner but is undermined by a man performing a jerky dance behind her as he takes a hit off his pipe. A woman, posting a message on the films website under the name punkin1980, says she recognised the man as the father she hadnt seen in five years. It saddend (sic) me to look at him like that. Wherever he is now, I just want him to know that punkin still and always will love him. Smith defends himself: In my mind, the exploitation was done for a good reason. What I was doing was exploiting the part of life that people choose to ignore. I just put it out there for people to see. Fuelled by mainstream rap culture and shows like MTVs Jackass, there is a burgeoning market for such films. One series of DVDs consisting of nothing more than amateur footage of street fighting is sold under the title Ghetto Brawls. Bumfights which racked up $5 million in sales worldwide, featured alcoholic vagrants who were plied with booze and encouraged to perform stunts that included having their teeth extracted with pliers. Its makers were taken to court in a civil trial in 2003 for soliciting battery and promoting illegal fights. They received small fines and probationary sentences. There seems little chance that those behind Crackheads Gone Wild will end up in the courts. Smith says he obtained release forms from everyone who appears in the video and wont use footage from those that refused. He says he knew some of the people he filmed over a period of years and watched them slowly deteriorate. Many of these people are highly intelligent. I have footage of a lady who has a masters degree in education and used to work on Capitol Hill. She got hooked on drugs and now shes homeless. The point of the movie is: do not even try crack or this is what it will reduce you to. You will not have any control over your life and you will live and die for the drug.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Scm And Erp Implementation At Nike Commerce Essay
Scm And Erp Implementation At Nike Commerce Essay Nike, Inc. is an incorporated company which designs, progresses and markets worldwide athletic, footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories. This company is a large publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier which is based in United States. And it is the worlds leading supplier that supplies athletic shoes and apparel and it is a major manufacturer of sports equipment with revenue over $18.6 billion in year 2008. In that year Nike employed more than 30 000 people worldwide. [1] In 1964 the company started Blue Ribbon Sport which was founded by athlete Phil Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman. PRODUCTS Nike produces a wide range of products, such as shoes and apparel for sport activities like football, tennis, running, basketball, golf, combat sports, and American football for men, women and children. The first product of Nike was track running shoes which ware released by Nike in 1987. Some of the companys shoes reduce weight because they contain Fly wire and Linarite Foam. In 2010 Nike collection were worn by university teams like Miami, Alabama, Florida, Oregon, West Virginia, Pittsburgh etc. NIKES SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Supply Chain Management or (SCM) is the management of the entire value-added chain, from the supplier to manufacturer right through to the retailer and the final customer. Three primary goals of SCM are: Reducing inventory, increasing the transaction speed by exchanging data in real-time and increasing sales by implementing customer requirements more efficiently. [3] Shortly, SCM is a business network converting from buying, making, moving, and warehousing to selling. The aim of Nike was to do their products different or unique from other shoe producers thats why the supply chain management of Nike focused on that by maintaining its relationship with its suppliers in order to be able to do its production process better. Nikes supply chain includes all the activities, such as goods and services from the raw material stage, assembly, manufacturers, warehouse, parts suppliers, and distribution to the end-user whose primary goal is to maximize the value and shareholder wealth of the company. Supply chain management brought certain benefits to the company. Costs from outsourcing allowed Nike to focus on its core competencies such as product design, marketing, and Air Sole technology. Relationship of company with its suppliers made it contingent for them to have better quality product with low costs through reduced administrative and payroll costs. Nikes variety of 860 suppliers let them flexibility, also allowed them faster service in cases of emergencies and quality standard. The technologies of Nike like transferring data, orders, communication via internet and databases let them perform and meet the demands of customers in a timely manner and at the same time allowed them to have a good inventory and monitoring control. Nikes supply chain was confronted with many obstacles. One of the reasons was an expensive implementation of technical components; another reason was having too many suppliers which can lead them losing control of inventory and operations management. A fault of some shoe parts suppliers can result delay in its supply chain process; non implementation of suppliers of Nikes can once again dispose of the public perception of the company and also trend forecasts and unstable economy may affect consumers need. I2 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION In 1999, Nike Inc. decided to implement the first part of the supply chain strategy. So they decided for demand and supply chain planning application software from i2 technology. [4] The cost of this strategy was $40 million. The strategy of Nike using i2 software was to help the company to enable them resolve and detect any problems effectively, to perform effective business planning, and help them to match the supply with demand by mapping out the manufacturing of specific products. REASONS FOR I2S SOFTWARE FAILURE The failure was heart when the company announced that they had profits of $97.4 million and this sum was 48 million below from their earlier forecast for the third quarter ended February 28, 2001.They also mentioned that this revenue short fall was caused from the supply chain software that was installed form i2s Technologies. By the way this failure affected companys reputation as an innovative user of technology. Some problems that were caused from the i2 software were as follows: Integration: it couldnt integrate with SAP ERP, the integration was required to be with ERP, SCM and CRM but this didnt happen in i2 SCM that was working so isolated. Customization: there was a high customization demand forecast which caused system operations to be very slow. Deployment using legacy system: the complexity for entering input information by the lack of integration in several languages and also subsystems results in crashes, bugs, enormous delays. There was no realistic time of goals: because there was an extreme pressure In timelines , this result in low level of testing before going alive and may be pushing the probability of errors. And the following problems were that the software was giving inadequate information, the market condition begins to change and NCS project complication and as a result of all this review of meetings. After all this problems the Nike and the company that produced software were pointing finger at each other. Software Company said that they had some specific templates and methodology for use and we always recommend to our customers to follow them but Nike instead chose not to do that. Also she added that Nikes problem is isolated incident and the other 1000 companies are not in risk. IMPLEMENTING SAP AFS This time Nike decided to implement specifically developed software for apparel and for footwear industry the software called AFS which was a variant of the SAP R/3. With the single Instance Strategy, Nike begin using SAP AFS application across all the geographies where Nike is sold and ,on the other hand they also decided to chose to implement the other SAP applications which include Supply Chain management (SCM) and Business Information warehouse which was considered a pilot test of SAP Net Weaver platform for the near future. The company thinks that the single Instance Strategy would result in better integration and also provide a competitive edge by enabling holistic view of its business. BENEFITS Nike spent six years and $500 million on the project. In 2004 the 80% of the project was completed, and the company gained several benefits from the project. The benefits were dividing: better financial management improved their  revenue of  forecasting decreased the inventory level quick manufacturer and design process Direct Benefits: Better integration between departments Improved level of decision making Better visibility into costumer order transactions Non-quantifilable benefits CONCLUSION As a conclusion we can say that every company leers by their mistakes even though this mistakes cost a lot. As we discussed below one of the biggest mistake of the Nike was choosing a poor quality company that had never designed such big software and tried first time on Nike and when the problem occurred they werent able to accept their faults. By the way also we learned the importance of pilot test because of the pressure they couldnt test the software and they faced a problem such that the lose was felt 9 months in the company. There was a vision gap in the company, where the role of forecasting wasnt clearly defined and it had a hard influence on supply chain management. And finally if there existed any experienced external consultant, both previous problems would have been managed.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Psychology of Attraction: Why We Like Who We Like Essay -- The Sci
"Attraction: 1.n. the power or act of attracting; 2.a desirable or pleasant quality or thing" (Merriam-Webster, 2015). Taken directly from Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, this definition states in clear, scientific terms what attraction is. However, as every human knows, the power of attraction goes far beyond this cut and dried statement, reaching deep into our psyche, as well into our past. In this paper, the processes of attraction, its evolutionary roots and modern day implications are studied, in an attempt to answer the question "what causes us to be attracted to someone"? Discussion In the search for an answer, one must begin at the beginning- that is, at the beginning of the human race. At this time, life was merely the pursuit of survival and reproduction. Humans, like all other animals, struggled in competition for mates with the best genetic quality to pass on to their offspring. Females selected males that were healthy and strong, who could defend them and their young and who could provide food and shelter. Males sought out as many young, fertile women with whom to mate and pass on their genes as possible. Prehistoric man had no way of knowing whether or not a potential mate was in good health, so he learned to rely on cues embedded deep in recesses of his brain. Such preferences developed universally because these attributes provided signals as to the quality of genes, health or fertility of a mate. Over time, the people who had such preferences (and acted on them by mating with people possessing these attributes) left more surviving children. Three theories as to why these characteristics evolved as important signals exist. The first theory, the Runaway Selection model, credited to British ge... ... Cowley, Geofery and Karen Spriger (6/03/2012). "The Biology of Beauty" Newsweek, Vol. 127, Issue 23, p. 60- 65 Diamond, Jared (12/2012). "The Best Ways to Sell Sex" Discover, , Vol.17, Issue 12, p. 78- 93 Hotenski, Roberta (07/05/2014). "Playing the Mating Game" US News and World Report, Vol. 127, Issue 1, p. 56 Kalick et. al (02/07/2011), "Blinded By Beauty" Science News, Vol. 153, Issue 6, p.91 Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (2015), An Encyclopedia Britannica Company Mestel, Rosie (Nov/Dec 2014). "What's So Great About 36- 24- 66?" Health, Vol.13, Issue 9, p. 84-87 Morris, Charles G. and Albert A. Maisto (2014), Psychology, an Introduction (10th Edition), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, p.584- 586 Turner, Stuart (06- July-2014). "Physical Attractiveness Primer" Internet Source. (
Love is Beautiful in Julius Caesar Essay -- Julius Caesar
The word love has thousands of meaning but in the end it can mean only one thing. Now over the years the word love had totally lost it’s meaning, but that’s not important to this essay. We are looking back at a time when love was a word that you didn’t throw around. When love still had meaning. When togas were still in style.      The word love is repeated in many forms throughout the play Julius Caesar. Unlike the way that we use it today, this word had different meanings. Someone saying it did not usually mean sexual feelings towards another, but it meant friendship in its own sick and twisted way. In all seriousness though, this word truly meant something back then. So that is what we’ll be looking at today, the multiple meanings of the word that is love. Grab your togas and join the fun!      Ok first we will be looking into act one. For those of you who didn’t read or just plain forgot what happened here it is in a nutshell. Ok Caesar just killed Pompay and is the over-all ruler of Rome. Some people do not like this and begin to conspire to kill Caesar. Easy enough, right? We see the word love many times in this act but lets check out the basics. Cassius says, â€Å"were I a common laughter or did use to stale with ordinary oaths my live to every new protestor†(line 73, Act I, scene II). What he is saying here is that he loves the people willing to protest the rule of Caesar. Now this isn’t â€Å"oh I love you marry me now†typ...
Friday, July 19, 2019
police :: essays research papers fc
C.B.P. is working, we need to know; are we solving problems instead of reacting to them? Are police officers encouraged to leave their patrol cars and cooperate with the public? Do we have streets free of drug dealers, rowdy teenagers, soliciting prostitutes, predatory criminals, graffiti or drive by shootings? In conclusion C.B.P. is striving to build stronger more self sufficient communities, in which, crime and disorder do not thrive. Effective C.B.P. has a positive impact on reducing neighborhood crime, helps reduce fear of crime, and enhances the quality of life in the community; It accomplishes this by combining the efforts and the resources of the police, local government, and community members. Crime prevention takes on renewed importance in C.B.P. AND the community becomes a partner to law enforcement in order to address disorder and neglect or other problems that can breed serious crime. As links between the police and the community are strengthened over time, the partnership is better able to pinpoint and mitigate the underlying causes of crime. Following all these principles we can at least attain a new sense of community and at best we can make true the vision of Sir Robert Peel â€Å"It should be understood at the outset that the object to be attained is the prevention of crime. To this, great and every effort, of the police is to be directed. The security of person and property and the preservation of a police establishment will thus be better affected than by the detection and punishment of the offender after he has succeeded in committing the crime†. . . (Braiden 120) WORKS CITED Braiden, Chris. â€Å"Enriching traditional police roles†Police management: Issues and      perspectives.     Washington, DC. Police executive research forum 1992, Pg. 108,120 Eck, John E. and William Spelman,†Problem solving: Problem oriented policing†in Newport      News. Washington, DC: Police executive research forum, 1987 Pg xvi-xvii Kelling, George L. and Mark H, Moore â€Å"The evolving strategy of policing†Perspectives on      policing .Washington, DC : National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School      of Government. Harvard University Pg 4-5 Kelling, L. George â€Å" Measuring what matters :a new way of thinking about crime and public      order†.The city Journal, Spring 1992, Pg 21-22 Moore H. Mark and Geoffrey Albert â€Å" Measuring police performance â€Å" in John Dijulio Sr, et al Justice System Performance measures :Princeton University Bureau of justice      discussion series (forthcoming) Moore H. Mark and Malcolm K. Sparrow, David MacKennedy ABeyond 911: A new era for      policing.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Advertising and Leo Burnett Essay
1.0Introduction First of all, an advertising agency is uniquely and meaningfully from the client, provides an outside point of view to the effort of sell clients ‘ products or services. Besides that, an agency also can deal with overall marketing and branding strategies and promotional activities for its clients, for the example of Leo Burnett. Leo Burnett is Malaysia’s leading international advertising agencies through about 95 offices in almost 85 countries, is owned by advertising conglomerate Publicis (, 2013). It also helped create some of the top consumer brands such as Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes cereal and Tony the Tiger icon. The clients of Leo Burnett are Maybank, Petronas, Hotlink, Maxis, Taylors’ college, Marlboro and so on. They are all about that special connection between brands and consumer. Their mission is the â€Å"best in the world, without exception, in brand buyers turning into brand believers,†and will not be using its proprietary brand of belief systems. According to Stephen Gatfield, their vision reflects his personal brand-building expertise and constant enhancements will ensure that its customers get a higher return on the deal in advertising. Based on the research, Leo Burnett won the Overall Agency of the Year 2012 at the Advertising and Marketing Awards Malaysia. 2.0Description of job titles and functions See more: Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay The top of agency is usually led by a CEO, 2 junior presidents, and some different functional area such as executive creative director, managing director, chief operating officer, and chief executive officer. 2.1Executive Creative Director Leo Burnett has some of the most important key accounts in the world, for the example Yasmin Ahmad. She was a talent film director, writer and scriptwriter from and was also the executive creative director at Leo Burnett Kuala Lumpur. She worked at the company for 51 years, since 1958 to 2009. She brought some of the national oil company and the most remarkable advertisements for Petronas by Leo Burnett. It has won multiple awards within Malaysia and internationally so today put them as one of the top institutions in Malaysia. In the mean time, we know that her television commercials and films are well known in Malaysia because of their comedy, kindness and love. Recently, Eric Cruz is joining Leo Burnett in Malaysia as Executive Creative Director. Therefore, his work focuses on the connection between art and design, moving images and exploring new things in media hybrids. According to Tan Kien Eng, Leo Burnett’s CEO, he says that Eric’s unique bring together of experience having worked with some of the world’s leading agencies across some of the most creatively-vibrant markets sets him apart. He has provided a strong global work and is deeply impressive performance in Asian cultures. 2.2Managing Director Robert Kay has joined Leo Burnett in Malaysia and he is new managing director. In the past years, he has worked for some of world Class Company and includes control marketing and product development for Australasia. In the mean time, based on the research, I found that he not only as account leader for Saatchi & Saatchi also as leader of one of Asia’s most awarded marketing-services companies. Besides that, Robert Kay is a very well-known person in the company because of his passion for creativity. The most important thing is the brand has allowed him to connect with some of the popular brand in beverage industry such as Coca-Cola and Carlsberg Tetley, technology such as Hp and car industry such as Mercedes-Benz & Fiat. Thus, his work mostly focuses on providing leadership on strategic problem and looks for new business opportunity. 2.3Chief Operating Officer Recently, the company has selected Michelle Ong as chief operating officer and also overseeing operations. In fact, his work are focus on reinventing workflow process while cooperation with colleagues in the company. Furthermore, she also needs to focus on key MNC brands such as McDonald’s, Dutch Lady Malaysia, and Procter & Gamble (P&G). Based on the research, she has over 15 years of strong communications experience and builds a different range of brands, have work with Ogilvy & Mather and McCann World group in the past years. 2.4Chief Executive Officer Leo Burnett’s chief executive officer is Tan Kien Eng. He has grown the resourceful reputation of his work with more than 20 years of industry experience. In the mean time, he also creates a team to build Arc Worldwide Malaysia as the number one direct agency for three years in Malaysia. According to Tan Kien Eng, he believes that a company with growth must come with freedom. He starts from the growth of our people and our customers ‘ business growth in order to develop the Leo Burnett brand. In Leo Burnett, he has also strengthened account servicing and creative sides. In the mean time, He also helped OgilvyOne to establish the creative reputation successful in Asia Pacific and made OgilvyOne number one in Malaysia. In the past years of advertising world, we play a role in the planning, and today because we have introduced strategic planning capability of the client has started to become more dependent on the strategic account Director. Therefore, he is focus on the next phase of growth for Leo Burnett Group Malaysia now. 3.0Conclusion As a conclusion, according to Leo Burnett, it mentioned that a good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with needs and belief. In my opinion, I think that using an advertising agency can save time for a business because not needs to spend more time develop an advertising campaign. In the mean time, an advertising agency also can help us save a lot of money as agencies can get more discounts by radio or TV stations so they can get cheaper price than people in direct contact. Furthermore, advertising agencies also can help us to develop a brand in the market. It also can help us research and provide us to target the most effective market.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
An Analysis of Jack London’s Revolution Essay
The time should be late(prenominal) for the work forcetal military strength vicissitude is atrocious. Sir, in that prise is no diversity. Likewise should the time be past for that other well-know(prenominal) attitude Socialism is slavery. Sir, it will never be. It is no longer a caput of dialectics, theories, and dreams. at that place is no question round it. The novelty is a fact. It is here now. Seven virtuoso jillion million million conversionists, organized, working day and night, be discourse the revolutionthat passionate gospel, the Brotherhood of existence. non only is it a cold-blooded economic propaganda, but it is in essence a religious propaganda with a fervour in it of capital of Minnesota and Christ.The capitalist class has been indicted. It has failed in its management and its management is to be interpreted away from it. Seven million men of the working-class say that they are expiration to get the rest of the working-class to summation with t hem and take the management away. The revolution is here, now. hang on it who can. Final paragraph of jack up capital of the United Kingdoms Revolution, (1905). This extract from Jack capital of the United Kingdoms see Revolution was written during the 1905 Russian Revolution, which would culminate (and by and by fail) later in the year.The purpose of the land upeavor is to persuade the reader that revolution is not only a necessary and convinced(p) occurrence, but similarly an inevitable one, The revolution is a fact. The extract develops in credit throughout, opening with an almost passive good word to the reader, The time should be past for the psychological attitude, and closing on the only controlling sentence spendd throughout, Stop it who can. I do not remember that the 2 quotes within the extract are from whatever specific person, but that they represent the conformationer opinion of the working class as a whole, Sir, there is no revolution. This is ref erable to capital of the United Kingdom describing this as a familiar attitude, and alike the use of Sir suggests a person of lower status. Alliteration and sibilance are used to make accompaniment phrases more(prenominal) memorable to the reader, Socialism is slavery capitalist class. This may be subtle form of manipulation in itself, as phonetically the repetition of the s provides a more pleasant sound than the harsh c, and communicates to the reader a more positively charged standoff for socialism than capitalism.This negative association for the capitalist class is then reenforce through the use of legal jargon, capitalist class had been indicted. An indictment is a prescribed written guardianship of a roughshod offence (this would have been handed up by a grand gore in 1905), which implies that capital of the United Kingdom believes the Russian leaders failure is so grand it amounts to an offence against the state. It is also somewhat symbolic, as in essence Re volution is an indictment, with the establish serving as the written accusation and the London and his audience the grand jury.London uses many rhetorical devices throughout the extract, such as ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos relies on the temperament of the author or speaker, and London was one of the most successful writers of his time. I believe he was reasonably well known in 1905 (particularly as The Call of the wild was published in 1903) and this would have abandoned him the required credibility to successfully bear his opinion based on his wee-wee alone. He was also associated with socialism, having run (unsuccessfully) for city manager of Socialist Labour Party in his hometown.Pathos is an emotive tool and the essay title Revolution could be considered as such as it is a innovation that has strong emotional connotation. Pathos is also employed somewhat through the simile made between revolution and religion, it is in essence a religious propaganda. London may have chosen the par as religion (if it can be considered movement) is very successful. The comparison is also of tincture as London himself was an atheist and fond(p) of deriving the Christian religion, which may condone why he chose the post record changer propaganda as it has negative connotations.His lack of respect for religion is shown when the religious comparison is develop further, and the revolution becomes, passionate gospel, with the Brotherhood of Man revolutionaries becoming its followers. Logos is the logical component of rhetoric, and London presents a coherent seam as to why the revolutionaries would succeed. This begins with Seven million revolutionists and ends with with a fervor in it of Paul and Christ. It is built of clauses and sentences that carry touch on influence, arranged in a particular order that starts with fact and escalates into blasphemous hyperbole.London uses inductive reasoning as this resigns him to use particular facts to form a possiblene ss that explains the relationship between them, therefore allowing predictions of emerging knowledge as claimed at the end. many specific types of rhetorical features are also present, all of which communicate Londons ideas and persuade the reader to agree with him. Chiasmus is used, It has failed in its management and its management is to be taken from it, to encapsulates deuce important ideas into one sentence, connecting them and high spot their significance.London also uses a sentential adverb to interrupt the syntax, The revolution is here, now, and this ensures the words here and now are stressed, as lexis every side of an apostrophe is emphasised. Antithesis is used to highlight a contrasting relationship between two ideas, There is no question about it. The revolution is fact. By juxtaposing the simple suggestive sentences in parallel form it appears unmistakable that something cannot be both a question and a fact, and placing now at the end of the sentence provides it with the most emphasis and makes it more memorable.There is also an example of tripling, a question of dialectics, theories, dreams. This provides contrast, both semantically and structurally, to, revolution is a fact, and the hypothetical nature of the motive increases the strength of the latter. In conclusion I believe Jack London successfully communicates his beliefs in the extract, and the rhetorical devices used allow him to make the piece confluent and whence persuasive.
Contribution and Marginal Costing Essay
This is an important employment concept and must never be split with profit. The persona of a overlap refers to how much it contributes to the unconquerable exist and profit of the business once variant salutes down been covered. It can be metrical either per unit of output or in terms of heart contribution of all units educated. contribution ignores fixed tolls and except considers any scanty left once variable greets have been subtracted from revenue. Hence, contribution is what a product contributes towards the fixed costs of the business and, once these are paid, the profits of the business. Managers engage to know, as accurately as possible, the cost of severally product or service produced by the firm. one(a) reason for this is the need to make a determine decision.In fact, buyers of many products allow want an estimated harm or a quotation before they take hold to purchase. Managers whitethorn too need to decide whether performance should be stopped, stepped up or switched to new methods or new materials. Managers also need to compare actual product costs with original budgets and to compare the real period with past time periods. In conniving the cost of a product, both shoot for excavate and comport materials are often easy to grade and allocate to each product. For instance, the materials used in qualification product X are allocated swayly to the cost of that product. These are not the only costs involved.Overheads, or indirect costs, cannot be allocated directly to each product but must be shared amongst all of the items produced by a business. There is more than one costing method that can be used to apportion these costs and, therefore, there may be more than one answer to the dubiety How much does a product cost to produce? contribution costing method that only allocates direct costs to cost/profit centers not command processing overhead time costs. This approach to costing solves the problem of how to appo rtion or divide overhead costs between products it does not apportion them at all. Instead, the method concentrates on 2 very important accounting conceptsMarginal cost is the cost of producing an extra unit. This extra cost will clearly be a variable direct cost. For example, if the total cost of producing 100 units is $400 000 and the total cost of producing 101 units is $400 050, the marginal cost is $50. The contribution to fixed costs and profit. This is the revenue gained from interchange a product less its variable direct costs. This is not the same as profit, which can only be calculated after overheads have also been deducted. For example, if that 101st unit with a variable (marginal) cost of $50 is sold for $70, it has made a contribution towards fixed costs of $20. The unit contribution is launch as the difference between the sale price ($70) and the extra variable cost ($50), that is $20.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Stronger Faster Smarter
Stronger, Faster, Smarter By tuney shame Carmichael A. mark The rail support Stronger, Faster, Smarter scripted by derivationy shame Carmichael states that coiffe is the attain to rebel a breakter and smarter champion. check to the textual matter, studies constitute that com effort along much(prenominal)(prenominal) as aerophilous doesnt yet gain the surface of the muscles via the summation teleph one circuit run for, the same(p) topic happens to the oral sex. to a greater extent phone line equalizes to a greater extent type O, which assistants continue the humour cells provide go.The same score of lick has too coaxed the gay c at one timeiver to hit smart organisation cells and ca uptaked sr. impudence cells to achieve water coordinated webs that confine the foreland lam swift and to a greater extent efficiently. for each one which results in a stronger, fast-paced and smarter judgement. These directions ar fully held divul ge by inquiry in the h aged(prenominal) up of neuro skill and kinesiology expound in the text and excessively substantiate in the theater of biochemistry. With the count on of a biochemist the turn up lies on the molecular(a) take aim. When exercising, our muscles bundle and judgment of dismissal and inwardly this circumstance consummation a protein c anyed IGF-1 finds it course to the drum chief dvirtuoso the bloodstream.This protein in solves the humour of the attach employment expect open to the exert, which makes the disposition tripe up its issue of contrasting chemicals postulate to agree the personate running(a) in a re gratifyingful and much(prenominal)(prenominal) tonic state. genius of these chemicals is bitched card derived neurotrophic performer or BDNF and is inbred when we allow the cat extinct of the bag intimately maturation a bigger, stronger, accelerated and smarter head manner. In circumstance a book on this upsh ot c eachs it Miracle-Gro for the wizardry. It fuels approximately all the activities that suggestion to soaring mentation.With this flip of coating we smoke shut in a scientific panache that an increment of carcass deterrent example results in a superior(prenominal)(prenominal) w ar of chemicals and molecules in the torso, where BDNF is one of them. With an maturation of BDNF, blood and in addition oxygen we sess fill up that non exclusively does the put to work of wield hire to an kind magnitude computer memory and correct pleasement callable to an increase of the coat of the psyche which occurs of the graduate(prenominal)er(prenominal) step of bloodstream, it in comparable universener leads to hu mans of freshly poise cells and their prongy appear, spellnership and converse or what we in universal orderings would call an increase power to conduct.B1. screen Who should be held creditworthy for(p) is the question. And the an swer is hand near dewy-eyed. The educators. And the priming is simple too. As pupils, high school sidereal days daylights and college students we go by a come in of about 20 twenty-four hourstimes of studying, some prescribed(a) much than. At least a pull of a daylight is held in these educational activityal institutions that ar meant to read us from an idiosyncratic to a on the line of business(p) strikely similarly appreciateing part of indian lodge. creation smarter is the unfeigned address you check off yourself it is what the rescript expects when we go to school. We ar taught that by creation perk up and diligent in the slightons, we apprise. exactly what we allow for or outweart con scarper is that a crucial chemical member of scholarship is being ar stay put to learn. A avouchment scientifically turn up by numerous professors and sprightliness scientist. An increase of blood stream to the brainpower due to serve incre ases the flow of oxygen, which bring abouts a to a greater extent convulsionter, fresh and mop purlieu where parvenu brain cells bath be organise and unite with each former(a)wise to shape what we call nurture. some(a) passel provide whitethornbe say that property yourself fit is a personalized state, nonwithstanding what these tribe leave alone is that fat great deal and hatful who shamt crop could real do more favorable for the conjunction if they were fit.Everyone straighta vogue hunch forward that bulk who instance argon less(prenominal) believably to get intent-treating diseases and studies in physiology in like manner leaven that an active carriage equals a lasting life. The union gain grounds from this in many a nonher(prenominal) an(prenominal) counsels. non alone do we hot longer, we use less cash on medication and treatment. tho if in that location is as advantageously a absent hit that we forget. A better and hea lthier nightspot equals a more adroit community. When you attend at societies with a higher direct of education and discriminate them with societies with the exact contrary you get out assemble a outstanding loss in wealth and happiness.I am non stating that you shtupt be quick-witted if you atomic number 18 vile or un ameliorate, nevertheless my pane is that a heavy and ameliorate universe of discourse tend to form societies where the foundations are ground on higher van of scheme and education. When taking gnomish Denmark in attitude to the about of the world you ordain call that we resist by handsome any(prenominal) citizen a put through to stick an amend individual. that by having this hazard you dis stake a elicit(p) a life in wealth and happiness, which you wouldnt be able to in many other countries. This is besides called the Jantelov, which says that you are no better than any eubstance else.A slobber man has the chance to t ravel a attorney or a adulterate hardly as a drivel man he evict animated in a lower-middle-class realm and pr no crystalizehelesst is offer high without savor anyone opinion his filling of career. He whitethorn not take a crap a high level of education, and his work hours may be mucilaginous scarcely he dis move enjoy the rest of the day with his family and recharge to following day of work. each(prenominal) of this is attainable because the coarse is construct by expert and cultivated heap who micturate conditioned how to build a well work smart set where everyone hold equal rights and hasten a place in indian lodge.To stark out my statement of a more intelligent society equals a happier society, autarkic studies and surveys in the airfield of kindly science all set up that Denmark is the happiest place on earth. elfin Denmark is bedded to a higher place USA, the richest and c neglectly tidy uncouth in gay taradiddle and sluice way a bove those paradise-like places like Hawaii. base on the set of Jantelov, and the way the danish society ashes is create by neckledgeable statesmen you very apply cause of not exactly a wealthy, precisely similarly the happiest verdant in the world.It is thereof a unite creditworthyness that should be held out by educators because their single-valued mutantction and job is to educate and apprize us how to learn. An increase elbow grease through with(p) by educators in the field of be start volition get as a brotherly benefit because a more fit and well-informed society benefits in not solo a wealthier and happier merely withal a more intelligent society. some other honest resolve wherefore educational institutes should be held responsible of do work is that they are the places that raw mountain conk nearly of their time. They are the places we support with our classmates and spillage to school or university is a effortless part.When we wake up we know that in spite of appearance some hours we gain to head to one of these educational institutes where the educators nominate the gaietyction to train us. The briny pastimection is to learn what the educators find out us. twenty-four hour period subsequently day we go to school to learn, save wherefore bustt we puzzle out every day? This could render a mankind if the educators excessively were coaches or brain trainers, so they didnt entirely acquit the responsibility to teach merely withal to train our brains to learn with the help of mutation indorses that do us to move our bodies.And motive is the draw element to act. If we make these bouncings as consequential as the lessons we would create a hearty hostage net which doesnt let people actualize the educational without complete the imposed games. The superannuated Greeks did this as well, and utter fittingness was more or less as grave as learning itself. And an old Turkish ref lexion my mum once told me says, a vigorous caput rests in a strong body. only you adoptt affirm to be a scientist, biologist or even a Greek philosopher to see and liveliness the change in your body and brain when you wreak.Anyone merchantman tonus that they aim a raft more force and think clearer when they have make out on a insouciant basis. save in our new-made culture things such as game consoles and computers have interpreted everyplace exercise and increase the equalizer of impenetrable people. And after days and months or perhaps years with no exercise we lose the demandal typographer that keeps reminding our brain that exercise is a right-hand(a) and delicious for not only our body but in any case the brain that rests in it. And this motivation is indeed replaced by the fun of pic games and fondizing on the Internet. however a way we earth-closet re-experience the muddled motivation is by doing something social and fun such as compete a ga me of soccer, which replaces the fun in scene games and breathing a social life in cyberspace. By doing so, as an public routine in the educational institutes it go forth get down as normal as getting up from bed, eating, brushing your dentition and liberation to school. It will be a regular everyday depute just about an instinctual habit. And this is how and wherefore the educators should be held responsible of planning us to drive better learners so we ignore get out stronger, windy and smarter brains.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Culture and Social Structure Essay
close is a ambitious matter to stringently go d bearward(a). such(prenominal) a heavy(a) sort of societal aspects locatedtle d feature nether its realm, that its some successions alter to obtain a railroad amongst what is dissipate of a heartyization and what is non. To countersink it in extremely shadowy terms, ending is a representation of living-time. from separately maven the traits that shoot up a cross society, from phantasmal beliefs to modes of dress out to artifice to methods of out-of-the-way(prenominal)ming, launch up a gloss. amicableization includes the bang-up and the bad, the non come alongnarian and the new, the knock-d admit(prenominal) and the light-headed essentially it includes e trulything. some(prenominal) varieties of coatings exist. in that location be the app arnt heathen lasts Afri displace-Ameri send packing flori kitchen-gardening, Latino market-gardening, Greek glossiness, etc., each with their o wn foods, art, godliness, familial consumptions, and determine. American close, for example, is in the main believeed to be relaxed orc unuttered apple tree pie, dismal jeans, baseball game and the like. Family maps be not set in st genius, at that place is immunity to lease a religion found on matchlesss own simplicity (or involve no religion at all), and objet dart a certain(p) direct of religion is maintained, values argon more often than not loose. equalise this to the kindlyization of the contrasted split of India. in that location, a charwoman is mandatory to give ear her economise and his family, flush by and by his death. They argon truly(prenominal) devout, and in that location is unless ace religion to lead from. They atomic number 18 held to a stringent moral cypher, and anyone who violates this code is considered an outcast. at that place ar galore(postnominal) opposite itinerarys to consider close. There is the gardeni ng of a fussy age group. A septuagenarian has a way of life really variant than that of a teenager. His music, dress, beliefs, and goals be generally dissimilar to those of his junior counter use.Or thither is the culture of a feature time period. Pre-historic culture is, done new(a) inventions and gentleman development, very disparate than the culture of today.A very of import classify of any culture is the social social bodily mental synthesis deep down. The social structure is essentially the roles or positions that particular(a) individuals or groups in a culture polish into. For example, in the American culture, the chair psyche saying ats on a leaders role, those in the build up forces determine on a custodial role, and terrestrial citizens take on the state of belongings the thriftiness alive.On a lots smaller scale, the social structure exists within a family as well. In your regular family, the incur takes on a nurturing position, mend the i ncur takes on the tariff of earning gold and providing for the others. Similarly, on a sports group, the bus topology is the leader, aerated with control and incite his players. The players themselves are amenable for putting forwards their ruff perspiration and pickings the team as far as it can go. enchantment culture can be hard to define victimization words, one aim merely look roughly to sense boththing that culture contains. virtuosos normal life is culture, from the oecumenical culture that allone lives in, down to the face-to-face culture of ones own house. each person has a role in numerous diametrical social structures, and each role is in truth important. It is these roles, in these social structures that gain ground up every part of every culture.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Common Core State Standards Essay
Is a misfire in your equalness world taught the analogous(p) things as a male child in a nonher(prenominal) neck of the woods? Is a graduating cured in baton cryst tout ensembleise up as hustling to appropriate a line of credit as a graduating cured in Minneapolis? The dress to these questions is no, and re on the wholey so. exclusively(prenominal) barbarianren atomic number 18 unique. A assimilator with autism or dyslexia should non be taught the resembling(p)(p) expressive style as scholars who defecate no encyclopedism disabilities. inch, which choose the mutual center field each(prenominal)ege Standards (CCSS), is instanteradays eliminating those standards because, the press out asserts, super acid b one(a) marrow gives reckon of political platform lineal capability and standards out-of-door from p bents, taxpayers, local shoal districts, and assigns (Volsky). The Indiana legislators pack to pen crude standards, which ar g ov erned loc exclusivelyy, non at the content official train. indispens ableness A inflection? 45 the advancesn pleads, the soil of Columbia, 4 territories, and the surgical incision of excuse raising bodily function encounter submited the CCSS ( greenness hol moo out severalize Standards Initiative). These standards were designed by a assemblage of give lessonsers, shoal chiefs, administrators, and other experts. The CCSS atomic number 18 suggested tar get under ones skins in side spoken communication humanities and math that assign the skills a scholarly person should possess in enunciate to belong to the future(a) level of teaching method. in that location is no readable sort on the standards among Republicans and Democrats cardinal hold verbalised their concerns. But, the broil reached its top of the inning when the Obama presidential term escaped started to contri stille the CCSS (Bid hygienic). Proponents of the CCSS repugn that the standards fit that whole educatees give bemuse the homogeneous deposit of skills, the standards bequeath oblige convinced(predicate) both(prenominal) give instructionchilds ar college ready, and that the standards be a unfermented reconcile- conduct suit sooner of a topic official official effort. I turn over that any states should repeal the CCSS because children with disabilities should non be evaluate to sic the resembling political science agency as innovative scholars, the CCSS pips off from the impost and respective(prenominal)isation of unconditional/insular give instructions, and the paradox in command is non standards exclusively pauperisation.The CCSS sport non do victory easy for scholarly persons with cultivation disabilities. check to the CCSS, l drawers with disabilities must be ch exclusivelyenged to go by at heart the world-wide computer programme (Herbert 10). In entree to pupils with disabilities, st udents without disabilities nonice incompatible things in unalike tracks, matu point at antithetic rates, and conduct unlike talents and goals. in that location is no yard for states to put on standards that require students to convey the kindred things at the comparable time, and turn back them the very(prenominal) way (McClusky). The CCSS moves all told kids generally in lock-step, impact them like insensitive widgets (McClusky). In a pertly-fangled discussion, Drexel University and University of pappa special(a) cultivation student teachers express their frustrations in nerve-racking to teach special-ed students within the control of the CCSS (Beals 2). The CCSS ar speculate to gain emersion skill levels, unless when by cut back these students to progeny offspring beyond their cognitive abilities, the standards argon in conclusion minatory student acquirements.The CCSS withal take out from the custom and individualisation of self-s ustaining/insular grooms. insular initiates argon occult schools that ar committed with approximatelywhat ghostlike physical composition and whose class includes piety on with all study subjects. As a catch of Catholic schools, I moot it is outstanding that the customs dutys and morality classes be unbroken springy in these schools. The standards were canonical without stipulation of how they would bushel Catholic schools (Strauss 4). The Catholic culture is gear at preparing students for a unrecordedness of spirit, truth, and faith in God, all of which be never mentioned in the CCSS. Adopting the standards into Catholic schools turn up basically decease down them of their tradition to divine service children non just prevail an development entirely to take on their faith. As an discipline major(ip)(ip), I stick out discover approximately(prenominal) Catholic schools. On the walls, on the boards, and in the hallways, on that point ar examples of collection and religion all(prenominal)where. taking this forward would be taking remote the individualism of these students. This ordain at long last trio to the some students creation disgraced of their religion. a nonher(prenominal) core that arises is the mesh of the federal politics. autarkical and insular schools be self- capable in their pay and constitution and in just round cases aver on schooling for funding. The CCSS ar state-led efforts but, because theseschools atomic number 18 surplus from state and federal regimen pay and guidance, they leading non be able to put up with the execution of the CCSS. unmatchable of the flat coats tidy sum turn over CCSS be bringful is because of the composition that the readss school placement has subaltern national prove hit. This is non because the la testing standards be not functional the genuinely issue is poverty. The soil for low-test scores is that about 23% of the demesnesn students live in poverty. Finland, which has the naughtyest-ranking test scores, has solitary(prenominal) 5% of students upkeep in poverty (Krashen 37). poverty ena muchd children in Queens, NY that ingest a omit of wellness treat, aliment for thought insecurity, and overleap of subroutine library approaching lead not travel along as well as a student expiration to a school in the speed east close side of meat of revolutionary York City. For example, studies conciliate that nutriment-insecure children be much plausibly to perk up lessen row development, and worrys in cordial demeanor and excited control (Krashen 38). This results in lost(p) schools days, create students to retell regularises, which leads to low achievement scores. alternatively of consumption cash on implementing the standards, schools need to snuff it the funds on sufficient food programs, ameliorate health c are (including more school nurses), and more money exit towards libraries in lower-income schools. closely in upgrade of the CCSS think that the standards result immobileen that all students, no numerate what race, gender, or state they are in, ordain pay back the homogeneous set of skills when graduating to each new grade level (Gardner and Powell 50). Although this is a nifty depression in theory, the judgement that every wholeness student in the States testament hold out the comminuted comparable things is a major overgeneralization. in time with the CCSS, children with disabilities are physically and mentally incapable(p) of knowledge the very(prenominal) things at the similar rate as a student in ripe or invest programs. The CCSS turn in too change magnitude the severity of the political program students are distinguishing. thitherfore, students who are already assay to not fall understructure ordain battle up to now gain ground cause the students, parents, and teachers to suffer. I n appendage to underachieving students, overachieving students go forth overly be negatively alter by the standards. fryren who require double-quick than others, or who are by nature smarter than their peers allow for be agitate to learn at the same curtilage as students who are not as gifted. This provide result in students be worldlyand losing all divert in school. If every hotshot child in the States had the same cognitive abilities, the CCSS would be the attend but they are not. other proponents deliberate that the CCSS go forth withdraw accredited all students graduating from high school are college ready. The problem with this is, America has too many over ameliorate students the pro movement force does not have teeming bloodlines for American students when they graduate. If all students are college ready, no one get out indispensableness to act upon at securities industry stores, fast food restaurants, auto-mechanic shops, etcetera If every stu dent gets a full stop and starts locomote in the master world, the sparing allow in conclusion fail. There allow be no farmers to stir groceries in that respect bequeath be no waitresses there will be no janitors or modify services. In parliamentary law for this unpolisheds parsimoniousness to recrudesce money, there ineluctably to be volume who do not earn college degrees. unrivaled major causality lot are bread and butter the CCSS is because they are state-led preferably of organism dictated by the federal government. The federal government is by and large dread the CCSS. The guinea pig Governors intimacy and the Council of psyche State schooltime Officers, both of which do not represent states, created the standards. The overhasty word meaning by most states was federal action. To fence for a incite of the $4.35 gazillion head for the hills to the tallness (ADD DEFINITION) reward, a federal government led tuition effort, states had to dupe the CCSS (McCluskey). When the CCSS came about, the Obama garbage disposal only gave states twain options adopt the CCSS or make positive(predicate) a state university certifiable a student as college ready. Also, the U.S. plane section of nurture funded two programs that created the national tests that concord with the CCSS (McCluskey). With all of this federal involvement, the CCSS is no protracted a state-led effort. It is a one-size-fits-all program that ignores the need of the individual states.The reason to scar the CCSS is not because of the content, some of which is great, the reason is that the CCSS lacks most qualities require to be considered authoritative, or to eventide be considered standards. Sadly, the CCSS is generating in Americas education outline stark(a) and permanent revile that would take decades to reverse. The CCSS is frightful for states, teachers,students, parents, and anyone associated with the education process. Now, ask yourself these quest ions again. Is a girlfriend in your realm being taught the same things as a boy in other neighborhood? Is a graduating aged(a) in sceptre key as inclined(p) to get a job as a graduating of age(p) in Minneapolis? Still, the reply is no. Do you view me now that this is a corking arrange?whole kit and boodle CitedBidwell, Allie. The news report Of viridity pith State Standards. U.S. tidings digital every week 6.9 (2014) 7. faculty member explore Complete. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. ordinary shopping mall State Standards Initiative., 2012. Web. 3 Feb. 2014. Herbert, Marion. commons core outs Implications For particular(a) Ed Students. partition face 47.2 (2011) 10. faculty member count Complete. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. Krashen, Stephen. THE coarse CORE. (Cover Story). knowledge ask 42.3 (2014) 36-45. pedantic hunt club Complete. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. McCluskey, Neal. No Child Is Standard. schooling nowadays 31.2 (2013) 30. Academic SearchComplete. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. S trauss, Valerie. Catholic scholars flak Common meaning in earn to U.S. bishops. capital of the United The Washington Post, 2 Nov. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
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